Sagebrush Elementary
Family Update 11/1/2024
Message from the Principal
Dear Sagebrush Families,
Thank you to all the families who attended conferences, provided dinner for our staff, and supported our book fair this past week. As we welcome the fall season, we even experienced a hint of winter weather this week! Please ensure your children come to school dressed appropriately for the changing temperatures. If it’s safe and above 20 degrees Fahrenheit, students will still enjoy outdoor recess. We recommend sending gloves, hats, and coats with your children daily, as the weather can shift throughout the day. Also, it is incredibly helpful to have children's coats labeled with their names.
Thank you for your continued support!
Warm regards,
Chris Powell
Important Dates
11/1 - Non-contact day, no school for students
11/3 - Clocks turn back 1 hour
11/4 - Diwali ends (Hindu)
11/5 - 3rd Grade Field Trip (Lone Tree Arts Center)
11/5 - Election Day (Nationwide), CCSD
11/6 - Mobile Food Truck at Summit Elementary (free food)
11/6 - PTCO Skate City Night (5 - 7 PM)
11/11 - 11/15 - Spelling Bee written tests
11/11 - Veterans Day
11/11 - Battle of the Books
11/12 - Sagebrush Veterans Celebration (8 - 8:45 AM)
11/12 - No Place for Hate, Drama Club and Intramurals
11/14 - Movie Magic club
11/14 - PTCO Meeting (6:30 - 8 PM)
11/15 - Picture retakes
11/15 - Coffee with the Principal ☕ (8 - 9 AM)
11/15 - PTCO Family Game Night (6 - 8 PM)
Donation Drive
Thank you to everyone who was able to support our Cherry Creek Schools students and families.
Your donations are appreciated and will go to our Cherry Creek students and families!
Click here for more information:
Daylight Savings Time!
Turn the Clocks Back Sunday, November 3rd!
Spelling Bee
If your student would like to practice for the spelling bee, our written tests will be the week of November 11th in classrooms.
The Oral Spelling Bee will be on the 12th of December.
Hosted by:
Shannon Eckert, Teacher of Neurodiverse Students
seckert@cherrycreekschools.org/ 720-866-8368
Veteran's Day Celebration
Are you a Veteran? Active or retired.
We would love for you to join us on November 12 to honor the Veterans of our families and staff.
Assembly will be in our Sagebrush Gym, starting at 8 AM - 8:45 AM.
Please complete this form if you are joining us for the celebration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc4X3Q6f5w8XInIoJIQ_DdDwI0drQSgBVLh8k_vNYj2v0eqZA/viewform?usp=sharing
Also, we would love to have photos of our military personnel in their uniform. Please send photos to:
Coffee with the Principal
Join us Friday, November 15, from 8 - 9 AM for Coffee with the Principal.
Ask about things on your mind.
Hear updates from the Principal.
Coffee will be provided.
Family Game Night, November 15 ( 6 - 8 PM)
CCSD District Wide Events and Information
Check your voter registration!
Are you registered to vote this November? Check your registration today at https://www.coloradosos.gov/voter—it only takes 1 minute!
Reminder: Ballot measures that impact your town and your school district will be at the bottom of the ballot after national, statewide, and county measures. Don’t forget to fill out your ballot completely. Measures at the bottom of the ballot have the greatest local impact.
Mobile Food Truck Wednesday! at Summit!
Hi all – there will be a mobile food truck at Summit Elementary on Wednesday, November 6th from 4:00 – 5:00 pm in the bus loop. This market is open to the Smoky Hill feeder area!
There will be free, fresh and shelf stable food items offered on a first come, first served basis.
Sagebrush Elementary additional Items
Did you know that we have a lot of resources for students available after school?
These resources are also available over the summer!
Our Sagebrush kids website contains links for:
- Reading and Writing
- Math
- Science & Social Studies
- Additional learning sites
The student would go to the Sagebrush Elementary website, Students page:
When there, click on RESOURCES / LINKS.*
* Your student should be able to connect directly to this site. If your student does not automatically connect, they may need to enter their Cherry Creek email and password to access the webpage.
PTCO information will be sent out at least every other week.
Please click on the link to read our newsletter:
Thank you,
From your Sagebrush PTCO
Sagebrush PTCO
14700 East Temple Place
Aurora, CO 80015
Sagebrush Mission: We are unwavering in our commitment to help students become lifelong Learners and achieve their future goals.
Sagebrush Vision:
- At Sagebrush we are a nurturing and supportive community.
- We foster relationships and advocate on behalf of students to impact their whole well-being.
- We provide equitable access to quality instruction and hold high expectations for all students.
Sagebrush Elementary
Chris Powell-Principal
Dena McMurtry- Assistant Principal - 720-886-8304
Michele Cruz - Office Manager - 720-886-8303
Marisela Ramirez- Registrar- 720-886-8302
Attendance Secretary line - 720-886-8301
Angela Pesche - School Nurse- 720-886-8310
Attendance Line- 720-886-8395 or email us at sagattendance@cherrycreekschools.org
Gail Bond- Director of Before and After- 720-886-8370
Email: cpowell13@cherrycreekschools.org
Website: https://www.cherrycreekschools.org/sagebrush
Location: 14700 East Temple Place, Aurora, CO
Phone: 720-886-8300
Errors? Corrections? Information Missing?
Thanks in advance for working together with us!
Please contact Channy Kong at mailto:ckong@cherrycreekschools.org for support with this resource in your language.
እነዝህን መረጃዎችን በተመለከተ በቋንቋዎ ዕገዛን ለማግኘት ከፈለጉ እባክዎን ተሊሌን በዝህ እሜይል ያግኙዋት thirpa@cherrycreekschools.org
يرجى االتصال بـ )جميعة صباحي أو جاودة العلمي( على ) org.cherrycreekschools@jsebbahi أو org.cherrycreekschools@jdajanialami للحصول على الدعم مع هذا المورد باللغة العربية.
如有需要,请经由 ctaylor9@cherrycreekschools.org 与凯瑟琳•泰勒联系,以您的语言获得此资源 的支持。
अपनी भाषा में इस संसाधन के समर्नथ के लिए कृपया जेम्स रसाइथिी को jrasaily@cherrycreekschools.org पर संपकथ करें।
귀하의 언어로 이 자원에 대한 지원을 원하시면 (리아 리) 에게 (llee6@cherrycreekschools.org) 로 문의하십시오.
कृपया जेम्स रसाइथिीिाइथ jrasaily@cherrycreekschools.org मा तपाइथको भाषामा यो संसाधनको सहयोगको िागी सम्पकथ गननहथ ोिा।
Пожалуйста, обращайтесь к Ларисе Бака по адресу: lbaca3@cherrycreekschools.org для получения поддержки с помощью этого ресурса на своём языке.
Fadlan la xiriir Omar Nur cinwaanka emaylka onur2@cherrycreekschools.org si aad u hesho macluumaad ku qoran luqadaada.
Si necesita ayuda con este recurso en su idioma, póngase en contacto con Ilse Chavez Maldonado en ichavezmaldonado@cherrycreekschools.org, Rosa Han en rhan4@cherrycreekschools.org, Helena Gognat en hgognat@cherrycreekschools.org o Monica Pantoja en mpantoja@cherrycreekschools.org
Vui lòng liên hệ với Thuý Ngọc tại Lchung2@cherrycreekschools.org để được hỗ trợ về tài nguyên này bằng tiếng Việt.