The Lions' Roar Newsletter
December 2023 Parent Newsletter-Volume 14, Issue 5
Teacher of the Year
Mrs. Rohlf has dedicated her career to becoming an advocate for special education (SPED) students. Her willingness and gentle spirit encompass what a Speech Language Pathologist should be. She is loved by all her students and her calm energy is so inviting to them. She is not only an amazing teacher, but she is a leader by nature by showing her team and peers what is looks like to truly educate and love students.
Mrs. Rohlf is patient, empathetic, professional and hardworking. She has dedicated the last 14 years to servicing the communication needs of students at LVE and many years in other districts before that. Kit sees students for who they are, meets them where they're at and works tirelessly to see that they make progress. Kit has helped lead the SPED department for the last year and a half and does it with grace and understanding. Kit treats everyone with dignity and respect and always assumes positive intent from others. Congratulations to Mrs. Rohlf!
Winter Parties Information
Our Winter Class Parties will take place on Thursday, December 21, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Parent volunteers who are assisting with setup and/or planning parties may enter the building at 9:30 a.m. All parent visitors will need to be screened in order to enter the building. We will be offering a preregistration form for parents to complete before the parties. We ask that you complete the form by Friday, December 16. Click here- K-2 parents and 3-5 parents. Parents who have multiple children can complete the form for their oldest child.
We will utilize the playground parking lot for overflow parking, as we did for the Fall Parties. We ask that anyone who is joining us for parties leave campus promptly once parties end so as to clear the parking lot and playground quickly. This allows us to resume recesses in a timely manner.
We also ask that if you are bringing food snacks or items to pass out, please keep in mind that many students in our building have a variety of food-based allergies.
If you elect to bring your child home after the party, you may do so. Please sign them out with your child's teacher. We are required to calculate attendance accurately please note, this will count against their attendance total for the year.
We look forward to a great event!
iReady Family Report
We are so excited about one of iReady’s newest features! New this Fall, the For Families Report is now available on the Student Dashboard! We have activated this feature for all families. Not only do you have access to the report, you have access to a multitude of information and resources related to the iReady diagnostic and personalized learning available to your student.
We have created an in depth guide to the Families Report to help you navigate what it means for your student and what you can expect from us as partners in your student’s education.
Kindergarten Screening and Registration Information
- Dates have been set for the Wentzville School District’s kindergarten registration and screening event for the 2024-2025 school year. This event is for all children who will turn 5 before Aug. 1, 2024.
- If your child has completed his/her developmental screening, you just need to complete the registration process on the day your elementary school is scheduled. You do not need an appointment. If your child has not completed a developmental screening, please use this screening form to sign up for a screening time or click the link below. You will complete the registration process while your child is being screened.
- When scheduling a screening appointment, please select that it is a kindergarten screening and then choose your child’s elementary building. From there you will be able to see the available times. Screening appointments are filled on a first come, first served basis. Please be sure to check your address with our most current boundary data so that you are registering your child for the correct elementary school.
- Registrations and screenings will take place at Berrey-Place Center on the following days from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 3:15 p.m.-7:30 p.m. The Berrey-Place Center is located at One Campus Drive, Wentzville, MO 63385. Should you have any questions, you can contact our office at (636) 332-3751, option 3.
Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024 Wabash
Thursday, Jan. 18, 2024 Boone Trail
Monday, Jan. 22, 2024 Stone Creek
Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024 Crossroads
Monday, Jan. 29, 2024 Prairie View
Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024 Discovery Ridge
Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024 Peine Ridge
Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024 Green Tree
Monday, Feb. 12, 2024 Lakeview
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024 Heritage
Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024 Journey
Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024 Duello
Inclement Weather Preparation
The weather is getting colder, and we want to help you be prepared! Timely communication with our families is always a priority, but especially important in inclement weather/emergency school closing situations. Please notify your school office about any change in your personal contact information, so we have your current information on file. Visit the WSD website for information on District practices during inclement weather/school closings.
Kindergarten Registration
All children who will turn five before Aug. 1, 2024, are eligible to attend kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year. View registration event dates, starting as early as Jan. 11, and get more information here.
St. Charles County Library Partnership
St. Charles County public school district students have automatic access to library materials and online resources through the St. Charles County Library. This year, our families were provided the opportunity to opt out of this automatic access when completing annual forms at the beginning of the year. If desired, parents may opt out by working with their school librarian mid-year.
Counselor Corner
Hello! During the month of December we will be busy learning about honesty- what it means and why it is important! Below are several ways you can help your child continue to learn about honesty through reading about it, talking about it, and practicing it!
Read About It!
Here are some books to help your child learn more about honesty:
Edward Fudwumper Fibbed Big by Berkeley Breathead
•Sam Tells Stories by Thierry Robberecht
•Liar, Liar Pants on Fire by Diane de Groat
Practice It!
Help your child learn the difference between a truth and a lie with this simple game. You and your child take turns saying statements and the other person has to decide if it is a truth or a lie. This is an easy game to play in the car or while you are waiting!
Talk About It!
Here are some discussion points to help you talk about honesty with your child:
-Has anyone ever been dishonest to you before? How did you feel?
-What do you think honesty means and why is it important?
-Tell me about a time when it was hard to be honest.
-What makes it hard to be honest?
-How will others view you if you are honest? How will others view you if you are dishonest?
-Mrs. Davenport, Mrs. Erbs, & Mrs. Tallin
Wear It Wednesday
Wear it Wednesday!
Every Wednesday at Lakeview is a House Spirit Day, which we call WEAR IT WEDNESDAY! If your child wears a shirt reflecting their house color, they get one house point. We recognize not all families or students have official house shirts, and we want to recognize students who rock their house colors. As a reminder the colors are:
Altruismo - Black
Amistad - Red
Isibindi - Green
Reveur - Blue
If your child comes to school in a house shirt OR wearing a shirt of their color, they earn a point for their house.
Grade Level Lunch Times
2023-2024 PTO Information
Vice-President: Erin Yeargin
Treasurer: Crystal Parrish
Secretary: Natalie Hong
Teacher Representative: Katie Turntine
Events Co-Chairs: Stacey Vernon & Bayleigh Kelly
Fundraising Chair: Melinda Maddock
Spirit Wear Chair: Lyndsay Menz
Volunteer Co-Chairs: Julie Conrad & Luci Hinjosa
2023-2024 PTO Meeting Dates:
November 9
February 8
April 11
May 2
*All meetings will be held in the library beginning at 4:45 p.m.
PTO Events
Breakfast with Santa- Saturday, December 9, beginning at 9 a.m.
BINGO Night- Friday, March 15, from 6-7:30 p.m.
Reporting An Absence
Late Arrivals
Dismissal Changes
Important Dates in December
Thursday, Dec. 7- 1st Grade Winter Concert @ 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 9- Breakfast w/ Santa @ 9:00 a.m.
Monday, Dec. 11- Two-Hour Late Start
Thursday, Dec. 14- Board of Education meeting | Holt HS Auditorium
Thursday, Dec. 21- End of the 2nd Quarter, Early Release, and Winter Parties (10 a.m.-11 a.m.)
Friday, Dec. 22- Wednesday, Jan. 3- Winter Break
Thursday, Jan. 4- School Resumes
Lakeview Elementary School
Assistant Principal, Mrs. Lauren Keebey
Location: 2501 Mexico Road, Wentzville, MO 63385, United States
Phone: 636-332-2923
Twitter: @LVEPrincipal