Estock Elementary
Parent Handbook | Policies and Procedures 24-25
A Note from the Principal:
Welcome to Estock Elementary, a community dedicated to Educating, Enriching, and Empowering each student. Teaching and learning are our highest priority at Estock, along with ensuring a safe and nurturing environment where all students have access to high-quality, engaging learning. Our staff is committed to taking time to grow professionally, work collaboratively, and help each student to reach their potential.
We are excited to begin another amazing year at Estock Elementary School. Our staff strives to create an environment where each child can thrive and reach his/her full potential. Through our variety of instructional programs, our involved community, and highly trained and dedicated staff, Estock is a learning community designed to meet the needs of each individual student. We strive to create a kind, safe, and respectful school environment where students feel valued and seen each day.
As parents and family members, your help and support are essential to your child’s overall success. We encourage you to become involved with our school activities and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and regularly communicate with your child’s teacher. Our PTA is seeking active, caring parents to help build a strong family-school relationship. We need parents who are interested in working with staff to plan programs and events to support our students and families. Any contribution of your time and talents helps our school. You can join the PTA, help in the classrooms, help at home, and/or at events throughout the year. Together, we can all support the learning of our Estock scholars.
This Estock Elementary Parent Handbook is provided to help inform you of our school policies, procedures and conduct expectations. Please read through this packet carefully and go over the information with your child. Please keep this packet readily available for future reference.
We look forward to seeing you throughout the year. Thank you for your partnership in your child’s education!
Amanda Heineman, Ed.D.
Principal, Estock Elementary
Every minute counts during a school day and regular and punctual attendance in school is essential to a student’s success. Absence from school is one of the greatest contributing factors to unsatisfactory schoolwork. Pupils are required by law and Education Code 48260 to attend school punctually and regularly: Any pupil subject to compulsory full-time education who is absent from school without a valid excuse three days in one school year or tardy or absent for more than any 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year is considered truant and may be reported to the attendance supervisor or to the superintendent of the school district.
Reporting Absences: Parents must send a note, e-mail, or call the school office to report their child’s absence. The note should include the date(s) of absence and the reason for the student’s absence. Parents must report an absence by reporting the child’s name, grade, the reason for the absence, and their relationship to the child, in one of the following ways:
Call the school office at 714-730-7390
Send a written note to the school
Tardies: Students arriving late to school or leaving school early 30 minutes and/or more will be considered truant if there is no medical reason. Students arriving late to school 30 minutes or more must be walked into the school office by a parent. Students leaving school more than 30 minutes prior to dismissal time (if not for medical reasons) qualify as truant tardy.
It is the legal responsibility of parents or guardians to ensure that their school-aged children attend school every day for the entire day unless they have a valid excuse. Under the law, a child may be legally excused from attending school or for being tardy only for the following reasons: 1) illness, 2) medical or dental appointment for the student only, 3) death in the family, and 4) religious observance. All other absences are unexcused.
The State of California has a compulsory education law. This law states that scholars are required to attend school punctually and regularly.
Excused Absence: Absence for causes listed in the State Educational Code are illness, medical, dental, and optometry appointments. For any type of doctor’s appointment, please bring a doctor’s note. Students that have a morning or afternoon doctor's appointment are required to come to school for the portion of the day that the scholar is not at the doctor’s office.
Unexcused Absence: Absences for any reason other than those listed above (including family vacations and athletic events). Truancy that is intentional is a violation of state attendance laws. These absences, regardless of advanced notice, will trigger attendance violation letters after the third unexcused absence. The purpose of the letter is to keep parents informed of the State of California's compulsory education law.
Consequences for Truancy or Absence: On the student’s first day back to school after an absence, the student must bring a signed written note from his/her parent/guardian which lists the date of absence and the specific reason for the absence. In lieu of a written note, a parent/guardian may call the school office or e-mail the school secretary.
After 3 unexcused absences
- Truancy Letter #1 sent home
After 6 unexcused absences
- Truancy Letter #2 sent home
- Request for parent conference
- Estock School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting
After 9 unexcused absences
- Truancy Letter #3 sent home
- TUSD School Attendance Review Board (SARB)
Early Release of Students: If a student needs to leave school early for any reason, a parent/guardian must come to the office and sign the student out. Removing children from school early is disruptive to the academic environment and to the learning of all the children in the class. Early release for a medical or dental appointment is excused when a note from the doctor or dentist is provided. Only adults who are listed on the child’s emergency card will be allowed to sign out a student.
