The VP Press
November 27, 2024
What's in this edition of the VP Press?
- Principal's Message
- VP Gives Thanks!
- Upcoming Events
- Important Information
1. Principal's Message
Dear VP Families,
As we approach the Thanksgiving break, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your support and involvement this year. Your partnership has made a significant difference in our students' learning experiences.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday filled with joy, relaxation, and cherished moments with family and friends. Safe travels if you're heading out, and we look forward to welcoming everyone back refreshed and ready for more learning!
Kind regards,
Sheri Prendergast, Ed.D.
2. VP Gives Thanks
Thank you to all who attending this wonderful event!
It was so nice to see all of the family that came to support our VP Gives Thanks day! We know this is a busy time of year so please know how meaningful it was to have all of you attend this special day. We wish everyone a restful Thanksgiving filled with lots of love.
3. Upcoming Events!
Important Report Card Information
The Parent Portal
The portal will re-open for viewing report cards after 10:30 am on Friday, December 16th 2024.
Please remember report cards are not printed and sent home, grades are available electronically on the Parent Portal. Once the portal is opened after 10:30 am on Friday, December 16th the portal offers two ways to view your child's report.
1 -You may open the file located on the left side of the screen labeled, "Report Cards."
2 - You may also access the grades by clicking on the "Standards Grades" tab on the screen when you first log on (this initial view is also the "Grades and Attendance" view). If you choose to access the grades this way, the academic key is not located on this screen. It is only available through the "Report Card" file view.
PLEASE NOTE: The academic key is different for grades kindergarten - 3rd grade and grades 4-5.
Academic Key:
Kindergarten - Grade 3
3 - Meets Grade Level Expectations
2- Progressing To Grade Level Expectations
1 - Needs More Time and Help
Grades 4 and 5
3- Exceeds Grade Level Expectations
2- Meets Grade Level Expectations
1- Needs More Time and Help
Trimester Grades:
To access your child’s grades on the Parent Portal please follow the steps listed below:
Go to the Ridgefield Public Schools website –
Click on the Parents and Students tab
Click on PowerSchool Portal Login to access the Parent Portal and enter your login credentials.
Parent Portal Accounts:
If you have already created a PowerSchool parent account, simply log in with the same username and password that you entered when you set up your account. If your login isn’t working, click on the link “Having trouble signing in?” to request a password/username reminder.
If you do NOT have a parent portal account please do the following:
If you DO have your Access ID Letter: Follow the steps above to get to the portal login screen, then click on the “Create Account” button and follow the directions to establish your account and link to your students.
If you DO NOT have your Access ID letter: please send an email to: requesting a parent portal account. Be sure to include your name, student name(s) and preferred email address.
Archived Report Cards (if available on the portal):
Click on ‘Document Archive’ from the navigation panel on the left
Then click on the year you wish to view/print (not available on the mobile app) . You will have the option to view/print the past two year’s report cards.
As a reminder Current year report cards (Trimester 1-Trimester 3) are viewed by clicking on ‘Report Cards’ link.
4. Important Information
The State Board of Education has defined two levels of criteria for an absence to be considered an excused absence.
“Level 1” includes the first nine absences and these days are considered excused absences for any reason that the student’s parent or guardian approves. The parent or guardian must submit either written or oral documentation within ten school days of the student’s return to school.
Excused “Level 2” absences are the days beginning at the tenth absence and meet one or more of the State’s acceptable reasons. For more information regarding the acceptable reasons, please visit the Connecticut State Department of Education Guidelines for Absences.
If your child reaches the thresholds below, you will receive a notification. The notifications will lag the actual absences. For example, your child may reach their 6th absence on a Wednesday and you may not be notified until the following Monday.
Typical attendance notification thresholds.
At 6 absences a notification is emailed.
At 9 absences a notification is emailed.
At 9 absences and 6 unexcused, a notification is emailed.
At 9 excused absences and 10 unexcused absences, a truancy notification is emailed.
24-25 RPS Student Handbook
Visiting Veterans Park
If you are coming to VP for a meeting or a classroom visit, the staff member organizing the visit/meeting will have you added to our VP Visitor’s Log.
If you wish to enter the school building for other reasons, you need to complete the Google Form via the VP Visitor Google Form in advance or scan a QR code when you arrive at the building.
