Cougar Connection
Issue 4: November 22, 2024

Principal's Message
As we approach the Thanksgiving break, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support of our school community. Your partnership is invaluable as we work together to provide the best possible education for our children. This month has offered so much to be grateful for, but most of all I am grateful for the small moments with our remarkable middle schoolers that I get to be part of every day. It is a privilege to work alongside incredible teachers, and with families, that share a strong commitment to our work.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone at report cards conferences scheduled on December 3rd, 5th, and 6th. These are early release days for students (12:05), and all families should have scheduled a conference with their child's homeroom teachers to discuss current progress in all classes.
I wish each of you the best as you enjoy some time off together. Thank you!!
Check out some other highlights from this month:
- Fall athletics have wrapped up with some big wins for TEMS. Check out this month's athletics section for more information about the fall season and about the final deadline for winter sports registration.
- On November 8th we welcomed Veterans for panel presentations with grade 8 students. Social studies classrooms focused on Veterans Day activities throughout the week.
- On November 13th TEMS recognized World Kindness Day by sharing kindness to others. Many students worked on cards that were shared with the South Windsor Senior Center.
- TEMS debaters participated in the Connecticut Middle School Debate League’s first event of the year at the Smith Middle School in Glastonbury. Leading the way was the overall number 1 ranked Novice Team of Mysha Husain, Akshara Arun and Divina Doulagar, who won back to back matches in their debating debut. TEMS Debaters return to action on Saturday December 14th.
- The TEMS PTO raised over $25,000 in this year's Active-Thon. This money is used to support field trips, student activities, and classroom materials. The next PTO event is TONIGHT. I hope to see many of you at Music Bingo.
- The last session of our fall matinees are Monday, 11/25. A new brochure of matinee offerings this winter will be sent to families on December 6th with registration beginning December 9th.
Important Dates
TEMS Lost and Found
Our bin is overflowing with jackets, bags, and water bottles! Please help us connect these lost items to their rightful owners. The bin is located in the main foyer and students are encouraged to check there if they are missing anything. All items will be laid out during report card conferences. Items still left after conferences will be donated. Thank you!
Artificial Intelligence in Schools
Resource 1: What is ChatGPT?
Resource 2: What is AI?
UCONN Writing Project
Every year, UConn hosts a contest for writers in the state called the Connecticut Writing Project. Each year, TEMS students produce notable pieces that are featured as part of this contest. This year we are hoping to uphold that winning standard.
TEMS is happy to offer an opportunity for students to work on their writing in a structured setting with some guidance from teachers and peers for several sessions. We know that there are many students here that love to express themselves in writing, escape the realities of the world by creating their own, and pour their emotions into a free verse poem.
The meeting dates for each grade are included below. The club will run after school until 4:00 pm. All students should be picked up at that time.
8th graders
Mondays: December 9th, December 16th, January 6th, January 13th, January 27th, Feb 3rd
7th Graders
Thursdays: December 12th December 19th, January 2nd, January 9th, January 16th, January 23rd
6th Graders
Wednesdays: December 11th, December 18th, January 8th, January 15th, January 22nd, January 29th, Feb 5th
Students can CLICK HERE to learn more and sign up. Click the image below for more information about UCONN's CT Writing Project.
School Counseling Information
7th grade will be welcoming professionals from many field's during this year's career day scheduled for Tuesday, November 26th. Be sure to ask your child about their experience.
Check out this high school choice spotlight for 8th grade students and families- Great Path Academy will hold an additional Open House on December 10th, inviting current 8th-grade students and their families who are exploring high school options for the upcoming school year. This event provides a valuable opportunity to tour the school, meet with faculty, and learn more about the unique programs and resources available at Great Path Academy. Families can ask questions, engage in discussions with current students and staff, and gain insights into the academic and extracurricular offerings that make Great Path Academy a standout choice for high school education. The event is on 12/10 from 5-7pm.
TEMS Writing Center
We're excited to be bringing back the TEMS Writing Center. Students can come to our student run writing center for help with a research paper, essay, or any other writing assignment.
CLICK HERE to visit our website and schedule an appointment.
