CES Pawprint
September 2024
Notes from the Principal
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are so excited to see all the smiling faces each and every morning! I believe that it has been the best and smoothest first week of school in my career, thanks to our fantastic staff, students and parents!
Please remember that after Friday, September 6, we will ask that if you choose to walk your student to class, you stop by the office and get a Visitor badge. We also ask that parents not cross in front of cars dropping off in the mornings. Instead, we ask that you park in the bottom lot, and follow the sidewalk to the front door.
Finally, our PTA Fall Envelope Fundraiser is in full swing and is super easy! Students are asked to get monetary sponsors for #1-10 on their envelope that has been sent home. If they get donations for spots #1-5, they will get a prize from the PTA prize box. If they fill all of the numbers on the envelope, they will also get invited to a Kona Ice party at the end of the month! All of the money raised will go back into the classrooms at CES!
Please feel free to contact me at any time with your questions, compliments or concerns!
Charlotte Clubb
Grade Level News
In September, kindergarten students are working on school procedures and building classroom communities. They are learning to write their names, making friends, and counting up to 10. Everyone is looking forward to the first field trip of the school year to Stepp’s Hillcrest Orchard!
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
This month in 4th grade, students will learn about multiples and factors. Students
will study these ideas by looking at the area of rectangles. Students will work with
fractions up to twelfths by using models, drawing and manipulatives to deepen their understanding of concepts. In ELA, students will learn the heart is both a literal muscle that sustains human life and a figurative center of emotion. In Module 1, A Great Heart, students explore, explain, and challenge these various meanings of the word heart. In content, students will be collaborating with classmates to build a community of scientists in the classroom, learn and work together like scientists and collect data after observing phenomenon. Students will learn how to ask scientific questions to guide their thinking.
In Dual Language SLA, students will work on Introductions of personal narratives, read personal narratives and also work on strategies such as cause and effect, character characteristics, dialogs and sensory details.
Kindergarten students are learning all about the music room as well as a few fun songs and dances. First grade students are learning an adaptation of a book about art into a song with movement. Second grade students are exploring the music of the Caribbean. Third and fourth grade students are learning to play the recorder while reading musical notation.
This month in large group guidance lessons, grades 1-4 will be reviewing what roles School Counselors play in the school. In Kindergarten, students will learn what School Counselors are. At all levels we will begin our emotion regulation unit.
This month in PE class K-1 students are working on moving throughout the gym with personal space. Students will learn to work together to complete many different parachute games! Students in second through fourth grades will learn to work together with their classmates to complete different Team Building Challenges.
In the Media Center, all grades are getting back into the swing of checking out books, learning to use our devices properly and safely, and getting ready for the Scholastic Book Fair, which begins on September 16th!