Cheetah Newsletter
Cooperative - Accountable - Respectful - Enthusiastic - Safe
May 30, 2024
A Message from the Principal
Dear Families,
Next week we head into June and our last 14 days of school! As I’ve mentioned previously, we have so much to look forward to these last few weeks, and we can’t wait to see your child at school daily. I highly encourage you to read this week’s newsletter closely and mark details for the next few weeks on your calendar. There are three family events I want to highlight in the next two weeks:
PTA BINGO Night - tomorrow! Join us in the gym at 6pm for a fun evening of BINGO. You can get 7 BINGO plays for $1, there is an amazing silent auction, and local favorite food truck Las Garnachas will be here with a menu that has something for everyone. We hope to see your whole family!
Art Walk - Tuesday, June 4th: Our students have worked hard this year to create incredible art with Mrs. Franck. Each child will have a poster displaying some of their artwork from throughout the year - we hope you can join us from 6-7pm to celebrate all of our students!
Guitar Club Recital - Tuesday, June 11th: This year our music teacher, Mr. Blair, has been running an after-school guitar club. The students are excited to show off their learning and skills during a recital at 6:30pm.
In addition to all of the above, don’t miss:
We look forward to seeing you at school in June!
“Participate with passion, and you’ll inspire others to do the same.”
- Unknown
Bingo Night
Chain Lake PTA presents Bingo Night
Friday, May 31st 6-8pm
Get Ready to shout "bingo" and take a chance at winning some fun prizes!
Food Truck
Family Fun
Silent Auction
$1 Bingo Play
All proceeds of this event will go towards funding exciting events for the students, maintaining PTA balances, and providing staff with daily resources.
5th Grade Celebration Activities
Class of 2031 Slideshow
5th Grade Celebration Chaperones
If you would like to be a chaperone for your students 5th grade celebration please sign-up below.
The Art Wall with Mrs. Franck
Our next unit will be urban animals. Kindergarteners and first graders will be working on a series of easy birds. Second and third graders will make origami cats and dogs, and fourth and fifth graders will be making a painted paper collage of a Jeff Koons inspired balloon dog.
Elementary Art Walk Volunteers Needed
We are looking for help to put up artwork for the upcoming Art Walk. If you would like to sign up please use this link.
We hope you can join us for our all school student art exhibition!
Date: Tuesday, June 4th
Time: 6:00-7:00pm
Location: Gym and Galleria
Cheetahs of the Week
Yearbooks are Still Available......
Still need a yearbook? Yearbooks are $30 and are still available through the main office on a first come first serve basis. Please send a either cash or check made out to CLE PTA.
Upcoming Events
May 31 - PTA Bingo Night, 6-8pm gym
June 4th - Art Walk, 6-7pm galleria
June 7th - Dress Like a Celebrity Spirit Day
June 11th - PTA Meeting/Elections 6:00pm Library
June 11th - Guitar Club Recital 6:30pm Music Room
June 12th - Field Day 2-3:15pm
June 14th - Animal Spirit Day
June 17th - Principal Chat 9:15am
June 18th - School BBQ, during lunches
June 19th - Juneteenth, No School
June 20 - 5th Grade Celebration
June 21st - Hawaiian Spirit Day
June 21st - Last Day of School, 12pm release
Spirit Day
Library Corner
Library Surplus Sale is Coming......
SURPLUS Sale is coming June 10th and will be all day during school hours 9am-3pm, all surplus books will be .25 cents each, please note I will not have change available.
The end of the year is fast approaching, the students' last day for normal check out will be next week and then all library books will be due back by June 13th. I have decided to give the classes a challenge, the 1st 3-4 classes that have all of their library books turned in will earn themselves a snow cone party the last week of school. As a reminder if you ordered a yearbook for your student they must have all library books returned and/or any library fines taken care of in order to receive their yearbook.
Makerspace will also be winding down as of June 14th, it has been absolutely amazing to see the creations the students have made this year and has given me loads of ideas to put into play for the next school year.
