Evergreen Middle School
January 24, 2025
Message from Principal Collins
Hello Evergreen Families,
We are close to completing the first semester of the school year 2024-25. Report cards will be coming home by February 13th. We have finished another sports season. We are proud of all of our athletes and coaches. We celebrated the end of the semester by having spirit and a pep assembly. Evergreen has SPIRIT!!! Our Girl's Basketball team made history by winning the district championship four (4) years in a row. Way to go Lady Grizzlies! We will begin our next sports season on February 4th .
The second semester is a time of fresh beginnings, renewed focus, and continued growth for our students. I am eager to work collaboratively with each of you to support your children in their academic, social/emotional, and developmental journey through middle school.
Our collective goal is to create an environment that fosters the holistic development of every student. Academic achievement is just one aspect of this growth, and we understand the importance of addressing our students' social, emotional, and developmental needs as well. By working together, we can ensure that your child receives comprehensive support that extends beyond the classroom.
Building positive relationships between our staff and parents is paramount to creating a positive school culture. We value the partnership between home and school, recognizing that a strong collaboration enhances the overall educational experience for our students. Open lines of communication enable us to better understand your child's individual needs, strengths, and areas for growth. Together, we can create a supportive network that promotes a positive and inclusive learning environment. I encourage you to actively engage with your child's education by attending and participating in school events, and communicating with teachers and staff as the needs arise.
Your involvement is invaluable in shaping the educational journey of your child and contributes significantly to our shared goal of providing a well-rounded and enriching middle school experience.
Simple activities can reinforce your child’s academic skills. Learning doesn’t happen only during school. You can reinforce your middle schooler’s academic skills any time! Here’s how:
• Have conversations with your child about everything. Ask what your child thinks about certain topics—and listen to the answers.
• Ask about what your middle schooler is learning in classes. What does your child find most interesting in each class?
• Ask your child to explain a new concept or idea to you. When students retell the things they learn, they reinforce those things in their own minds.
• Help your child engage in analytical thinking. Discuss the similarities and differences between classes. • Give your child meaningful responsibilities. If you have a pet, ask your child to help with its care. Demonstrate how to prepare simple meals, do laundry, and other chores to help the family.
• Respect your child’s ability. Let your child use newly acquired knowledge and skills to help you. The next time your phone starts giving you trouble, see if your child can figure out a solution.
• Expose your child to new things. Every meaningful experience your child has—from a walk around the neighborhood to a trip to a store— has an impact on learning. On your next outing, ask how what your child sees relates to what they are learning in school
Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to working closely with each of you throughout the second semester. Here's to a semester filled with growth, learning, and positive collaboration, and together let’s make 2025 amazing!
Thank you for being a part of the Grizzly family.
In Partnership,
Mrs. Collins
Principal Evergreen Middle School
253 945 5100
Congrats Girls Basketball 4x District Champions!
Dress Code Reminder
This is a reminder to not wear the following to school:
*No stuffed animals (stuffies)
*No pillows
If your child needs a warm jacket, please contact their school counselor.
**Exceptions will be during a designated Spirit Week day.
Season 3 Sports Season Starts Feb. 4th- Gymnastics, Boys Basketball & Soccer
Student athletes entering grades 6-12 are required to register using the online system provided by FinalForms. (https://federalway-wa.finalforms.com/) This includes participation in any sport, including conditioning, tryouts, and practices. In addition to completing the forms listed below, students must also purchase an ASB (Associated Student Body) card in order to participate in school athletics.
ASB Prices:
- Middle School: $15
- High School: $35
ASB fees can be waived or reduced for families who qualify for free and reduced status by completing the Child Nutrition Eligibility and Education Benefit (CNEEB) Application. For more information about the CNEEB Application, please visit the FWPS Nutrition Services CNEEB page.
Access the FWPS Payment Portal to purchase your ASB card here.
Required Forms:
- Eligibility Form
- Athletic Participation Form
- Medical Emergency Authorization Form
- Medical History Form - English | Spanish
- Medical Eligibility Form
- Physical Examination Form
- Physicals are valid for two years and the original copy must be on file with the Athletic Office.
Learn about summer programs and resources at Family Academy on February 6
Summer will be here quicker than you think! Save the date to attend the next Family Academy event, Summer Connections: Maximizing Scholar Engagement and Learning, on Thursday, February 6, from 6-7:30 pm, at Wildwood Elementary and Zoom. Attend workshops and visit our resource fair to get community-based and school summer programming and resources to help you support your child during the summer. Dinner, childcare for children 5 and older, and interpreter services are provided in person!
Learn more and register at www.fwps.org/SummerConnections.
Reminder: if your student would like to watch a sporting event after school, they must have good attendance & good grades to attend. They must also leave campus after school and return no earlier than 10 minutes before the event starts. Games start @ 3:50pm
Evergreen Middle School
Neon Glow Dance
Friday, January 31st from 2:30pm-4pm
**you must leave school at dismissal (1:15) and return no earlier than 2:30pm**
Cost is $3 with an ASB card or $5 without an ASB card
All tickets come with a glow stick
Wearing bright colors or white will pop with the UV lights
Come for the ....
Bring money for pizza, drinks, and snacks
Use the QR code in the attached flyer to submit song requests. Must be logged into your P12 account first.
Attend High School Planning Nights between Feb. 4-12
Evergreen Grizzly eighth-grade families,
High School Planning Nights are coming up soon in February. By now, you should have received a special invite from high school principals inviting you to attend their High School Planning Night event the week of February 4-12. I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to learn about the various courses, clubs, and programs offered at the school.
This event will help eighth-grade scholars successfully navigate the transition to high school and ensure your child is ready to achieve success in high school and better prepare for college and career. Students and families can speak to current high school scholars and teachers to gain a better understanding of the high school experience.
While most Evergreen eighth-grade scholars will attend Thomas Jefferson High School, you are also welcome to explore other high schools in our district. Note: To attend a high school outside of your attendance area, you must apply for the Choice Enrollment.
Please plan to attend at least one High School Planning Night event to help your scholar prepare for high school.
To learn more, contact our school or visit www.fwps.org/HSPlanningNight.
Build 2 Lead after-school program will resume, Monday, January 27th
- Wrestling: Evergreen @ Kilo
- Girls Basketball Banquet after school
- Popcorn Wednesdays- $1 a bag...yummy!
- Early Release- school out at 1:15pm
- School Dance- Neon Glow from 2:30 - 4pm.
- Tickets are $3 with ASB card or $5 without ASB
- Semester Ends- No School for Semester Break on Monday, Feb. 3rd. Reports cards go out Feb. 13th.
- No School for Semester Break
- Season 3 Sports Start- gymnastics, boys basketball & co-ed soccer
- High School Planning Night- Todd Beamer HS @ 5:30-6:30 p.m.
- Popcorn Wednesdays- $1 a bag...yummy!
- High School Planning Night- Federal Way HS @ 5:30-6:30 p.m.
- Early Release- school out at 1:15pm