The Middle School Minute
St. Johns Middle School Newsletter- January 17, 2025
Important Dates
- January 7-24- Winter i-Ready Testing Window
- January 20- Professional Development Day- No School for Students
- January 23- Academic Intervention Day
- January 27-31- Winterfest Week
- January 27- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- January 28- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- January 31- No School for Students and Staff
- February 7- Fun Night!
- February 14- No School for Students and Staff
- February 17- No School for Students and Staff
- February 27- Academic Intervention Day
- March 6- Trimester 2 Exams- 12:06 Dismissal
- March 7- Trimester 2 Exams- 12:06 Dismissal
- March 7- Fun Night!
- March 10- Begin Trimester 3
- March 20- Academic Intervention Day
- March 28-April 6- Spring Break! No School for Students and Staff
- April 11- Fun Night!
- April 14- Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences
- April 17- PSAT 8 (Please Avoid Absences)
- April 18- No School for Students and Staff
- April 22-25-M-STEP for 6th and 7th Grade (Please Avoid Absences)
- April 29-May 2- M-STEP for 8th Grade (Please Avoid Absences)
- May 27- 8th Grade Honors Night
- May 30- 8th Grade Farewell Dance
- June 6- 8th Grade Michigan Adventure Trip
SJMS Office Hours: School days from 7:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
In This Edition...
New Topics
- None this week!
Old Topics
- Course Scheduling for the 25-26 School Year
- Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up
- Attendance Call Reminder
- i-Ready Testing Window
Course Scheduling for the 25-26 School Year
Parent/Teacher Conferences Sign Up
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on January 27th from 3:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. and January 28th from 3:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Conferences are by appointment and will be held virtually through Zoom. Please click on the red bar below to sign up to meet with your student's teachers. Sign ups will close prior to the start of school on January 27th to allow our teachers time to prepare.
Attendance Calls Reminder
Parents can call the attendance line (989-227-4344) and leave a voicemail about appointments and other absences or they can email the attendance line (msattendance@sjredwings.org). We cannot accept verbal communication from a student about appointments and absences. Thank you!
i-Ready Testing Window
i-Ready testing will occur in ELA and Math classes on select days between January 7-24. Our staff uses information collected from i-Ready to monitor student progress and adjust instruction to meet the needs of all learners.
Contact Information
Email: taborp@sjredwing.org
Website: www.sjredwings.org/middleschool
Meet Our Staff: www.sjredwings.org/our-schools/middleschool/meet-our-sjms-staff
Location: 900 West Townsend Road, Saint Johns, MI, USA
Phone: (989) 227-4300
Facebook: facebook.com/StJohnsMiddleSchool