
Soaring into WEEK 21
Thank you for a fantastic week last week! Just a quick reminder—there is no school tomorrow to observe Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
A big thank you to all the parents who joined us for our first Coffee and Conversation meeting last week. Our next in-person meeting is scheduled for February 6th, and more details will be shared soon. Thank you to Mrs. Howard and her talented Art Club for the Art Gallery Night on Friday!
Another important reminder: student attendance is absolutely critical. It's essential that your child is present and on time every school day, unless they are genuinely ill. We ask that students miss no more than 18 days of school throughout the year. Last year, our overall attendance rate was 80%, but our goal for this year is 95%. We need your support to help us reach this target and ensure every student receives the education they deserve.
I also want to continue to emphasize the importance of following safety protocols. With your support, we have been doing well. Please continue to prioritize our shared responsibility for student safety during carpool hours. It is vital that all families adhere to the guidance of our staff during AM and PM carpool to ensure the safety of everyone on campus.
We’re excited to announce that clubs are now available for the second semester, thanks to the incredible support of our PTO! Priority enrollment will be given to students who have demonstrated good behavior, have participated in fewer clubs, were waitlisted in the fall, or have shown specific interest in certain clubs. Please see the enrollment link below, and expect to hear from the club sponsors directly.
February is Black History Month, and as you know, Henderson Mill Elementary takes great pride in how we acknowledge and celebrate our beautifully diverse population. In addition to the curriculum taught in your child’s class regarding Black History, we are planning a school-wide culminating event and EVERY student is invited to participate. Our Staff has volunteered to work with students to prepare students for the program, see link below. Misconduct, parent late pick up, or frequent absences may be subject to removal from continued participation in the Program. Please complete a form for each child by January 26th. The program is February 28th, 6pm. Students will still be able to participate in their clubs. Please note that rehearsal dates and times will vary.
Please take a moment to review the additional information below. We look forward to seeing you at Spirit Night and Math Night this week! We’re excited to see both families and students engaged as we continue working together toward success.
As always, thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of educating and nurturing your children.
Let’s make this week count—on purpose!
-Dr. Blanton
Please join me in warmly welcoming our new Assistant Principal, Ms. Alexandra Vela!
We are thrilled to have her step into this new role. Below, you will find her welcome letters in English and Spanish. Ms. Vela will continue to serve as our MTSS coordinator until February, and we will actively be working to identify a replacement to support her MTSS responsibilities.
We are excited to have Ms. Vela join us as Assistant Principal. She is already a familiar face within our community, known for her strong work ethic and passion for our school. Ms. Vela truly enjoys being part of the Henderson Mill Elementary family, and we look forward to the positive impact she will make in this new capacity.
Please join me in extending your support and congratulations to Ms. Vela as she transitions into her new role.
Please also see important dates that were also posted on Class DOJO, we look forward to seeing you all!
Upcoming Events
- Monday, January 20th - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Day (no school)
- Tuesday, January 21st- HMES Spirit Night!!! See flyers below.
- Wednesday, January 22nd - 100th Day of School Celebration!
Thursday, January 23rd (6pm) - Location: Briarcliff Village Publix Math Night
Monday, January 27th (3rd Grade) Tuesday, January 28th (4th Grade) Wednesday, January 29th (5th Grade)- (PTA Funded late day conference) Student-Parent Data Talks with Dr. Blanton
Wednesday, January 29th- Spring Conferences Late Student Data conference Night and Parent Milestones Boot Camp- Details to come.
Tuesday, February 4th 9:30am - 10:30am Henderson Mill PTSA Parent Tour for all rising 6th graders.
Thursday, February 6th In person Coffee and Conversation- Cafeteria (9:45am and 12:30pm)
- Friday, February 7th Movie Night (Club Fundraiser)
- Thursday, February 13th- Valentine's Dance 5:30pm - 7:30pm
- Monday, February 17th- Friday, February21st - February Break (Students)
- Tuesday, February 4th 7pm (ZOOM) - February PTA Board and Committee Meeting
- Monday, February 24th 9:30am -10:15am - February Spring Interest Tour
- Wednesday, February 26th 4:30pm -February Spring Interest Tour
Thursday, February 27th (6pm – in-person) -African American History Month Program
PTO General Meeting - See more upcoming dates on the PTO calendar and flyers below.
Rising 6th grade parents only. It is time to register for middle school. Please see link below to complete registration. This is due January 24th.
Reminder to complete our Georgia School Climate Survey (GSCS) if you have not already:
This survey is a statewide and also anonymous. This survey identifies issues that affect student achievement and school climate for our CCRPI school rating.
The GSCS is designed to provide actionable data for school and district leaders to make schools safer and more engaging. See link for more information: https://gadoe.org/whole-child-supports/school-climate/
Help transform a school space to provide a better learning environment with Georgia United Foundation's School Crashers program. Over 76 schools have already enjoyed improved spaces, from sensory rooms to vibrant learning areas. Henderson Mill Elementary is an accredited K-12 school in Georgia that could benefit from a makeover? Nominate us today. The more nominations the greater our chances.
Nominate our School by January 31, 2025
Complete the online nomination form and include a compelling story about why your school or classroom deserves a makeover. Photos are recommended to showcase the need for facility improvements.
Spring Movie Night is Coming!
Join us for a fun-filled evening in the cafeteria on Friday, February 7 at 6 PM, sponsored by your PTO. This event is perfect for the whole family!
- Pre-order your meals and lock in the best prices.
- Sign up to volunteer and help make the night a success.
- Your students get to decide! They’ll vote to pick the movie from a list of top choices—a great way to see democracy in action.
Sales and volunteer forms close February 6 at noon. Let’s make this a night to remember!
- School doors open at 7:00am and breakfast begins, to avoid traffic plan to arrive early!
- After breakfast Intervention/Enrichment begins. This is a critical time for students that need support.
- 7:30am breakfast ends
- 7:40am Morning Announcements start
- 7:45am Instruction begins
- 2:15pm Dismissal begins, bus riders, van riders, walkers, car riders, and then aftercare are released. We ask that parents that pick up students in cars, allow our buses to be first in line. Buses arrive at 1:30pm and should be able to park in front of all cars.
- 2:30pm All students should be dismissed from classes.
- 2:45pm Parents arriving after this time will have to pick their child up from aftercare and there is a drop in fee that you will be required to pay.
-Henderson Mill Staff
Henderson Mill Elementary
Email: regina_smiley-blanton@dekalbschoolsga.org
Website: https://www.hendersonmilles.dekalb.k12.ga.us/
Location: 2408 Henderson Mill Road, Atlanta, GA, USA
Phone: 678-874-3102
Twitter: @henderson_mill