MiddSouth Announcements
Welcome Back!
Caught Being Kind:
The Caught Being Kind campaign is South’s school-wide initiative to recognize those who share our culture of kindness. The Diversity Club, in coordination with building administration, would like to celebrate our kind students and staff. Help make history at South by filling out a FORM when you see an act of kindness!
College Visits
Stay Tuned...
Sign up via Naviance. Visits will be 30 minutes. Juniors signing up MUST have a pass from their counselor to attend.
To visit Mr. Letson's Virtual Office for contact information and important resources please see the link below. https://sites.google.com/middletownk12.org/mrletsonsacmhss/home
Guidance/ Child Study Team
School counseling Website for Resources
Special Education Resources
Health Office
Middletown School Nurses Virtual Health Offices are open!! Click here for more information.
Middletown High School South Website
Click here for Daily Calendar, important resources and more!