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Sentinel Snapshot Summer Edition
August 10, 2024
![Sentinel Snapshot Summer Edition August 10, 2024](https://cdn.smore.com/u/8f9e/a5c210fd1f356cfbe25269ef1181ca8f.jpg)
A couple of key things in this week's newsletter
- Counseling Contact and Appointments
- Athletic Registration
- New This Year -- SHS Freshmen Orientation
- Sentinel Day - New Format
- Other Key Dates
Counselor Availability on Sentinel Day
Counselors will be available on Sentinel Day, August 20th, from 12-3 for quick drop-in appointments for holes or academic misplacements ONLY. Academic misplacements are when a student is placed in the wrong level of class (honors/AP vs regular pace) or is placed in a class without meeting the pre-requisite (placed in Alg 2 without passing Geometry first). A hole is when a student has an unscheduled period. All full time students (not Running Start students), need to have a full schedule.
Running Start
Students who need to adjust their SHS schedule to accommodate their college schedule (Fall Quarter ONLY), can email counselor. Requests are not guaranteed.
Fall EVF appointments- Drop-in basis August 22nd from 9 am-2 pm ONLY. The next availability is after 9/3.
New Students without a schedule
You have two Options:
- Families can make an appointment using the counselor's QR code for a more comprehensive appointment. (Sentinel Day Counselors are only available for quick appointments due to the volume of students)
- Students can fill out a dream sheet on Sentinel Day and turn it in to the Counseling Center or email their counselor. We will build their schedule within the next few days. Counselors will email the family if they have questions.
Elective Change Request
Elective change requests will NOT be accepted on Sentinel Day. However, students have 7 school days to request an elective change. These changes are honored based on availability that class period only. To request an elective change, students can stop by their counselor’s office during lunch during the first 7 days of school. The last day to request a schedule change is September 9th.
Counselors cannot make schedule adjustments for the following reasons:
To accommodate for teacher preference (to include preferred learning style)
To have a different lunch
To be with a friend
To move a class to a different period (for example, moving Geometry to earlier in the day).
Schedules will be available on Skyward August 20th. Please know classes are extremely full, this means there is very limited room for changing electives. Please read through the information below to answer any questions you may have regarding your student’s schedule.
A help table will be available at Sentinel Day for Login and Password Help.
New Students
Welcome! We are excited to meet you! Please read through your welcome email you received from the registrar, Ms. Rady. In the welcome email you will find the dream sheet and a link to schedule an appointment with your counselor, if needed. Due to the time it takes to meet with a new student, counselors will not be available to meet with new students on Sentinel Day. Appointments are available the rest of the week. If you didn’t receive an email, please reach out to Ms. Rady, jrady@steilacoom.k12.wa.us.
New Running Start Students
If you need an EVF from your counselor, NEW Running Start EVF appointments will be available on a drop-in basis on Thursday, August 22nd ONLY. Drop in appointments will be available from 9am-2pm on August 22 only. These are first come first serve appointments so you may need to wait. The next availability for EVF appointments will begin after 9/3.
Current Running Start Students
If you need to change your class at SHS to accommodate your schedule at the college, please email your counselor your request. Counselors are not available on Sentinel Day or the first day of school for this request. Counselors will only be changing SHS schedules to accommodate their college schedule for Fall Quarter only. Space is limited at SHS so although counselors will do their best to accommodate, not all requests can be honored due to space.
Mr. Johnson
Senior/Class of 2025 counselor
Mrs. Johnson
Junior/Class of 2026 counselor
- Registration for Fall Sports will open on July 15th.
- Please make sure your student's physical is less than 2 years old as of Jun 1, 2025, and that you have a copy of it even if you submitted it into the old system.
Athletic Director: Thomas Bradbury
Phone: (253) 983-2372
Fall Sports Parent Meeting (Afternoon Option)
Tuesday, Aug 20, 2024, 02:00 PM
SHS Auditorium
Football Practice Starts
Wednesday, Aug 21, 2024, 02:00 PM
SHS Field
Fall Sports Parent Meeting (Evening Option)
Friday, Aug 23, 2024, 06:00 PM
SHS Auditorium
Fall Sports Practices Starts
Monday, Aug 26, 2024, 07:00 AM
SHS Field
We Need Your Help
Our student-athletes and coaches could really use a hand this upcoming school year. We want to make the game day experience great for everyone and need volunteer workers to make it happen. Below is a link for each sport where coaches have identified areas they could use some help. Please consider taking a shift or two. Even if your student isn't on the team, it could be a great opportunity for you to accompany them to a game and to come see our Sentinels in action.
Training will be provided for all roles.
All volunteers need to be cleared by the school district. You can do so at https://www.steilacoom.k12.wa.us/who-we-are/departments/volunteers/volunteer-application-process.
SHS Freshmen Orientation
Tuesday, August 20th 8:00 AM-12:30 PM
New this summer is Freshmen Orientation. All incoming freshmen should attend. It will be held on Tuesday, August 20, starting at 8:00 AM and wrapping up around noon when Sentinel Day starts. This event differs from Sentinel Day and provides incoming freshmen with a student-led orientation of SHS from upperclassmen. Please register your student for this event.
If you already have signed up, you do not need to sign up again.
Sentinel Day
August 20th - 12PM-3 PM
Unlock Leadership and Opportunities with Steilacoom High School's JROTC Program!
Discover the incredible opportunities and experiences offered by the JROTC program at Steilacoom High School – where leadership, discipline, and community come together!
Superintendent Weight's August Community Message
One of our granddaughter’s favorite things to do is make her daily walk to the mailbox to check and see if there is a new book inside. As soon as we learned about the amazing Imagination Library program, her parents signed her up. Now that she is almost three, she gets so excited about the monthly gift of a book, delivered straight to her mailbox. In fact, we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of two additional grandbabies this year and we will be sure to get both registered for Imagination Library immediately so they are able to experience the same mailbox joy!
Our school system absolutely understands the power of early literacy and have become partners with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program, which is a monthly “book-gifting program.” Imagination Library mails high quality, age-appropriate books to children from birth to age five, at no cost to families. The National Commission on Reading states, “the single most significant factor influencing a child’s early educational success is an introduction to books and being read to at home prior to beginning school.”
Imagination Library of Washington also has excellent resources for families around early literacy topics, beyond the free book sent to children each month. The more we can spread the word about Imagination Library, and getting books into the little hands of our future kindergarteners, the better! Please help us share this wonderful resource with families and find out more on how to register children from birth to age five at https://www.imaginationlibrarywashington.org/.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Kathi Weight, Superintendent
Stay Connected-Parent Square
Steilacoom Historical School District uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
About Us
Email: steilacoomhsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Website: www.steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Location: 54 Sentinel Drive, Steilacoom, WA, USA
Phone: 253-983-2300
Instagram: @bigsteilly
Facebook: Steilacoom Sentinels
Daily Schedule: Bell Schedule