4-H Friday News Blast for 12.20.19
It's looking a lot like Christmas, everywhere we go ....
4-H Beef Weigh-in - December 28th
It’s time to get those calendars out!! Please note that the Cass County 4-H Market Beef Weigh-in is scheduled for Saturday December 28th 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. on the fairgrounds. Club leaders, please be sure to relay this information to your members that are interested in showing market beef. It’s always good to hear information a couple times from a few different sources.
If necessary, the snow date will be Saturday, January 4th, 2020 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
As always, if you have any questions, please email or call the office at 402-267-2205.
Office Closed for the Holidays
The following week, the Extension Office will close at noon on December 31, and be closed all day on January 1st.
Enjoy your holidays!
Live the Pledge as you go through the Holidays ...
I Pledge
My Head to clearer thinking
My Heat to greater loyalty
My Hands to greater service, and
My Health to better living.
For my club, my community
my country and my world!
4-H Leaders ... Year End Reports due
Get it done early and check it off your to-do list. :)
Triple B 4-H Club Serves their Community
If other clubs have been participating in Community Service Projects, let the Extension Office know. Sharing good news stories is what we like to do!
Visit the Informational and Interesting National 4-H Council's Idea page:
1) 4-H Grown: Andrew Box Bosworth Invest $1M in 4-H STEM
2) Spread the 4-H Spirit this Season
3) National Day of the Horse
4) Inspire Your Kids to do THIS Holiday Season
5) 4-H Alumnus Featured in Sports Illustrated Kids
6) Register for Summer 2020 - civic leadership skills and actionable solutions
2020 Enrollment is Open!
Enrollment is open for the 2020 program year! Club members, club leaders, independent members, project leaders, and superintendents must re-enroll each year.
To date 106 individuals have enrolled/re-enrolled:
- 86 youth and
- 23 volunteers.
Enrollment instructions are available to help you navigate the 4-H Online system. Be sure to check out the following resources:
Updated 2020 Pick-Your-Project Resource
The Pick Your Project, available at http://4hcurriculum.unl.edu, has been updated for the 2020 program year.
Using the searchable, web-based 2020 Pick Your Project, users will be able to search for projects by keywords, curriculum areas, knowledge levels, and geographic levels. It is the intent that this feature will assist 4-H youth, volunteers and families with learning about the project opportunities using the Pick Your Project and then locating the same project in 4HOnline.
To assist 4-H members, volunteers, and parents, with locating curriculum to support 4-H projects, two resources are available:
1) A new 4-H Projects page at https://4h.unl.edu/projects
2) A Printable Project Listing at https://4h.unl.edu/documents/NE4H-Project-Listing-2020.docx
4-H Photography Showcase
The 4-H Photography Showcase offers a project exhibition opportunity beyond traditional print media. It is intended to help youth develop professional and technical skills as photographers while fostering creativity and encouraging self-expression. Through this opportunity, youth are encouraged to practice and apply skills learned in their photography projects throughout the year.
How Does It Work?
Each month, a new photo will be selected from the online submissions. Selections will be made based on creativity, timeliness, technical execution, originality, and appropriateness. The selected photo will be showcased across the Nebraska 4-H social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Youth photographers will be credited wherever and whenever their photo is shared or published.
This opportunity is open to all enrolled 4-H members. Photo recommendations, file specifications, rules, and guidelines for participation are available online at https://4h.unl.edu/photography-showcase.
2020 Online Horticulture Judging Contest
Do you know what it takes to pick the best fruit and vegetables out at the grocery store? Or do you know what judges are looking for when they judge your plants at the county fair? Have you ever wondered, what plant is that!?! We are excited to offer the opportunity to learn these and other important horticulture skills through the Online Horticulture Contest. The contest will be available June 5-22, 2020 at: https://go.unl.edu/hortcontest.
Horticulture judging contest consists of three parts. The first is identification of plant material. Participants identify the plants by common name from a plant list. Specimens may be alive or preserved plant parts like stems, twigs, leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, roots, bulbs, tubers, or plant products.
The second is a knowledge portion, usually in the form of a true/false or multiple choice quiz. Questions will test the contestant's knowledge of cultural practices for horticultural crops, plant science, pesticides, horticultural careers and other topics related to the production, processing and consumption of horticultural crops.
The last portion is judging or placings. This is where four different plants, plates of vegetables, or containers flowers are ranked from best to worst based on a set of criteria. Classes are judged on the basis of condition, quality, uniformity, true-to-type, and size.
More information about the Nebraska State contest along with a list of study materials can be found in the Fairbook http://4h.unl.edu/fairbook/plant-science/horticulture-id. Here you can find the written study materials for the knowledge portion, follow links to plant pictures for help with identification, and read how judging of plant material is done.
More details at: https://4h.unl.edu/online-horticulture-judging-contest
State 4-H Indoor Archery Tournament Registration Open
- FRIDAY JANUARY 24th - Registration: 5:15 pm. Shooting starts promptly at 6:00 pm
- SATURDAY JANUARY 25th - Registration: 7:00 am. Shooting starts promptly at 8:00 am
- Registration: 10:00 am. Shooting starts promptly at 11:00 am
Cost: $15 per shooter. Pay at the event site.
NFAA 300 Round (12 ends of 5 arrows)
Contact Info: Mark Eggers: (402)750-0005 or Becky Carmin: (308)380-0763
Registration information found at: https://forms.gle/FCF4w8wDpCTW33gq6
Want to keep up on Nebraska State 4-H News?