Instruction begins promptly each day at 8:00 AM for all students. Students arriving after the start of school must first visit the office to obtain a tardy slip. For safety and supervision reasons, students may not arrive on campus (inside or outside of the gates) prior to 7:40 AM, when breakfast service begins. This is extremely important for student safety. Once inside the gates, all students must remain on the blacktop or at the lunch tables until the bell rings. Students must keep their backpacks with them before school begins.
AFTER-SCHOOL Dismissal: Supervision is provided at dismissal gates until 2:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and until 1:15 PM on Wednesday (modified days). It is important that all students are picked up on time. Be sure to call the office at (714) 730-7390 as soon as possible if there is a problem causing a late pick-up for your child. The office cannot provide supervision for your children after school. We appreciate the timely pick-up of students.
AFTER-SCHOOL Programs: Estock also offers two after-school programs for families who need additional child care. Applications are available in the office.
Communication with our families is extremely important. The Estock News, sent every Sunday by Dr. Heineman, is an e-mail newsletter to keep parents informed of school events. Communication is sent through ParentSquare and is linked to the contact information provided in the Aeries Parent Portal. Please ensure information is up to date at all times.
For information that cannot be sent via e-mail or needs to be sent in paper format, students have a daily folder. This folder will be sent home with your student each day and should remain in the backpack to be brought to school each day. This folder will be used for the entire school year, so please do your best to keep it in good condition.
Backpacks are strongly recommended for each student. This will provide your child with a way to get homework, books, and other school materials to and from school safely. Backpacks are kept outside, so please do not send any toys and/or valuables to school.
Have you downloaded the ParentSquare app? The app allows you to stay connected with TUSD and Estock Elementary. Families can also access ParentSquare from the web using Aeries email or phone number. Stay connected with Estock News this year!
Estock Elementary is a uniform school. Arriving at school dressed for success in a uniform helps promote pride, professionalism, and academic success. Students must come to school dressed in a uniform each day.
Student uniform choices include
Top: navy blue/dark blue, red, or white, with or without a collar, no logos
Bottom: navy blue, khaki, or blue jeans - shorts, skirts, pants, or jumpers
Motivational Mondays: wear a shirt that sends a positive message to inspire, motivate, bring cheer
Fitness/PE Thursdays: wear comfortable clothes and shoes for physical education
Spirit Fridays: show Eagle PRIDE by wearing red, white, and blue attire and Estock spirit shirts
While society reflects a wide range of personal expression in clothing, grooming, and accessories, the quality of student work and behavior is affected by personal appearance. Students are expected to wear clothing that is clean, neat, appropriate, and safe.
Estock staff may have students remove/put away non-essential items (hats, jewelry, personal items, accessories, etc.) either in or out of the classroom if they are causing a disruption to learning or distracting other students.
Please label all water bottles, lunch boxes, jackets, and removable clothing items with your child’s name. These items are commonly left on the playground, and as we do our best to return labeled items to the proper owner, unlabeled items will be placed in the Lost & Found.
Parents may call the school at any time for clarification prior to purchase of school attire. If students attend school dressed inappropriately, different attire can be provided. Repeat violations may result in disciplinary action. Parent support in encouraging students to dress appropriately is appreciated.
Estock Elementary is a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school. This school-wide discipline system includes proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create a positive school environment. Students are expected to comply with behavioral guidelines in the classroom and across campus.
All students and staff maintain a safe and healthy school environment and a classroom climate that promotes learning. Our goal is to help students become accountable and to teach them to conduct themselves in such a way that they develop into responsible citizens.
Teachers reinforce expected behaviors through praise and other forms of positive recognition in the classroom. Additionally, students can receive “Eagle Dollars” and use them to purchase experiences at Estock.
When school staff, parents, and students all work together as partners, we will be most successful!
Consequences: Although we will focus primarily on positive reinforcement of appropriate and exemplary behaviors, parents will be informed by phone, email, and/or in writing if the behaviors below are displayed:
Defiance / Disrespect
Dress Code
Offensive Language
Physical Aggression
Property Damage / Misuse
Technology Violation
Logical consequences for inappropriate behavior choices will be determined based on the incident. Teachers will inform parents of situations that arise at school via email, phone, ParentSquare, and/or through the use of a referral. A referral is our way of informing you of an incident that occurred at school. We ask that you follow up with your child by asking two questions. 1) What happened? and 2) What will you do differently next time? This helps your child process what occurred and stay focused on developing the tools to handle the situation more successfully in the future.
