What's Up Westside
May 3, 2024
- May 3: Naramore Art Show Celebration and Teen Night Out (6–10pm, SAM)
- May 4: Deadline to RSVP for WSHS Night at the Sounders (Tickets)
- May 4: "A Night in Greece" Spring Dance (8–11, WSHS Commons)
- May 6: Golden Apple and Golden Acorn Nominations Due (Submit Nomination)
- May 6–10: Staff Appreciation Week (Volunteer)
- May 6–17: AP Exams
- May 7: Food Drive (4–5:30pm, WSHS Historical Entrance)
- May 7: PTSA First Tuesdays Parent Social (Larry's Tavern)
- May 8: SPS School Board Meeting (4:15–8:30pm, JSCEE)
- May 10: WSHS Scholarship Applications Due
- May 10: Deadline to Claim Lost and Found Items
- May 19: West Seattle 5K (Alki Beach, Register / Volunteer)
From the Desk of Principal Vance
Wildcat Families: We are moving into the homestretch. This means a very busy few weeks for our staff and students. AP testing starts up next week and will run for two weeks. Our seniors will be finishing up their final pieces for graduation, including some final parts to their High School and Beyond Plan. This was reviewed in Homeroom this week, so please double check if you have a 12th grade student that they have completed what they need to do. At the end of May, students will be sitting for the Math and Science testing. So, a lot going on in the academic side of things right now.
As we are all aware, there is also a lot going on in our world that we are all trying to sort out and understand. As events in the middle east between the State of Israel and Gaza continue to be unresolved, I am not sure how to unpack all of this and put it back together right now. However, I do know that we can all be our best self in supporting each other towards a better, more tolerant, inclusive and understanding community. And in the spirit of supporting a more tolerant and inclusive community, I want to make sure to highlight that May is Asian American, Pacific Islander Heritage month. Take some time to recognize, celebrate and learn about local AAPI communities and the positive impact in our world.
I look forward to what will be a busy but rewarding month of May at WSHS. Go Wildcats!
Wildcat Shout Outs
Champions for Inclusion
Congratulations to Izzy M. and Lizzy G., who received the Chloe Nuttbrock Youth Leadership Award for their work as Special Olympics U.S. Youth Ambassadors.
Most Spirited Teachers
Congratulations to Lucas Gaffey (Math), Rachel Myers (Special Education and Unified Sports Liaison ), and Monique Philp (Science ) who were nominated for Seattle Public Schools’ Most Spirited Teacher .They were among 55 nominees who received glowing comments about their ability to make learning fun.
Volunteer Opportunities
Bring Food for the Staff Appreciation Lunch
Thursday, May 9, Sign Up!
The PTSA is hosting lunch for our wonderful WSHS staff during Staff Appreciation Week. Please sign up to donate your favorite salads and desserts for staff to enjoy. We also need a few volunteers to help with lunch set-up and clean-up. Let's show these amazing WSHS educators how much we love and appreciate them for all they do for our students and families.
Help Out at the West Seattle 5K
Sunday, May 19, Alki Beach, Sign Up!
Volunteer to help make the West Seattle 5k a success! We need you in the days leading up to the race and on race day.
For WSHS Families
Come to the Naramore Art Show Celebration and Teen Night Out
Friday, May 3, 6–10pm, Seattle Art Museum
See over 200 artistic masterpieces by Seattle Public Schools students, including drawings, paintings, photography, mixed media, and ceramics by WSHS Wildcats. The celebratory reception for this exhibition is for SPS students, teachers, and families. Teen Night Out will immediately follow the reception. The Naramore Art Show is free and open to all Wednesday–Sunday through May 12. The virtual exhibition runs through the end of the school year.
Donate to the Food Drive
Tuesday, May 7, 4–5:30pm, WSHS Historical Entrance
WSHS maintains a pantry to provide basic necessities for students. We are in need of non-perishable foods and personal hygiene products. Ms. Stacey will be accepting donations at the WSHS historical entrance after school. Students can also drop off donations at the main office during regular school hours.
Take the Parent Engagement Survey
School Social Worker Crissa Parsley would love to hear from parents and guardians about how WSHS can encourage parent engagement in meaningful parent education and support.
Celebrate WSHS Night at the Sounders
Saturday, May 18, 7:30pm, Lumen Field, Tickets
Come and cheer on the Seattle Sounders vs. the Vancouver Whitecaps! All Wildcats will sit together in the same section. The cost is $35 plus fees, with an opportunity to make a donation to the WSHS ASB. The purchase deadline is May 4.
Join Us at the West Seattle 5K
Sunday, May 19, Alki Beach, Register Now!
The WSHS PTSA is excited to announce the return of the annual West Seattle 5K! All profits raised will allow the PTSA to fund important needs like Saturday Study Hall, classroom supplies, and student-led initiatives. We encourage all WSHS families to participate by registering to run or walk, sponsoring a student runner, or making a direct donation. We also need volunteers to help make the West Seattle 5k a success. Sign up to volunteer!
Enjoy WSHS Music Concerts
All Concerts 7pm, WSHS Theater
Save the dates for our music department's end of year concerts!
- Monday, June 10: Jazz Ensembles I and II
- Wednesday, June 12: Concert Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, and Choir
- Thursday, June 13: Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Percussion Ensemble
Student Life
Prepare for the 2024 AP Exams!
May 6–17, Find your exam date
The 2024 AP Exams will be administered in schools over two weeks in May, with additional dates for late testers.
Students who are unable to take the AP exam(s) after their exam has been ordered are eligible for a partial refund of $78 per exam, if they paid the full College Board and District fees. The WSHS AP Coordinator will work with our fiscal specialist to issue refunds through SchoolPay as soon as possible following the last AP Exam on May 23. For questions regarding AP exams and refunds, please contact Amy Doll.