Volunteers for First Lego League
Members who like to sew and model ... consider this:
Omaha Fashion Week has grown to the nation’s 5th largest fashion event. In addition to supporting more independent fashion designers than any other organization in the region, Omaha Fashion Week supports young fashion designers by providing mentoring, educational opportunities, and a professional platform to showcase work.
Nebraska 4-H is once again partnering with Omaha Fashion Week during their Spring Showcase. OFW Student Night will take place on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 and will exclusively feature student designers, including a 4-H collection. This collection will consist of 10 to 12 garments from across the state. Each garment will be modeled by the 4-H member who made it. In order to create a complete and dynamic collection, interested 4-H members are invited to apply to participate in the show. The 4-H collection will be curated based upon the selection criteria as listed below.
Student Night Details:
When: Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Where: Omaha Design Center (near TD Ameritrade Park in Omaha)
Hair and Make-up will be scheduled for all models starting at 2:00 p.m.
Runway rehearsal will take place at 5:30 p.m. The show starts at 8:00 p.m. and will end around 9:30 p.m.
Tickets for the event are free to students who show their Student ID or are $10 for non-students. For more information about Omaha Fashion Week or to purchase tickets to this night or the entire week, visit https://omahafashionweek.com/tickets
Selection Criteria:
· Participants must be current 4-H members.
· Garments must be constructed by the 4-H member, not purchased.
· Preference will be given to full garments constructed by the 4-H member.
· Garments should be fashion forward, runway appropriate and display high quality construction.
· Creativity and attention to detail are highly scrutinized in garment selection.
To Apply:
Complete the following application form: https://go.unl.edu/ofw2020
Note: Photos submitted of the 4-H member wearing the garment are recommended in the application.
Applications are due January 10th.
Attached is a flyer and social media graphic to use for promotional purposes. Please pass this on to any 4-H members that you feel would be qualified to apply for this opportunity. Let me know if you have any questions about Omaha Fashion Week or the application process. Looking forward to another dynamic show featuring the exceptional work of Nebraska 4-H designers!
4-H Horse News:
- Nebraska Equine Webinar series ... 2nd Monday of every month (please remember to register for these webinars in advance)
- Horsemen's Update ... January 15, 2020. A full day of presentations on important topics for horse owners
- Come Ride with Me ... February 15, 2019 A Horsemanship clinic for youth and adults
- 4-H Adults/Leader Advancement Level Workshop .... March 8, 2020
- Horse Stampede 2020 4-H Horses .. March 29, 2020
- For more events and learning opportunities you can always visit the State 4-H Horse webiste site at http://4h.unl.edu/horse
2020 District Horse Show Locations and Dates
June 15- Scottsbluff
June 16- Burwell
June 17- Columbus
June 18- Lincoln
June 19- McCook
Districts Webpage- https://4h.unl.edu/horse/district-shows
4-H Calendar
Looking into the New Year ...
- Cass County Beef Weigh-in ... December 28 at the fairgrounds, 9 am to 11 am
- Extension Office closed for the Holiday - All day both Dec. 24 and Dec. 25
- Extension Office closed for the New Year Holiday - Dec. 31 at noon, and all day Jan 1
- Summer Camps announced for 2020+
- Nebraska Cattlemen's Classic Judging Contest - Saturday, 2.15.2020 in Kearney
- Chick Days at UNL ... March 14, 2020 in Lincoln.
- 2020 Horse Judging School - March 7, 2020
- 2020 Adult/Leader Equine Advancement Level Workshop - March 8, 2020
- 2020 Equine 4-H Youth 3 & 4 Advancement Level Workshop - March 8, 2020
- 4-H Horse Stampede - March 28, 2020 at UNL
- 4-H Companion Animal Challenge - March 28, 2020
- Big Red Camps in Lincoln - June 7-12
- District Horse Show information - June 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Ag Information & Other Opportunities:
- Hort Update (new Dec 17 + past issues)
- Gardening articles by Sarah Browning (New articles posted almost every week)
- Recorded Webinar and info on "Hunting Leases" with vital information for landowners
- Nebraska Extension Publications ... online Library
- Extension Crop Production Clinics set for January ... six sites (Mead is the closest)
- Improving the Bottom-line of Breeding: Three State Beef Conference ... January 16 in Syracuse, NE 5:30 Flyer available here.
Become a Master Gardener ... for 2020 program, register by January 17, 2020
Nebraska Crop Management Conference ... January 22-23 in Kearney
Private Pesticide Training in Cass County (see below) ... February 20, 2020
Pesticide Training Date Announced for 2020
More information can be found at: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/nemaha/2020-private-pesticide-applicator-training-schedule/ .
For other locations and times visit: https://pested.unl.edu/pesticide-safety-recertification
For questions about registration, training, and/or study materials, call the Pesticide Safety Education Program Office at 800-627-7216 (toll-free) or 402-472-1632 and visit the website:
For questions about the status of your license, reciprocity, test results, and/or tests requirements, call the Nebraska Department of Agriculture at 402-471-2341.
Nebraska Extension Cass County
Lauren Stohlmann, Extension Educator and Unit Leader, lauren.stohlmann@unl.edu
Katie Kreuser, Extension Educator, katie.kreuser@unl.edu
Tracy Ensor, Extension Assistant, tracy.ensor@unl.edu
Sondra Buell, Office Manager, sondra.buell@unl.edu
General Mailbox, cass-county@unl.edu
Email: cass-county@unl.edu
Website: www.cass.unl.edu
Location: 8400 144th Street, Weeping Water, NE, 68463
Phone: 402-267-2205
Facebook: facebook.com/UniversityofNebraskaLincolnExtensionCassCounty
Twitter: @UNLCassCounty