Building Resilience: Family Strategies Connected to the SWPS Portrait of the Graduate
A middle schooler’s world grows rapidly during these years. They have more interactions with peers and adults in a variety of situations: at home, at school, and in their after-school activities. Work with your child to build a strong support network. Help them connect with other students who share their interests and will support them socially.
Tips for this month:
- Practice helpful coping and de-escalation strategies- like coloring, go for a walk, or take a screen time break.
- Sleep is so important for adolescents. Encourage middle schoolers to get between 8 and 10 hours of sleep every night.
- Check in often- while your middle schooler might act as though they don’t need your help, they do! They still need help learning how to identify, express and cope with their feelings in healthy ways. Understanding how they feel gives kids a sense of control and helps them manage stress. Spend time together and learn about their interests.
South Windsor Youth and Family Services Newsletter
Click here to read the November newsletter from South Windsor Youth and Family Service. This includes information about registering for valuable family and parenting workshops offered by Peace at Home Parenting.
PTO Updates: Next VIRTUAL Meeting January 23rd at 6:30
The next meeting is scheduled for January 23rd at 6:30 and will be virtual. Go to the TEMS PTO Website to stay up to date on news and activities. Here is the link to join the meeting.
The PTO is looking for more volunteers to support the planning of Teacher Appreciation Week. Email teptopres@gmail.com for more information or to volunteer.
The PTO is also asking for student feedback about what types of engagement events they'd like to see planned. Click here to submit your response.
Key PTO Events:
- PTO Music Bingo November 22nd
- PTO Meeting January 23rd
Click here to register for PTO Music Bingo on November 22nd.
TEMS Athletics
Winter sports registration will closes this coming Monday, November 25th at 8am. Winter sports are basketball and cheerleading.
Registration Reminders: Please click on the Athletic Registration page for more information, but be sure to complete the following prior to the deadline:
- Register on Parent Portal.
- An updated physician statement dated after June 1st of 2024 and turned into the main office by the deadline. Athletes cannot tryout without this form on file in the nurses office.
- The Sports Participation Fee is to be submitted once it is confirmed that your child has made an athletic team's roster. Please DO NOT submit payment prior to tryouts. After teams are selected, you will be required to submit payment which is $100 per sport.
Tryout Information
- Girls Basketball tryouts will be held on Monday, November 25th from 2:45- 4:00; Monday, December 2nd from 2:45 - 4:00 and December 9th, if necessary again from 2:45 - 4:00. All paperwork must be completed prior to the tryouts dates. All tryouts will be in the main gym. Students should wear comfortable clothing and basketball shoes (or sneakers). All players must have a ride home at 4:00.
Boys Basketball tryouts will take place on November 26 and December 4 immediately after school until 4 pm. Please be sure to have all paperwork updated and in the office in order to participate in tryouts. Also be sure to have ride home for 4:00 or make arrangements for the late bus. More information can be found on the TE Athletics webpage.
Cheerleading tryouts will take place on December 2nd and December 4th. It is important for all students to attend on Monday to learn the tryout material in order to be eligible for the official tryout which is on December 9th. If any students have conflicts or concerns, please direct them to see Mrs. Edwards in room 302.
TEMS STEM Night- Requesting Volunteers
TEMS is planning a STEM Night being scheduled for March 14th. We are looking for community members that can share their passion with our students. If you are interested in volunteering please reach out to SWHS student Rithika Rajasekaran by emailing rithika.kirithika@gmail.com. You can talk about what you do, lead engaging demonstrations, answer questions from families. Thank you for considering!
TETV Morning News
Tech Tips- Chromebook Help
If a student device is not functioning correctly, please refer to the Troubleshooting Common Chromebook Issues Document.
If a student device is broken or not working correctly, please have the student visit the Chromebook Help desk at school in room 376. The updated hours for the help desk are 7:45am-12:00pm daily.
For additional resources, please visit the EdTech Resources for Students website.
South Windsor Teen Center
Tuesday's at the Teen Center are back! These are special hours just for Timothy Edwards Middle School students. If your child is looking for something fun to do and hang out with friends, the South Windsor Teen Center has got what they need. They even provide transportation if you need it. Students have to fill out this form to attend. Any questions please call the Teen Center at 860-648-6360. Hope to see your middle schooler here!