Falcon Flyer for Families!
August 12, 2024
Hello families!
Thank you so much for your patience as we navigated the first few days of school. We greatly appreciate you, and we enjoyed seeing all of our kids as they walked through the halls.
Thursday and Friday were exciting days with fresh faces and high expectations! Our teachers, faculty and staff enjoyed learning about your child's hopes and dreams for the new year! One strategy we will be working on this year in Enrichment will be goal-setting; students will set both academic growth goals and personal goals following our first MAP assessment. In September, begin asking your student, "What are your goals for this year?" and "What strategies are you using to meet your goals?" These are perfect conversation starters that will help your student stay academically focused.
We will transition to targeted Enrichment in September, as well. Students will be grouped according to academic needs derived from MAP scores, and teachers will work on building student skills throughout the semester. Specifically, Fall semester will be focused on reading and literacy.
We thank you for all of your support this year, and we look forward to watching your student SOAR!
Dr. Persinski
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Ms. Dreier-Certified Schoolyard Habitat
Sullivan Middle School Memorial Garden has been named an official Certified Schoolyard Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation!
Ms. Ross
Ms. Ross worked with her 6th grade students this week on figuring out their lockers.
Friday Smiles!
Dr. Persinski and Kyrin Scott are all smiles on Friday!
Transportation Information
Similar to elementary school, homeroom teachers keep a record of how students arrive and depart school each day. We have three modes of transportation that we follow, and we want to make sure that students are leaving school in an appropriate and safe manner. If there needs to be a change in transportation, please notify your administrator and homeroom teacher ahead of time.
- The first mode is bus transportation. Please make sure that you know what bus your students rides each day. Families must register through Parent Portal Forms for bus transportation. Rock Hill Schools uses the My Ride app. Everything transportation related can be found at the following link: https://www.rock-hill.k12.sc.us/Domain/303
- The second mode of transportation is car-rider. If your student is a car rider, please make sure your placard is in the front windshield. We will call your student and have him/her meet at the car. This process is fairly quick once everyone becomes accostomed to the procedure. We have asked all Sullivan teachers this year to park in our Faculty Lot to ease congestion and allow for more visibility in the parking lot. For safety, please do not pick your car rider up in another location, such as at Cherry Park Elementary, along Caswell, or Planet Fitness as those areas are not supervised.
- The third mode of transportation is "walker." If your student must walk home, they are escorted across Cherry Road or down to Eden Terrace.
Thank you for helping us ensure that the travel to and from school is a safe one!
Open House!
Open House is Thursday, August 15 from 6:00-7:15. Come meet our amazing teachers and learn about Sullivan Middle!
PTO will be there selling crewneck sweatshirts! Find out how you can join.
We look forward to greeting you!
Falcon t-shirts that were ordered should be delivered to your student by the end of next week! We should have some extras if you didn't purchase right away.
Crew Neck Sweatshirts
Artistic Changes!
Parents, I know you are going to be excited about some artistic changes that are being made around the school! Thanks to Ms. Brackett and Grandjean for the work they are putting in on our walls to make Sullivan a more colorful and spirited place!
The Dean's Nest
Greetings! I am elated to serve as the Sullivan IB Middle School Dean of Student Leadership. What is a Dean of Student Leadership? A dean functions as a support for students and teachers both academically, socially, and behaviorally as it relates to student achievement inside and outside the classroom. As a Dean of Student Leadership (DoSL), I am honored to positively nurture the school’s culture and climate! Look to this section for study tips, resources for learners and their families, and for information that will put your student on the path to success.
To learn more about me, please visit my slideshow. I look forward to communicating with many of you in the coming months and years. Please share your ideas to foster student leadership at Sullivan at my email cdawson@rhmail.org. We are listening! I am looking forward to a dynamic year where you will SOAR to higher heights at Sullivan IB Middle School.
Yours in Community,
Mrs. Carlo L. Dawson
Sports and Activities
Football and Volleyball
A note from Coach H--
Football will have a parent meeting after practice Wednesday, August 14, in the gym at 5:45. This is required for both players and parents!
Questions? Please contact Coach H at Ehuechtker@rhmail.
8th grade DC Trip
Eighth grade will travel to Washington, DC for the grade level field trip in Spring 2025! For more information, click HERE and reach out to Coach E at CEspich@rhmail.org today.
BIMAS Mental Health Screening--Upcoming
From Ms. Heyward
SIC/PTO Meeting
SIC and PTO Meetings 2024-2025
The next SIC meeting will be held Tuesday, August 20 at 5:30 in the Media Center!
PTO-The next PTO meeting will be held September 17, following the September SIC meeting. If you would like to assist PTO, please reach out to one of the officers.
President: Erica Smith
Vice President: Ashley Lang
Secretary: Melissa Maynard
Treasurer: Amanda Winters
Spirit Night at Penn Station!
Penn Station donates 10% of all sales between 4-8pm (no receipts necessary), and includes dine-in, take-out, and delivery orders (DoorDash and GrubHub).
Save the Dates!
Thursday, September 5
Thursday, October 3
Thursday, November 7
Thursday, December 5
*Thursday, January 9 (2nd Thursday)
Thursday, February 6
Thursday, March 6
Thursday, April 3
Thursday, May 1
Parent Portal
Parent Portal
Please register for Parent Portal. This hub includes our Transportation Forms, Technology Agreement forms. surveys, and updated attendance and grades.
Parent Portal access is available on the PowerSchool website: https://rock-hill.powerschool.com/public
For PowerSchool questions, email askpowerschool@rhmail.org
Electronic Devices
All middle school students in Rock Hill School District 3 will keep laptops at school again this year.
Should a situation arise in which a student needs to take the device home, parents/guardians can fill out this form electronically, or they can request a copy of the form from the front office.
Rock Hill School Board Policy JICJ
Please note, accoridng to the Rock Hill School Board policy JICJ, "establish[es] the basic rules for the board’s permission of personal electronic devices or district-owned devices on school grounds, in the school buildings, on buses, or during any other time they are under the direct administrative jurisdiction of the school, whether on or off the school grounds." This inludes any device that can communicate a message, and they should be turned off and kept in lockers or backpacks. Consequences depend on the severity of the electronic misconduct and can be found in policy JICJ-R.
Sullivan Administration!
Mr. Beau Modla, 6th grade AP
Mr. Brian Hollingsworth, 7th grade AP
Mrs. Gwen Lindsey, 8th grade AP
Upcoming Events and Calendar
August 15: Open House 6:00-7:15 pm
August 20: SIC Meeting-5:30 Media Center
August 23: Kona Ice at Lunch!
August 27: MAP testing ELA
August 29: MAP testing Math
August 30: Early Release @ 11:45
September 2: Labor Day Holiday
September 5: Penn Station Spirit Night
Family Academic & Community Nights at SMS 2024-2025
Through the 24-25 school year, SMS will host family academic & community nights. Study tips, IB and World Language information, adolescent social-emotional support, and other safety information will be shared! Save the dates!
October 17
January 23
March 27 *Also IB Showcase Night!
Here is a link to our calendar of activities for 2024-2025. *This does not include athletics or clubs.
Previous Newsletters for 24-25
August 5, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/29zbu-falcon-flyer-for-families
July 22, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/6vpyk-falcon-flyer-for-families
July 12, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/qjr5b-falcon-flyer-for-families
Summer 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/c67gt-falcon-flyer
1825 Eden Terrace
Rock Hill, SC 29730