Pirates Post
Week of Nov. 29th
Message from Principal Drew...
First and foremost I hope that each of you have been able to enjoy some time this past week relaxing with family and friends. It is always good to take time to give thanks for the blessings in our lives and to enjoy time together.
Final exams will be given in all classes the week of December 13th - 17th. It is very important that all students start preparing now for their final exams. We have ten school days left before exams begin. By starting to review the material they have learned they will be able to spend the time needed to recall and remember information from earlier in the semester. Final exams count as 20% of a student's final grade so all students need to give their best effort not only on their exams but also in the preparation for each exam. Our teachers will review with them in the coming days but time outside of school will be required for a student to reach their full potential. Please contact your teachers if there are any questions or concerns about the material on the final exams in your classes.
We have a very busy week in Pirate Nation this week.
Tuesday we will offer the ASVAB test to any student registered to take the test. The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a heavily researched and well-respected aptitude test developed by the Department of Defense. It measures a young adult's strengths and potential for success in not only the military but a variety of potential careers. If you want to take the test but are not yet registered please see one of our guidance counselors first thing Monday morning to get your name on the list to be tested. We also have basketball games for all teams at Edenton on Tuesday.
Wednesday we will have a swim meet at the Elizabeth City YMCA as well as home basketball games for our JV boys, Varsity girls, and Varsity boys. OCS and Senior English presentations will also take place on this day.
Thursday we will host JV girls and JV boys basketball games versus Currituck.
Friday we will have another swim meet and our JV girls will play at Albemarle School.
With only ten days left in the semester before testing it is imperative that students make up any missing work immediately. Contact your teachers as soon as possible to make sure that you have submitted all needed work prior to the start of exam week.
We have a chance to finish the semester strongly. Start preparing now and success will follow.
PCHS Highlights...
This Week @ PCHS...
***New PCS Calendar Update...January 24th is now a school day for all staff and students; January 30th is now a Teacher Workday (no school for students)***
- Tue, Nov. 30th> JV Girls Basketball @ Edenton 4:30 pm; Boys Basketball @ Edenton 4:30 pm
- Wed, Dec. 1st> Swim 3:00 pm; Boys Basketball vs Camden 4:30 pm
- Thr, Dec. 2nd> JV Boys & Varsity Girls Basketball vs Currituck 4:30/6:00 pm
- Fri, Dec. 3rd> Swim 3:00 pm; JV Girls Basketball @ Albemarle 4:00 pm
Counselor's Corner: Student Services...
College Center...
- Congrats to A'Marion Hunter for his acceptance to Western Carolina University.
- Congrats to Ke'Dazha Bunch on her acceptance to Elizabeth City State University.
- Congrats to Khiara Sutton on her acceptance to College of the Albemarle.
- Congrats to Kameron Hall on his acceptance to East Carolina University.
- Congrats to Kimari Parker on her acceptances to University of North Carolina- Charlotte,
East Carolina University, Elizabeth City State University, and Hampton University.