Reeceville Raptor's MMM
October 7, 2024
Dates to Remember
- Friday, October 11: Picture Day
- Wednesday, October 16: Early Dismissal
- Thursday, October 17: Trunk or Treat
Message About Birthday Treats
At Reeceville Elementary, we enjoy honoring students on their birthday. Please know that you do not have to send treats or gifts with your child on his or her birthday. Teachers take great pride in making your child feel special on their birthday. If you do feel the need to send something for your child to enjoy with her or his classmates, please follow the birthday guidelines below.
Treats must be peanut free and store bought. Please do not send sheet cakes for your child’s birthday treat. Individually wrapped Items such as pencils, stickers, etc. are acceptable too and last longer than edible treats.
Future Leaders Club
We are so excited to announce that our Future Leaders Club now has over 30 members! Thank you Ms. Grune and Mrs. Cooper for all of your hard work with our new leaders!
1st Grade Interviews Dr. Cole about being a Principal
Mrs. Cerra's class interviewed Dr. Cole for their investigative lesson using who, what, where, when, why, and how questioning techniques!
Author, Melissa Trempe, Visits Reeceville!
Please join Reeceville in welcoming Melissa Trempe as she shares her children's book, Ladybug Launch, along with audience participation!
Melissa Trempe is a local author who loves trick-or-treating and eating Reeces! She taught elementary school for many years before pursuing her passion for writing children’s books. When she’s not busy writing, she loves reading with her children, watching Penn State football, cheering on the Phillies, traveling, and eating just about any flavor of ice cream. Melissa hopes to make the world a better place one book at a time and is excited to visit our school!
There will be a RAFFLE for FREE BOOKS and books will be available for purchase as well.
DATE: Thursday, October 17th
TIME: 6:00 p.m. (followed by Trunk or Treat)
WHERE: Reeceville's Gym
sponsored by Title I
PTA Information
Pretzel Day - October 10th. Pretzels are $1 and will be distributed during school. Forms will be send home.
- Our first pretzel day is October 10
- Orders are due October 8
- Forms and payment may be returned to school, made via Venmo (@ReecevillePTA), or completed online (tinyurl.com/rvpretzels)
- Trunk of Treat/Family Engagement at RV: October 17th from 6p-8p. Fliers and sign up will be sent home next week.
- Restaurant Night - October 22nd with Pizza Hut. Fliers will be sent home the week of 10/14.
- Twin Valley Coffee - Available as an online only sale through the entire month of October.
-Student Directory- Return registration slips or register online at (https://tinyurl.com/RVStudentDirectory) to be included in the 2024-2025 student directory.
PTA text alerts - text "@reeceville" to 81010 to sign up