July 21, 2024

February 2, 2025
From the desk of Principal Lessard
Dear Dolphin families,
We had a productive and positive return to school last week - thank you all!!!
Congratulations are in order for several people and groups!
- Model UN Delegates performed at an exemplary level as 1st year teams competing at the 2025 Georgia Southern University event. Delegates included: Imani Douglas, Sania McMillian, and Devin Powers (Canada), Zayda Pruit and James Breland (Israel) and Ashley Reyes Sandoval and Kaleb Watkins (Nicaragua). Over 500 delegates from 10 schools representing over 125 countries participated. Thank you Mr. Kinsey & Dr. McLemore for serving as chaperones.
See photos below for two other celebrations!!! We will recognize CCR and Honor Roll students this week (rescheduled from the snow week!!!)
Please consider joining us for SIC tomorrow evening as we will review our current School Report Card progress and finalize our 2025-26 School Renewal Plan.
Have a great week everyone!
Leading with love,
Mrs. Lessard
Honorable Mention
Israel delegates Zayda Pruit & James Breland received one of 25 Honorable Mentions from the Model United Nation's 2025 Conference at Georgia Southern University. Fellow BCSD schools shared that this accomplishment is very impressive for a school's inaugural competition!
Mentor of the Month
English Teacher Ms. Amsden was recently recognized by BCSD for her outstanding support of new math teacher Mr. Musgrave. Being a mentor to others is the leadership we embrace at Creek and we appreciate the time & effort involved! Other BCHS Mentors include: Mrs. Bernhisel, Ms. Baskwell, Mrs. Melton, Ms. Nash, Mrs. Smith, Ms. Simmons, Mrs. Stowe, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Keown, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Alonso, Mr. Hedglin & Mr. Vaughn. THANK YOU ALL!!!
Wrestlers Advance
Please email Mrs. Gabrielle Heath (Gabrielle.Heath@beaufort.k12.sc.us), Ms. April Lang (April.Lang@beaufort.k12.sc.us) and Ms. Latricia Brown (latricia.brown@beaufort.k12.sc.us) early release emails (doctor’s appointments, etc.) by 10am to be processed effectively. Phone requests for early dismissal will be determined by emergency circumstances. All requests must be verified to ensure the safety of your child(ren). Thank you for your understanding.
We will implement teacher assigned tutoring M-W-F starting 1/13/25. This will enable students to get help immediately if they are struggling with academics.
Academic support will be offered by your child's actual assigned teacher during RISE this semester. They will receive a ePass and are expected to report directly to the tutoring location.
AM tutoring from 7:45-8:15 will resume on Monday January 13th.
Student Achievement
ATTENDANCE: Students must be present and on time to maximize success! Please support this critical component of academic achievement.
Two indicators that are a significant part of our Annual School Report Card rating are Academic Achievement and Preparing for Success. These are calculated by SC End of Course Exams in the following courses: Algebra 1, English 2, Biology 1, US History & Constitution. IF your child(ren) is enrolled in one of these courses for semester 2, please discuss how he/she can prepare for and take these exams seriously for personal and school success.
Semester 2 Systems
PERSONAL ELECTRONICS - We appreciate your cooperation with this compliance!
TARDY - please continue to emphasize the importance of being on time to school and class with your child(ren).
UNIFORMS - thank you for all who conitnue to comply with uniform expections. IDs are required to be in the building - please plan accordingly.
CLASS MEETING 2/21/25 at 10:15 in PAC - rescheduled date for SENIOR CALENDAR and NEWS. Parents/Guardians are welcome; please bring ID and sign in at the Main Office
Be sure to visit the Senior Google Classroom for Scholarships and Cap & Gown Orders!
To ensure a safe and secure environment at BCSD athletic events, all spectators and athletes entering our venues will be asked to remove hoods or face coverings that obscure one’s identity, such as balaclava-style masks. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in creating a safe and welcoming atmosphere for everyone. If you have any questions, please reach out to District Athletic Director Dr. Carlos Cave.
Sophomores & Juniors: Beaufort Junior Leadership is a 4-H program offered by Clemson Extension dedicated to developing youth into young leaders, connecting them to their community, and exposing them to various career paths. They are now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 Beaufort Junior Leadership. Fill out an online application here: https://clemson.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bwwdnwxVxjfxrQG
More information can be found at our website: https://blogs.clemson.edu/beaufortjr/
- Black History Month Celebration in February
- BCSD "DISTRICT DASH" 5K March 15, 2025
2/3 Mon (Spring Sports Tryouts)
- SIC Meeting 5:30 PM
- 3rd Round Team Wrestling
2/4 Tues (Spring Sports Tryouts)
- All Basketball @ Hanahan 4:30 / 5:30 / 7:00 / 8:30
-GRAD BASH Meeting 6PM Lecture Hall
2/5 Wed (Spring Sports Tryouts)
- 4th Round Team Wrestling
- Basketball @ N. Charleston
2/6 Thurs
2/7 Fri
- Basketball vs N. Charleston 4:30 / 5:30 / 6:30 / 8 PM
2/8 Sat
- ACT Testing 8 AM
- Rounds 1 & 2 Wrestling Dual Playoffs
2/10 Mon
2/11 Tues
- Baseball Scrimmage vs Bridges 6 PM
2/12 Wed
-ASVAB sign up in Google Classroom
2/13 Thurs (Half Day For Students)
2/14 Fri (PD Day for Faculty - No Practice during School Hours)
-African American History Conference Day 1
2/15 Sat
- African American History Conference Day 2
-Softball Jamboree @ Ace Basin (TBA - 2 Rentals)
- Lower State Qualifiers Girls @ South Florence and Boys @ Aynor
- 2/17-2/19 President's Day & Winter Break; NO SCHOOL for students
Key Contacts Directory 24-25
Principal Denise Lessard: denise.lessard@beaufort.k12.sc.us
AP Mr. Daniel VanWinkle - Last names H-N: daniel.vanwinkle@beaufort.k12.sc.us
AP Mrs. Kimberly Fields - Last names O-Z: kimberly.fields@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Athletic Director Terrance Ashe: terrance.ashe@beaufort.k12.sc.us
School Counseling:
Last names A-Ga - School Counselor Ms. Racquel Frazier: racquel.frazier@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Last names Ge-N - Lead School Counselor Ms. Kirsten Nash: kirsten.nash@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Last names O-Z - School Counselor Ms. Jessica Stone: jessica.stone@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Registration - School Counseling Associate Heather Bailey: heather.bailey@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Bilingual Liaison: Ms. Dalisse Rosado dalisse.rosado@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Key Contacts:
Alumni: denise.lessard@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Attendance: april.lang@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Bookkeeper: barbara.layman@beaufort.k12.sc.us
JROTC: troy.james@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Nurse: jessica.lesesne@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Parking: catia.gilbert@beaufort.k12.sc.us
PowerSchool Updates: jennifer.frazier@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Senior Special Trips: ashley.smith@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Social Media Requests: gabrielle.heath@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Social Worker: samaiyah.white@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Transportation: catia.gilbert@beaufort.k12.sc.us
If you need help with a specific area not listed, please contact our Office Manager Ms. Latricia Brown at latricia.brown@beaufort.k12.sc.us