EMS Fall Dance 2024
Friday November 15, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
How do drop-offs and pick-ups work?
- Routine pickups will take place at 9:00 in the EMS gymnasium. A PARENT OR GUARDIAN must park their vehicle and come inside to claim their student(s). Parent/guardians are welcome to take more than one student home for the evening, but students will not be released unless an adult comes in to claim them.
- Early pickups - A parent/guardian may pick up their student early anytime before 8:30pm. To do so, park your vehicle and enter through the G Hall doors. Tell the check in table who you are picking up and we will locate them for you. You may take more than one student home for the evening but students will not be released early unless an adult comes in to claim them.
- NOTE - At 8:30 the early pickup option will end and all remaining students will be dismissed to an adult at 9:00 via the routine pickup procedure outlined above.
Additional information:
The Fall Dance is proudly sponsored by the EMS PTO! Your membership to the EMS PTO is your student's ticket into the event. If you are already a member, you are on the list and good to go. If not, click here to join the PTO in advance (recommended) OR bring $7 cash or check to the door on the night of the dance! That $7 covers your PTO membership for the rest of the year.
Looking to support the event? CLICK HERE to view the sign-up genius and see if there are any spots that still need to be filled for setup, snacks, chaperones, clean-up crew, etc. Thanks to all who have already signed up to help!
Student behavior and decorum - Student attendance and participation in after-school sporting and entertainment events is welcomed and encouraged. As is the case with all extracurricular events, students are expected to adhere to the behavioral guidelines and expectations set forth in this handbook. Additionally, a student’s behavior in school prior to these events may directly impact their eligibility to attend and/or participate. With that in mind, please take note of the following guidelines and information:
The dance is for EMS students only. No outside guests will be permitted entry to the dance.
A student cannot participate in an after school event unless he/ she has been present in school that day, or has been absent due to an excused reason other than for sickness.
Students may not leave the dance early unless they are signed out by a parent or guardian. See additional pick-up and drop-off information below.
School administration, security guards, and parent volunteers will assist in providing a safe and secure environment. It is expected that all students will follow the directions of any and all adults supervising the event.
Disrespect and challenging of the chaperones’ authority will not be tolerated. In such instances, parents will be called and directed to pick up their students immediately.
Phones are permitted, responsible use is required. Administration may confiscate phones from any students taking/posting unwanted photos or videos of others. Phones will be returned to parent/guardian at pickup. All other elements of the EMS Student Handbook will be strictly enforced.
Visual Aides - Drop-off, Pick-up and Attire
Still not sure what to wear??? Here are some suggested looks for inspiration!
Interested in joining the Roxbury team?
We are always looking for caring and motivated community members willing to serve as substitute teachers, paraprofessionals, and/or teacher's assistants. Please CLICK HERE to view our most recent employment opportunities at Eisenhower and across the district!