Please be sure to have your driver’s license to be scanned once you are admitted to the building.
All visitors should enter through the main doors - never enter in from another aspect of the school.
We will have a table available at the main entrance for you to drop off any items for your child. We will provide post it notes and markers so that you can label the item with your child's name and teacher so that they will receive the item.
⚽️ 🎼 Essentials 🎨 📚
- Each K to 5 class will have a 45 minute essential per day (Art, Library, Music, or P.E.)
- Preschool will participate in a modified essential period
- We will continue to follow the six day A-F day schedule
- Please find the essentials rotation below
Cell Phones/Smartwatches/Personal Devices
Students with cell phones at the elementary level are not permitted to use them during the school day. If a parent makes the decision to permit their child to have a cell phone, smartwatch, or similar device at school, it is expected that the cell phone or smartwatch be turned off and in the child’s backpack at all times. This includes the duration of the bus ride.
Please note, we treat smartwatches (e.g. the Apple Watch, the Gizmo Watch, the Android Smart Watch) or other similar devices that provide a student with the ability to text, take photos, or make calls in the same way we treat a cell phone and they are subject to the same practice.
If a staff member sees a student with any of the above mentioned devices, the student will be asked to remove the device and store it in their backpack and their teacher will likely contact you about the concern.
VP Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
K - 5 Arrival and Dismissal
Preschool Arrival and Dismissal
School Dismissal Manager
We will continue to use School Dismissal Manager this year at Veterans Park. Please click below for information regarding this system. This system will be available to families in late August. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us!
School Lunch 🥪
School lunch will be available from the first day of school. Aramark is the District-wide food service provider. The school lunch menu is available online on the RPS website; click Departments and click on Food Service. For all students, utilize MySchoolBucks for families to fund student lunches.
MySchoolBucks is available via the PowerSchool Parent Portal, and communication was sent to families in early August regarding adding funds for lunch. Any balances have been rolled over from LunchTime to MySchoolBucks. Additionally, the district sent a communication in early August regarding Reduced Lunch for eligible students.
Snacks for Purchase in the Cafeteria:
Students in grades 2-5 are permitted to purchase snacks during lunch (last 10 minutes). Please be sure you have set up MySchoolBucks if you would like your student to be able to purchase a snack.
- In short, students eligible for reduced lunch will be provided free lunches in grades K-8 for the 2024-25 school year.
- Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the Free School Meals for Children grant, please do not hesitate to contact us or the District Business Office.
- Questions in regard to school MySchoolBucks can be directed to Andrea McCurry, RPS Food Service Director at 203-894-5550 x2143 or
Website to set up an account.
Some Support Links for Troubleshooting:
Updating Your Payment Method | MySchoolBucks
Setting up Automatic Payments | MySchoolBucks
Adding a New Student | MySchoolBucks
Setting Up Low Balance Alerts | MySchoolBucks
Playdates and Riding the Bus:
We know how fun it is for our students to get together after school and enjoy time together! Due to safety and limited space on the buses, we are asking that students have no more than 2 guest riders with them at a time. Anytime there is a need for more than 2 additional students to ride, families will need to make arrangements for parent pick up that day. Thank you for understanding!
Hats & Hoodies:
Over the last several years there was no standard hat/hood procedure in the elementary schools, likely related to Covid, when classroom windows were kept open for air circulation and there was the potential for it to be cold in classrooms.
As we have started the 24-25 school year with a typical school opening, we will return to only permitting hats to be worn outside the school building. Students may choose to wear a hat, but will be reminded to remove it upon entering the school building. Students will be permitted to wear hats for outdoor recess. Teachers have discussed this with students and I will remind our school community during the morning announcements on Tuesday.
On special occasions/spirit days, hats may be permitted and this will be communicated to students and families.
Ridgefield Public Schools Digital Packpack
RPS distribution flyers for outside groups via a Digital Backpack.
Organizations that meet the RPS policy may submit their request for inclusion in the digital backpack. Please help us in our effort to go green by checking students' Digital Backpacks Organizations that meet the RPS policy may submit their request for inclusion to Thank you!
About Us
Location: Veterans Park Elementary School
Phone: 203-894-5525