2nd Grade Newsletter
Ms. Greenwood, Ms. Helms, Ms. Hoover, Ms. Navarro
Quarter 2
Hello Families,
In class, we are working on learning routines, procedures, and making transitions. Students are practicing listening and following directions skills throughout the day. Learning our procedures and how to listen will help us to be successful learners.
Please remember that attendance matters every day! We have to be in school to learn.
What We Are Learning
-Addition and Subtraction facts
Shared Reading:
Native Americans-
Reading: The Cheyenne People, The Cherokee People, The Mohawk People
-Understanding nonfiction text structures
-Making text-to-text connections
Weather unit of study
-Understanding Narrative text structures
-Narrative writing
Read Aloud Texts-
The Legend of the Bluebonnet
Arrow to the Sun
Social Studies:
-Native Americans
-Famous Americans
- Please make sure your child is wearing sneakers for gym class.
- We have four recesses each day, so make sure your child dresses appropriately for playing outside.
- Check your child's folder daily!
- During lunch, students can buy snacks for $1.00
- Your child is permitted to bring a water bottle to school daily.
Consistent, clear communication is fundamental to student success!
Important Dates
No School- Nov. 5
Field Trip- 22nd
No School- 27-29th (Thanksgiving Break)
Dec. 20- Early Dismissal
Dec. 23- Jan. 3- NO SCHOOL