Route 40 Elementary School
Jacqueline Hawkins, Principal
October 18, 2024
“Autumn leaves don't fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on this their only chance to soar.” -Delia Owens
Red Ribbon Week
Picture Day
Picture Day is Friday, October 25th. Flyers went home last week. You can also order online at Lifetouch.
Changes to Transportation
Please remember that if there are ANY changes to your students transportation, you must send a note in with your child or call the school at 301-689-6132, please make sure that you speak to someone, do not leave a message. If the phones are down, the messages don't always come through until later. We ask that you please DO NOT email Mrs. Bolden or your child’s teacher with the change, we may not see the email in time. If you have questions please contact Mrs. Bolden.
The GCPS handbook states that if your child is absent for any reason, a note explaining the absence should be sent in within three (3) days of the absence.Their attendance will be coded accordingly.
As Winter approaches, please remember to set up your parent portal for powerschool. Follow the steps to set up School Messenger. School Messenger is a communications tool that is used by the Garrett County Public Schools. The school system uses School Messenger to communicate a number of items ranging from school cancellations, major system wide events, to other various announcements by way of phone call, email, and/or text. Report cards are also sent by school messenger. To utilize School Messenger, a parent needs to log into his/her PowerSchool Parent Portal account. The Access ID and Password were handed out at back to school or sent home with your child. If you did not receive one or need assistance setting up your account please contact the school.
Halloween Social Volunteers Needed
The Halloween Social is being held at the school on Friday, October 25, 6:00 - 8:00 pm. We are looking for volunteers to help run games & activities. Please use the links below to sign up. Thank you for volunteering!
Halloween Social Activities and Games
Harvest Basket Tickets are due back Monday, October 21st. Thank you for selling these tickets!
Parent Volunteers Needed
Parent volunteers are a vital part of our school routine. We host a regular work session to help prepare supplies on Thursday afternoons from 1:00 – 3:00. If Thursdays don’t align to your schedule, please feel free to call and set up another time to join us. We value the assistance volunteers can provide to our educational program.
As a reminder we still try to take the students out for some fresh air during the winter months. If the temperatures are above 32 degrees we will attempt to out. Please have your students wear a jacket and maybe gloves and hats.
🥛🧇Weekly Breakfast & Lunch Menu 🍔🍟
October 21st-25th - Red Ribbon Week
October 25th - Fall Pictures
- Halloween Social 6:00-8:00pm
November 1st - Custome Parade 2:30pm
November 5th - Schools Closed - Election Day
November 6th - Grades K and 1st to Hickory
- End of Qtr 1
November 8th - Veterans Day Breakfast 9am
November 11th - 12:15 Dismissal - Staff Development
- Veterans Day
November 20th & 22nd - Book Fair
November 27th - 29th - Thanksgiving Break