Happy Reading and Creating,
Mrs. Swalwell
Field Day Volunteers
Field Day is coming up on June 12th from 2:00-3:15pm. If you would like to volunteer for Field Day please sign up below.
Note: you will also need to submit the Volunteer Application to be an approved volunteer for Field Day.
From the Kitchen.....
End of the Year Picnic
Tuesday, June 18th
~ MENU ~
Choice of Hamburger or Hot Dog on Wheat Bun
Fresh Fruit, Veggie & Condiment Bar
Sweet Treat
Choice of White or Chocolate Milk
Cash or checks will be accepted the day of the picnic for visitors. Please make checks payable to Monroe School District. Account deposits will not be taken in picnic line.
Lunch Prices:
Student $3.35 Paid
$.40 Reduced, $.00 Free
Guests: Child $3.35, Adult $4.60
4th & 5th – 11:35 – 11:55
2nd & 3rd – 12:05 – 12:25
K & 1st – 12:30 – 12:50
Lunch will be served in the gym, then you will dine outside at tables,
or feel free to bring a blanket (recess follows lunch).
Last Day of School Sack Lunch Orders
To ensure that your student will have a sack lunch on June 21st please submit a form through the link below. This will help us have an accurate head count and enough prepared lunches.
The lunch will be their FAVORITE- Muffin Fun lunch!!
Daily Gym Sock with Mr. Christy and Miss O'Brien
Next week we will be playing Indy 500 and the obstacle course. Please remember to wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothes. Field day June 12th volunteers needed.
Summer 2024 Free Lunch Program
Summer meals will once again be available free to all students age 18 and under!
Frank Wagner Elementary
115 Dickinson Road
In Downtown Monroe
When: June 26th - August 26th
Time: Lunch is served: 11:30am-12:30pm Monday through Friday
No certification or paperwork is required. Meals must be consumed on site.
24-25 Kindergarten Registration
Incoming Kindergarteners Register NOW for Fall 2024
All Monroe elementary schools offer all day, every day kindergarten at no cost to families. Students attend from 8:55 a.m. to 3:25 p.m. State law requires incoming kindergarten students to have received current immunizations by the first day of class and be age 5 by August 31, 2024 to enroll for the 2024-2025 school year.
Families may register online by clicking on the button below or by picking up a paper packet from our school office.
Weekend Food Bag Program
In cooperation with Sky Valley Food Bank and Maltby Food Bank we provide a weekly food bag (under 5 lbs) to students that opt in to this program. The food bags have snacks, canned meat etc. The food bags will be delivered to your student's classroom and will come home with them weekly on Thursday or Friday.
Please fill out this form to request food bags.
Watch D.O.G.S
From the Health Room:
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. The phone number in the health room is 360-804-3132 and the best email address is corriem@monroe.wednet.edu.
Where to go at CLE
Assoc. Principal - AJ Adamski
Counselor - Heather Mitchell
Office Manager - Kathy Bruning
Office Support - Rose Chapman
Health Room - 360.804.3132
24-hour Attendance Hotline - 360.804.3101
Fax - 360.804.3199
Bus Delay Information - 360.804.2951
Transportation Office - 360.804.2650
School Hours are 8:55 a.m. to 3:25 p.m. Monday - Thursday and 8:55 a.m. to 2:25 p.m. on Fridays
Website: www.monroe.wednet.edu
Location: Chain Lake Elementary School, Chain Lake Road, Snohomish, WA, USA
Phone: 360.804.3100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChainLakeElementary
The Monroe School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Title IX Coordinator, Compliance Coordinator for 28A.640 and 28A.642 RCW
Dan Johnston
14692 - 179th Avenue SE, Monroe, WA 98272
(360) 804.2530
Title IX Training Materials
Section 504/ADA Coordinator
David Paratore
14692 - 179th Avenue SE, Monroe, WA 98272
(360) 804.2609
For information regarding translation services or transitional bilingual education programs, contact:
Chris Cronas
14692 - 179th Avenue SE, Monroe, WA 98272
(360) 804.2558