Eagle Flyer
A newsletter for Walnut Hills High School
August 9, 2024
Dear Walnut Hills High School Families:
We are looking forward to welcoming our students back to the building and for another wonderful school year. Please take time to read the important information below. We want everyone to have a seamless and successful start to the school year! Let's rise to the highest!
Ashley Morgan
Interim Principal
Sursum ad summum
Go Eagles!
11 New Family BBQ 5-7pm
12 Welcome Night 5:30-8:00pm
14 First day for students
14 Focus open for students to report remaining errors
21 Last day to report schedule errors
23 Senior Sunrise (before school)
New Principal, Assistant Principal and School Counselor
Please join us in congratulating Mrs. Ashley Morgan on her promotion to Interim Principal. Mrs. Morgan was a strong leader in her past roles as Assistant Principal for Junior High and High School and we look forward to seeing where her strengths take Walnut this year.
Assistant Principal Matt Chaney will be leaving his role in the junior high office and move to office 2209 to cover the high school vacancy. Ms. Morgan Taylor will be leaving her role as a School Counselor and taking on a new role at Junior High Assistant Principal.
Lastly, please welcome our new School Counselor, Ms. Audrey Markovich.
Click on this LINK to see the new breakout for our principals and school counselors.
Mr. Chambers farewell letter can be viewed HERE.
Focus Schedule Errors
Be sure to double check schedules in Focus before Welcome Night. School counselors have been working on errors and your schedule may have changed. The Error Reporting Form will be open again on August 14 for students to report any remaining errors and will close on August 21. Do not come to the counseling office to request a change unless a bell is missing from your schedule.
WELCOME TO WALNUT HILLS!! New Family BBQ - August 11
Meet other NEW Walnut Families and join us for fun & games and hot dogs!
Sunday, August 11th
Walnut Welcome Night - August 12
You are invited to the Walnut Hills High School Welcome Night event! This will be held on Monday, August 12 from 5:30pm - 8:00pm. All students and their families will have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the building (click here for information about where things are located!), meet their teachers, learn about clubs and activities, and potentially choose a locker. The athletic department staff will be available with information about how to get involved in one of our many sports programs as well as athletics gear for sale! The Spirit Shop will also be open from 5:30-8:00 pm in the main hallway. Club Fair will be on the Patio overlooking Marx stadium.
Due to the limited parking, we are asking families to carpool if possible. Here is an overview of on-campus parking locations for the evening. There will be a shuttle running from the gravel parking lot on the corner of Woodburn and Dana (you can click here to see some maps) to Blair circle from 5:15-8:15 for overflow parking.
Please see the attachments for more information about times, expectations, and look for emails from your child’s teachers with more specific information.
Summer Assignments
Picture Day - August 15
Mark your calendars for Picture Day on August 15. Students must have their picture taken at school on Thursday, August 15, if they want a student ID. If your student misses Picture Day, they will not be able to get a student ID.
Blair Circle Drop Off and Pick Up Traffic Info
Blair Circle Morning Traffic
Parents utilizing the Blair Circle drop-off for 7:30 AM morning arrival. Please be advised that when you enter Blair Circle, you continue to move forward around the circle until the car in front of you has stopped. Once all cars in front of you have stopped and are beginning to unload, your rider(s) can do the same. Please do not drop off your students at any point before the doors to the Arcade/Arts & Science building. After your student(s) have exited your vehicle proceed through Blair Circle and exit onto Blair Avenue. Do not attempt to pass cars that are in front of you. We appreciate your cooperation in making sure the flow of traffic is consistent, efficient, and safe for our families and students.
Blair Circle Afternoon Traffic
For families that are using Blair Circle to pick up your student(s) at 3:00 PM dismissal. Please be advised that you need to fully pull your vehicle into the circle area and continue moving forward around the circle until all traffic ahead of you has stopped. Keep your vehicle close to the sidewalk curb. Once you have your student(s), you may safely proceed out of the circle area and onto Blair Avenue. No traffic from Blair Circle will be entering the Gilbert Avenue/Jr High Gymnasium traffic circle. We appreciate your help in making this dismissal process safe and efficient for our families.
