SPED Essentials
September 21, 2023
Message from the SpEd Executive Director
Wow! How did we arrive at fall so quickly? It's almost the end of September. If you are anything like me, you are sad to see summer go but overly excited that football and fall fun are here! Let's GoooOOO!
The coordinators, coaches, and liaisons are looking forward to our time together for professional learning on October 13th. You will find a draft of our agenda below. It is shaping up to be another great morning!
One of the best parts about our quarter ending is the groove that we have with our students. Schedules are routine and we begin to see the true personalities (and performance) of our students. Your time building relationships and trust is paying off. I hope you have found time to reflect on the progress you've made in the lives of your students in such a short time. It only gets better from here!
*Don't forget to Progress Monitor and share your Progress Report with families!!
Efforts matter. Words influence. Interactions impact. Actions inspire. Bring your best! - Jimmy Casas
IEP Documents Translated
KSDE has announced that they will translate legally required Special Education documents including Parents Rights, Notice of Meeting, and Prior Written Notice. Within the next two months you should find these documents available their website. The languages provided are below.
Vietnamese, Swahili, Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, Pushto, Lao, Portuguese, Nepali, Somali, Hmong, Amharic, Polish, Ukraine, Mandarin, Pohnpeian, and Russian.
Translated documents will be located at the following KSDE site: https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Special-Education-and-Title-Services/Special_Education/Special-Education-Notices-Forms