Spartan Pride

OCTOBER 3, 2024
- OCT 4 Spartan Football Pink Out Game, 6pm
- OCT 14 School Closed for Students, Parent Conference Day
- OCT 16 ESOL Community Night, John Hanson MS, 5:30-8:00pm
- OCT 17 Pre-Season Winter Sports Parent & Athlete Information Night, 6-8pm Auditorium
- OCT 18 Homecoming Game, 6pm
- OCT 19 Homecoming Dance
- OCT 21 College Application Night
- OCT 23 Night of the Arts, 6:30pm, auditorium
- OCT 29 Hallow Spartanween, 5:30pm, Cafeteria
- OCT 30 Financial Aid Information Night, 6-8pm, Auditorium
- OCT 31 Two-Hour Early Dismissal for Students, Second Marking Period Begins
AP Celebration
"The 2nd Annual AP Celebration, an event for students who passed one or more AP exams in the spring, took place on 9/26. Students were invited to come down for a celebratory lunch with their peers and some of their teachers. Way to go, scholars!"
Congratulations All County Honor's Chorus!
Charles County All County Chorus is an honors choir that is made up of honors level singers from all seven Charles County High Schools. The students are given a song to sing and submit as a video audition. The audition is scored by Charles County high school choir teacher. The students with the top scores are selected to participate in four rehearsals and perform in an ultimate concert conducted by Dr. Ryan Beeken, choral professor at Wichita State University School of Music. The concert will be held Thursday October 17th at 6:30pm at Westlake High School.
Congratulations to the following students who were selected for this year's All County Honor's Chorus: Zaria Bell, Brookelynn Black, A.J. Carter, Amaya Cummings, Christiana Cunningham, Kari Ferguson, Laila Franklin, Nia (Kori) Jarvis, Vulyn Kpaan, Jaelyn Lemus, Brittney Lewis, Christian Mayo, Madisyn Melvin, Kaylin Miller, Ahmir Nelson, Rachael Olorunfemi, Khairi Smith, Kennedie Steadman, Charlize Thomas, Elias Thompson, Edenilson Velasquez, Kamryn Williams, Maiya Woolard, and Brenden Wrenn.
School starts at 7:25am, at which time students must be physically present in their classes or be marked absent/tardy. Absences also affect eligibility in competitive sports. When your child is absent/tardy please email your note to SCHSAttendance@ccboe.com
Early Dismissal must take place no later than 1:45pm to ensure minimum disruption to our regular dismissal. If a birth parent or legal guardian (appointed by the courts) is sending someone to pick up his/her child early from school for any reason, he/she must send a written note/email indicating who will be picking up the student and giving consent. Upon receiving the note from the birth parent or legal guardian, the school will then verify its authenticity and check ID of the adult who signs the student out of the building; see the St Charles High School Student Handbook.
Homecoming Information
- Tickets are on sale through October 10th. Tickets are $25 and will be sold each day during lunch. Cash, credit, or checks will be accepted. Checks should be made out to St. Charles High School and should include students full legal name and student ID number.
- Seniors with ½ day schedules can purchase their tickets on B-Days at the beginning of 3rd block in the cafeteria. Students who attend Virtual Academy OR Early College at CSM can purchase their tickets during 4th block until October 10th.
Hallow Spartanween
Join us for our 9th year of Hallow Spartanween on October 29th. Presented by the students of SCHS, this fun trick or treating event will have games, activities and other adventures for our youngest members of our Spartan Nation (ages 13 and under). We are hosting a canned food drive and ask each visitor to bring donations of non-perishable food items to help our Spartan Community. Donations of unopened/prepackaged candy will be collected in our main office through October 25th. Thank you for your support.
Join us at our ESOL/ELD Fall Community Night will be held on Wednesday, October 16, from 5:30-8pm at John Hanson Middle School.
What's Happening
Family and Consumer Science
Family and Consumer Science classes are off to a great start this school year. We have fashion classes learning the importance of why we wear clothes, how to effectively make smart clothing decisions, and how to determine their personal clothing style. These students are eager to start learning how to hand sew next month. Fashion Design classes created outfits for Pink Out/On Wednesdays We Wear Pink. Our food and nutrition classes are learning the basics of food safety, and kitchen sanitation to prepare for their first time cooking in the lab. Everyone is looking forward to the cheddar biscuits. Intercultural foods just made their delicious apple pie taquitos. Pro Start has been practicing making cupcakes for HalloSpartanWeen. The Teacher Academy of Maryland students have been practicing their lesson plan writing skills and preparing for their internships.
Students in Mr. Clark's Fashion Merchandising classes are busy designing their "mock fashion brand" name logo. Their company logo will be incorporated into products they will further develop throughout the quarter.
Emergency Contact: Listing an emergency contact does not allow the individual to pick up a student at any given time in a non-emergency situation without prior written authorization from the birth parent/legal guardian (per the Charles County Public Schools Handbook: Emergency Card (2024-2025) Maria V. Navarro, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools).