Campus Dismissal Procedures
3:00 PM Dismissal
Students have until 3:15 PM to report to their scheduled after school activity where a supervising adult is present. The library is open Monday-Thursday until 4:00 (or until 3:30 on Fridays), many teachers hold help nights, and there are many extracurricular club options. Otherwise, all students must exit the building promptly by 3:15 PM.
If a student needs to re-enter the building after 3:15 PM, it must be via the Blair Circle steps/Main Office entrance only.
If a student is found to be in the building, unsupervised after 3:15 PM, then there will be disciplinary consequences consistent with the CPS Code of Conduct that can include a Friday School or an Alternative Learning Center (ALC) assignment.
We appreciate your cooperation and support with dismissal procedures.
Please click on this LINK for a detailed list of campus safety updates.
Student Parking Permit Registration Now Open
Cost of permit is $30.00 for the year. The cost will be reduced to $15.00 at the beginning of second semester.
Student Parking Permit Registration Information
Seniors and juniors who fill in the form before by 8/12 can bring their payment and pick up their parking pass from Ms. Daniels at Welcome Night. Otherwise, passes will be available for pick-up from Ms. Daniels, in the Main Office, during 4th bell lunch or after school.
New Club Membership Fee
Please click here to learn about the WHHS Club Membership Fee along with instructions for registering your student for their activities in Final Forms.
**Please note that students who are new to Walnut may not yet be loaded into Final Forms. Students may participate in clubs in the meantime by keeping in direct contact with the advisor, paying the Membership Fee once the student information has populated.**
For the 24-25 school year students will once again select their locker anywhere in the building on a first come, first serve basis. That means if you bring your lock (classic Master locks work best with our lockers) on the first day of school, you can select your locker and start using it. All students will be responsible for entering their locker number and lock combination into the NEW Locker Request 2024-2025 Google Form (the form is also accessible by QR code on signs posted in the building). If your locker information is not entered, the locker will not be assigned to you and your lock may be cut. Once you complete the Locker Request Google Form, we advise you to enter your locker number and combination into your phone as a contact or other safe reference location.
Please note, lockers may also be selected during Welcome Night on Aug 12, 2024.
Transportation - Metro Bus Cards
Class of 2025 Senior Portrait Information
It's time to start thinking about your Senior Portrait. Click on the link below for details. All portraits must be taken and submitted by September 30, 2024.
Student Cardiac Screening at Walnut
MCore Foundation is holding a student preventative cardiac screening at Walnut Hills on August 21. Click HERE for more information, or to sign up for this optional screening. Contact MCore if you have any questions. Space is limited.
Anyone between the ages of 12 and 22 can participate in the screening, and the child doesn't have to be an athlete.
New Counselor Breakout
Welcome back! Please use the link below to see the School Counselor breakout and contact info. for 24/25.
Graduation Requirements
All Students:
Ohio has new graduation requirements that took effect in 2022. Please make yourselves familiar with them. Direct any questions regarding graduation requirements to your school counselor.
Meetings with your School Counselor
Click HERE to access School Counselor Meeting QR codes.
If you have any issues making an appointment, email your counselor.
Crisis Help and Support
Children's Mental Health
NPR's A Martinez talks to Dr. Pamela Cantor, founder of Turnaround for Children, about a Pew report that finds U.S. parents' biggest concern is the mental health of their children.
Too Sick for School Policy
Please keep in mind, illness is an excused absence and students will be able to make up work they will miss. Please do not send ill students to school because they have a quiz or test.
Family Technology Support Center
For CPS students and their families, help is a phone call away by dialing the Family Technology Support Center, (513) 363-0688 or emailing fts@cps-k12.org. Tech support is available in English and Spanish from 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday when school is in session.
Get Involved - Walnut Hills Parent Association
The Parent Association communicates using a system called Constant Contact, so join our mailing list using the attached link and get up-to-date information about what's happening at Walnut Hills! Get Connected
Reporting Absences and Dismissals
Grades 7-9 Information Google Site
Grades 10-12 Information Google Site
Our community communicates using a system called Constant Contact, so join our mailing list using the link above and get up-to-date information about what's happening at Walnut Hills!
Walnut Hills High School
Email: whhsattendance@cpsboe.k12.oh.us
Website: walnuthillseagles.com
Location: 3250 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Phone: 513-363-8400
Twitter: @high_walnut