Port Susan Middle School
Family & Student Update for 10.29.23
Greater Community
On Friday morning, we welcomed our students with their grownups to join us at Port Susan. It was wonderful to see the extension of our school community and I am thankful for our supportive PTO to help make that happen. In addition, I am proud of our jazz band and our director, Jonathan Bletscher. They are amazing to listen to and always makes the events we have a success. Thank you for all of the work that went into this event.
Cherae Almanza
November menu is now available
Families can find breakfast and lunch menus for November and meal prices on our Food Services webpage and via the Menu button at the top of each school website.
Meanwhile, we continue to encourage families to submit a Free and Reduced Meal application online via Skyward Family Access by clicking the Food Service tab and then Applications.
PSMS Clubs
Students can now sign up for clubs in their Grade Level Classroom.
We have the following current clubs:
Robotics Club Flyer: Tuesdays with Mrs. Gale 2:15-4pm (Sign Up Here)
Crocheting Club Flyer: Thursdays with Mrs. Zurcher 2:20-3:30 (Sign Up Here)
Art Club Flyer: Thursdays with Mrs.Klein 2:15-3:45 (Sign Up Here)
Chess Club Flyer: Wednesdays/Friday (every other) with Mrs. Shoemaker 2:20-3:30 (Sign Up Here)
Game Club Flyer: Tuesdays (starting Nov. 7) with Mr. Bletscher 2:30-3:30 (Sign Up Here)
D&D Club on Mondays- INFO COMING SOON!
Boys Basketball
Our games start this week, on Thursday. Please make sure to watch arbiterlive (link found here) for exact game locations, times, etc. With the Monster Mash after school on Tuesday October 31, JV will be practicing before school. Varsity will have an optional practice at LHHS. Coaches will be emailing practice and game schedules to you.
Monster Mash *After School Tuesday*
On Tuesday, October 31st, we will have an after school dance/social. Permission slips went home with students this past week and parent pick up at 4pm. Costumes are allowed/encouraged on Tuesday during the school day and this event. We ask that masks are able to be removed and face paint is limited so we can recognize all students. In addition, replica of weapons are not allowed on school campus. We look forward to a fun event for our students.
Staff Shout Out
This week, we are recognizing Mrs. Titus!
How long have you taught at PSMS?: This is my 25th year at Port Susan. I have been lucky enough to teach almost all PE classes. I have taught health and I am currently teaching an activity elective class. My favorite unit to teach is pickleball. Another part of my job is being a coach. I enjoy seeing kids improve their skills and have fun being involved in sports.
What is your favorite part of Port Susan?: I love our energetic and hard working staff here at Port Susan. I also love the connections I get to make with students. One of my favorite things is seeing former students all grown up and doing great things!
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time/hobbies?: When I am not at school I cherish every moment I get to spend with my 4 busy grandchildren. I enjoy walking, playing pickleball, traveling with my best friend and spending time with my family. I feel blessed to teach at such a great school.
Week of 10/30 through 11/03
Monday, October 30th
*Cozy Day
- Regular Schedule
Tuesday, October 31st
*Costume Day
- Regular Schedule
- Advisory: Homework/SSR
- Monster Mash *after school dance/social (announcement link @ end of day for dismissal)
Wednesday, November 1st
*Navy & Grey Day (Diabetes Month)
- Wednesday Schedule
- Chess Club
Thursday, November 2nd
*Twin Day
- Regular Schedule
- Advisory: Homework/SSR
- Art Club
- Crocheting Club
- Boys Basketball @ Anacortes
Friday, November 3rd
*Neon Day
- Assembly Schedule (Spirit Assembly)
District Information
Community meeting about the replacement levy
The first in a series of free, public events to share information about the school district's replacement levy is taking place from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Nov. 2 in the Stanwood-Camano YMCA's Community Room.
The Replacement Levy will be on the Feb. 13 ballot. The levy is not a new tax. It is a replacement for our current levy, set to expire in 2024.
Come learn about the levy and ask any questions you may have.
Join our CFAC team
The Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC) plays a key role in developing our long-term capital facilities plan and providing input on facility use to ensure the community's values and priorities are accurately represented. Learn about the team on our CFAC webpage and complete this form to join.
Friday Family Message
Find the most recent Friday Family Message from the Stanwood-Camano School District online HERE
Thank you!
Cherae Almanza, Principal
Crysty Auckland, Assistant Principal
Teacher Emails
Dave Austin (6-8 Fitness & Social Studies 6) daustin@stanwood.wednet.edu
Jonathan Bletscher (6-8 Band & 6 Choir) jbletscher@stanwood.wednet.edu
Joan Campbell (6-7 Math) jcampbell@stanwood.wednet.edu
Tamara Pedersen (6-7 Math) tpedersen@stanwood.wednet.edu
Lori Stunz (7 ELA & 7/8 Art) lstunz@stanwood.wednet.edu
Grace Gale (6 Science & 8 STEM/Robotics) GGale@stanwood.wednet.edu
Chelsea Hanson (6-8 ELA/Humanities) CHanson@stanwood.wednet.edu
Audrie Harrington (6/7 ELA & 7/8 Leadership) aharrington@stanwood.wednet.edu
Joshua Keaton (7/8 History) jkeaton@stanwood.wednet.edu
Seth Hills (6/7 Social Studies) shills@stanwood.wednet.edu
Lori Johnson (6-8 Assist) ljohnson@stanwood.wednet.edu
Wade Johnson (7/8 Science) wjohnson@stanwood.wednet.edu
Rebecca Klein (6/7 Science) rklein@stanwood.wednet.edu
Meghan Lawrence (6-8 PBS) mlawrence@stanwood.wednet.edu
Ellianna Martin (6-8 Math) emartin@stanwood.wednet.edu>,
Daniel Mccrumb (6/7 Science) DMccrumb@stanwood.wednet.edu
Sarah Oldow (6-8 Health & 6 Art) soldow@stanwood.wednet.edu
Tracy Riley (6-8 ELA) TRiley@stanwood.wednet.edu
Kelcie Rocha (7/8 Math) krocha@stanwood.wednet.edu
Brad Rochon (6-8 Computers & 6 Leadership) brochon@stanwood.wednet.edu
Sheri Schroeder (8 History & ELA) sleeschroeder@stanwood.wednet.edu
Kym Shoemaker (7/8 Math) kshoemaker@stanwood.wednet.edu
Crystal Titus (6-8 Fitness & 7/8 Lifetime Fitness) ctitus@stanwood.wednet.edu
Kayte White (8 ELA & 6 Cultures) kwhite@stanwood.wednet.edu
Julia Zurcher (7 History & 7/8 Home Ec) jzurcher@stanwood.wednet.edu
Office Support
Christy Thompson (8 Counselor) cthompson2@stanwood.wednet.edu
Keli Niegemann (6-8 Counselor) kniegemann@stanwood.wednet.edu
Emily Bowne (School Psychologist) ebowne@stanwood.wednet.edu
Kandyce Hansen (Speech Language Pathologist) khansen@stanwood.wednet.edu
Sara Harlan (Librarian) sharlan@stanwood.wednet.edu
Amy Hart (Student Support Advocate) ahart@stanwood.wednet.edu