Southeast Newsletter
November 2024
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Important Dates
11/1 - No School for Students (Act 80 Day)
11/13 - Picture Retake Day
11/25-12/1 - No School
11/25 & 11/26 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
Picture Retake Day
Lifetouch Picture Retake Day
- Order on mylifetouch.com
- Order forms will be sent home or you can pick them up in the Southeast lobby. Pictures must be paid by the day of pictures. All students will get their pictures taken even if you are not planning on purchasing pictures.
- It will happen first thing in the morning and please send in the whole packet if you do not like the pictures.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
A link will be sent out for you to sign up for parent-teacher conferences.
Extracurricular Activities
Girls Biddy Basketball
Any girls in grades 1-6 interested in playing basketball can sign up using the following link. Registration closes 11/1. https://www.lebanongirlsbiddy.com/
Any students ages 6-12 interested in wrestling can register using the following link: Lebanon Wrestling Club Registration. There will be a mandatory parent meeting on 10/30 at 5:30 pm and practices start 11/11 at 5:30 pm.
Each month, you will receive information regarding PBIS, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. This month, your child can earn a variety of incentives through the PBIS program for demonstrating respectful, responsible, and safe behavior.
Monthly Rewards: iPad Coupon, Coloring Crowns, Hot Chocolate
Self Managers reward for November: Virtual Field Trip
Cafeteria prizes vary based on the number of times classes were rewarded for respectful, responsible, and safe behaviors.
The following link has resources to help students understand their feelings and learn how to express feelings in healthy ways.
World Kindness Day
Books about Kindness
Acts of Kindness
Native American Heritage Month
If you are unfamiliar with the contributions and culture, a good place to start celebrating is to take a virtual field trip, read a few books and look through some resources to learn about important leaders, contributions to American society, historical events, traditions, and cultural components, such as food, music, and art.
Website Resources:
Book Suggestions
https://www.amightygirl.com/blog?p=10365 (printed books)
https://coloursofus.com/32-native-american-childrens-books (printed books)
https://www.getepic.com/collection/1597725/native-american-heritage-month (digital books)
Power Packs
If interested in signing up for the program, please complete the enrollment process by submitting information via the link below.
Please use the dates on the website and not the picture on the newsletter, thank you.
Please contact Kathy Bishop (kbishop@lebanon.k12.pa.us) or Kyle Bensing (kbensing@lebanon.k12.pa.us) with any questions.
Save the Date - Winter Concert 12/16
PowerSchool Parent Portal
If you have not done so already, please create an account or login to your existing account. The login information is the same as last year. There is now a "Forms" icon on the lefthand side. Please click on the icon and sign any current forms.
Please click the link for more information regarding the PowerSchool portal: https://www.smore.com/1qjya
Attendance Matters
Looking to get involved?
President - Robert Beamon
Vice President - Jazmine Ortiz
Secretary - Maddy Lynch
Treasurer - Tiff Rhen
Southeast Elementary School
Email: kbensing@lebanon.k12.pa.us
Website: https://www.lebanon.k12.pa.us/southeast/
Location: 499 E. Pershing Avenue, Lebanon, PA, USA
Phone: 717-675-2163
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SoutheastElementarySchool-308133236062257