- Deliveries for students are prohibited. Per the county's parent handbook, students are not allowed to receive outside food deliveries. Deliveries from Grub Hub, Door Dash, Uber Eats, Food Scooter, etc. Food deliveries of any kind will be turned away by our main office staff. Deliveries of balloons, cakes, flowers, etc. for students will be stored in the main office until dismissal.
CCPS meals prepayment system moves to MySchoolBucks
Benefits from last school year ends Oct. 8. Parents of all students, whether your child may or may not qualify, or they attend a school that provides free meals through other programs, should complete an application as other benefits may be available.
Free Breakfast is available for all students each school day from 7:10-7:35 am. Use the My School Bucks link to add funds to your child's lunch account.
Ice Cream is on sale each Wednesday during all lunch shifts.
Counselor Appointments
Appointments to see your counselor can be made via QR Code located in the counseling suite. Students are assigned to counselors according to their last name.
- A-C Mr. Franklyn
- D-H Ms. Prince
- I-M Ms. Wait-Sanders
- N-S Mr. Fisher
- T-Z Ms. McMillan
Who am I?
Have you returned home and found a yellow placard left on your front door and wondered who was there? Well, guess no more, our Pupil Personnel Worker (PPW), Donna Robinson paid you a home visit. She is the bridge between home and school, and monitors school attendance. If your phone numbers have changed or emails are bouncing back, she will seek to locate you. She assists with registrations or withdrawals, and/or delivering school paperwork, etc., She will do everything to get in contact with you, which may involve "home visits." Therefore, please keep your phone numbers up to date, answer school emails, and keep in touch with your child's teachers.
The College & Career Center provides students the opportunity to research information about
careers, colleges, universities, technical/trade/career schools, apprenticeship programs,
military service, financial aid, scholarships, volunteer opportunities, and job opportunities.
For additional information click here or stop by and speak with Mrs. Battle-Lochart, College and Career Advisor.
Each year the ACAC encourages community members and schools to share their why they applied for college to encourage students that college is a great pathway to choose. This year we celebrated on September 20th on a national level where we had previous graduates tell their stories on social media. We had staff and students wear college gear, share their stories and post outside of their offices. During lunch time we had students share why they were thinking about applying to college. We received some great feedback. #WhyApply Day 2024
Fall Chess Tournament
The CCPS Fall Chess Tournament will be held on Saturday, October 12th. Participants must register online by Wednesday, October 9th: https://ccpsregistration.wufoo.com/forms/2024-ccps-fall-chess-tournament/
Class of 2025
Senior Dues - Seniors Dues will soon be announced. Payments can be paid in installments or in full by cash or check to our main office staff. Make checks payable to St. Charles High School.
Senior Advisors - Mrs. N.E. Moore and Ms. Ressler
Spectator Reminders:
- Please make sure you have your student ID or your StudentVue on your phone to verify you attend St. Charles High School. Any student who does not attend St. Charles or the opposing team will need to be accompanied by an adult 21yrs or older.
- No backpacks, large purses, or outside food will be allowed in the stadium.
- No 4th quarter entry for spectators.
- if you leave the stadium you must repay to reenter.
- Concession stand food can be purchased with cash, a debit/credit card, or Apple/Google Pay.
kprather@ccboe.com Football
Lpeningtion@ccboe.com Girls Soccer
coachburnett.spartans@gmail.com Boys Soccer
kschubbe@ccboe.com Cross Country/ Track
jljacks84@gmail.com Volleyball
coachbrandicheer2@yahoo.com Cheer
dcsmith@ccboe.com Girls Basketball
chcjohnson@ccboe.com Softball
darrylprue@hotmail.com Boys Basketball
asonon@ccboe.com Tennis
ammarshall@ccboe.com Girls Lacrosse
tstone@ccboe.com Golf and Swimming
taylorrenstone@gmail.com Wrestling
- Networking: Get connected with parents, teachers, students and community members to be an advocate for your scholar.
- Stay in the Know: Stay up to date on the latest news, events and activities for your scholar's grade level and beyond.
- Get involved: Look for ways to get involved, boost participation and build positive synergy around St Charles High School!
Click here to complete a parent interest form. If you have questions or need more information, please contact us at PTSO.SCHS@gmail.com.
Karla Salmon, President
Stacy Gatling, Vice President
Jessica Anderson, Treasurer
The Athletic Shop - T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Polos, Jackets, Shorts and Pants, Headwear, and accessories. This store is a fundraiser for the school. The items will ship as soon as you place your order. Orders take two weeks to arrive. Click here to order.
James E. Richmond Science Center
The James E. Richmond Science Center is open to the public on Wednesday and Thursday nights and select Saturdays. Visit their website at James E. Richmond Science Center (ccboe.com)
All Fulldome Shows include a fulldome movie and a short seasonal planetarium presentation.
Guests are invited to experience our interactive exhibits, NOAA Science On a Sphere, and More!
Doors open approximately 30 minutes before first show. Click here for Dome Showings.