Apply to be a Link Leader
Are you a current 10th or 11th grader looking to gain leadership skills? Become a Link Leader to help incoming 9th graders transition to high school. Applications available in Rooms 103 and 207.
Claim Your Lost and Found Items
Unclaimed Items Donated Friday, May 10
The Lost and Found corner of the school lunchroom is overflowing! Students are encouraged to check for their jackets, hats, gloves, water bottles. and more. Please look in the Main Office for smaller items like sunglasses and keys. Larger items like lunchboxes and coats are located outside the Alumni Room in the Commons.
Enter the Talent Show
Thursday, May 30, 6pm, Enter Now!
Can you sing or dance? Play an instrument? Do magic tricks? Are you funny? Do you have a physical skill? Enter the WSHS Talent Show by Friday, May 17. No audition required.
Note Important Dates for Graduating Seniors
- Thursday, May 23: Senior Awards Night at 6pm in the Theater
- Monday, June 3: Senior Checkout sheets released
- Friday, June 7: Prom, 8–11pm at The Foundry
- Friday, June 14: Seniors last day in classes; Senior Checkout sheets due
- Monday, June 17: Senior Breakfast and graduation practice
- Tuesday, June 18: Graduation at 8pm at Memorial Stadium
- Thursday, June 20: Diplomas available for pickup in the Main Office
PTSA Presents
Submit Your Nominations for the Golden Apple and Golden Acorn Awards
Due Monday, May 6, Submit Nomination
Every year, the WSHS PTSA recognizes individuals for their contributions to our students and school community with the Golden Apple (for educators) and Golden Acorn (for volunteers) Awards. The Golden Apple Award is presented to an outstanding educator who has gone beyond the normal expectations of their job to make the learning environment fun, beneficial and challenging. The Golden Acorn Award is presented to a volunteer in recognition of their dedication and service to children and youth.
Come to the PTSA First Tuesdays Parent Social
Tuesday, May 7, Larry's Tavern (3405 California Ave SW)
Join us at Larry's Tavern for our monthly parent social that benefits the WSHS PTSA. Bingo starts at 8pm. See you there!
Counseling Center
Visit the Counseling Center Website for resources related to academics, college and career, and mental health and wellness.
Book an Appointment with Your Counselor
- Erica Nguyen (Last Names A–Fe)
- Kinsey Hedeen (Last Names Fi–Marg)
- Mallory Neuman (Last Names Mari–Pig)
- Christine Nutters (Last Names Pin–Z)
Find Counseling Forms
Apply for the WSHS Scholarship
Due Friday, May 10, Apply now!
We are thrilled to announce that West Seattle High School is offering up to $30,000 in scholarships! This fantastic opportunity is available to all 12th graders. By completing just one application, you will automatically be considered for various scholarships. Scholarship winners will be recognized at the Senior Awards ceremony in June.
Apply for the Monogram Club Student Athlete Scholarship
Application Due Friday, May 10
The West Seattle Monogram Club provides scholarships of up to $1000 to WSHS Varsity student athletes pursuing higher education. The scholarships can be used for tuition and fees at any accredited two- or four-year institution of higher education. Find the selection criteria and application process in the West Seattle Scholarship Bulletin.Athletic Announcements
This Week's Varsity Sports Schedule
May 3: Boys Lacrosse vs. Lincoln (7:30, Lower Woodland Park)
May 3: Water Polo vs. Kentridge (8:15p, Medgar Evers Pool)
May 4: Baseball vs. Lincoln (1p, Steve Cox Memorial Park)
May 9: Track Metro Championship Day 1 (2:45pm, SWAC)
May 10: Track Metro All-Comers (2:45pm, NEAC)
May 11: Track Metro Championship Day 2 (9am, SWAC)
Seattle Public Schools News
Capital Levy Report to the Community
Capital levies are the main source of funding for school construction and building improvements, as well as technology. This report provides an update on how Seattle Public Schools is delivering on the building construction and improvement projects promised in BEX V and BTA V as of December 2023.
School Board Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 8, 4:15–8:30pm, John Stanford Center
Meeting agendas and relevant materials are posted at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. Board meetings are live streamed on SPSTV. The School Board Office will take sign-ups for public testimony list starting at 8am on Monday, May 6.
Earn Service Learning Hours
Saturday, May 18, 10am–4pm, Jane Addams Middle School, Register Now
Join us at an invasive plant removal work party. All tools are provided.
SPS Student Device Return
All SPS devices (laptops, chargers, and Wi-Fi hotspots) need to be returned at the end of the school year. A fine will be applied to the student account if the device or accessory is not returned. Learn More.
Music During Summer Break
Stay connected to music instruction over the summer with the Seattle All-City Band! The band brings together students from schools throughout the greater Seattle area to entertain in upwards of 20 parades and community celebrations each summer. Learn More!
Apply for School Year Skills Center
The Seattle Skills Center application for the 2024-25 school year is now open. Find a wide range of courses designed to prepare students for college, career and life!
Community Connections
Discover Washington: Youth Heritage Project
Due Friday, May 17, Apply Now
The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation invites high school students to participate in a four-day, hands-on interactive field-school at Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve, July 16–19. Students will explore the nation’s oldest historical reserve to learn about maritime heritage and the impact of climate change on the preservation of historic and cultural resources. There will be opportunities to engage in hands-on activities to help conservation efforts, visit historic sites throughout the Reserve, learn about co-management of cultural resources, and to better understand this historic area.
Helpful Links
If you would like to share news or publicize an event or opportunity relevant to the West Seattle High School community, please contact us at communications@wshsptsa.org.