Major Violation of School Rules: Please know that there are very serious situations, which may result in a student being suspended from school for 1-5 days, or possible recommendation for expulsion as defined in Education Code Section 48900. These include, but are not limited to fighting/deliberate injury to others, stealing, vandalism, repeated classroom interruptions, or possession of dangerous objects (knives, explosives, firearms, drugs, or “look-alike” guns/knives).
Student Rights:
1. To learn in a positive, safe environment.
2. To be recognized as a unique individual.
3. To be respected and treated equally.
Recess Behaviors and Consequences:
Recess is a time when safety protocols are especially important. To ensure recess times are positive and free of physical aggression between students, the following protocols will be implemented when there are instances of hitting, pushing, kicking, or play fighting on the playground or classrooms:
Student immediately removed from the area
First-time aggression: Student participates in a structured recess group for that day (and/or the following day if recess is in progress or has already occurred). The amount of time with structured recess is 1 to 5 days, depending on the age of the child. Parent is notified.
Second-time aggression: Student participates in a structured recess for 10 days. The parent is notified. After 10 days, student may rejoin large group recess once safe play skills are acquired.
Our structured recess is an opportunity for students to reflect on aggressive behavior they’ve shown, learn new skills, and practice scenarios in a small group setting while getting their daily movement break. The aim of the structured recess is to both teach new skills to students who show aggressive behavior and ensure the safety of the other children in the larger group during recess time.
Items from home: Teachers occasionally invite students to bring items from home to share with their classmates. Please do not bring pets, animals, or reptiles to school at any time. Weapons such as swords, knives, guns, or other sharp objects are not allowed at school at any time. No toys, cameras, electronic games, collectible cards, or any items not directly related to learning are prohibited.
In case of illness, the child will be cared for until the parent arrives or he/she is returned to his/her classroom. In case of minor injuries, first aid will be administered to the child and he/she will return to class. In case of major injuries, first aid will be administered and the parent will be immediately notified. If necessary, the school will call 911 for emergency services. Please ensure that current home and work phone numbers are updated in Aeries Parent Portal.
Please make sure the school office and your child’s teacher are aware of any health conditions and/or allergies that may be a factor in your child’s daily routine.
In order to provide as healthy a school environment as possible for all children and staff, the following guidelines have been prepared to assist you in decisions relating to your child's health and school attendance. If your child is not feeling well and you are uncertain about sending him/her on any given school day, it is best to keep your child home and observe him/her for worsening symptoms. If a child is too ill to attend school in the morning, it is recommended that he/she stay home all day.
Medication to be taken at school will be administered by the Health Clerk or other designated personnel. For the safety of all students, all medications (prescription and non-prescription) must be delivered to the Health Office by an adult in the current, originally prescribed bottle or container. A medication permit form needs to be completed and signed by the parent and physician to allow the school to administer the medication. No medication is to be brought to school by the student, nor will it be sent home with the student. Students are not to have any medication in their possession on campus; this includes aspirin, cough drops, etc.
Should you have any questions about medications or health-related concerns, please contact the school to speak with our Health Clerk or TUSD Nurse.
At Estock Elementary, we believe that homework is an extension of classroom learning and should be purposeful, engaging, and tailored to meet the individual needs of our students. Our homework guidelines are designed to support academic growth without overwhelming students or families.
1. Tailored to Student Needs: Homework assignments are individualized to meet the needs of each student. Depending on the student's academic progress and learning goals, homework may include:
- Independent reading (books appropriate to the student's reading level)
- Sight words practice
- Decodable readers
- Math spiral review (review of previously learned concepts)
- Lexia (personalized reading practice)
- ST Math (math practice and enrichment)
2. Focus on Review and Reinforcement: No new concepts or skills will be introduced through homework. Homework will focus on reinforcing and reviewing material that has already been taught in the classroom. This ensures students can work independently and confidently at home.
3. Homework Time Limits: We encourage reasonable time expectations for homework.
On average:
- Kindergarten to 2nd grade: 10-20 minutes per night
- 3rd to 5th grade: 20-30 minutes per night
This includes time spent on reading or any digital learning tools like Lexia or ST Math. Students are encouraged to take breaks as needed.
4. Homework Is Not Graded: Homework is meant to be a practice tool, not a measure of student performance. It will not be graded or reviewed during class time. Teachers will not use homework completion to penalize students or impact their academic grades. Instead, feedback on student progress will occur through classroom activities, assessments, and observations.
5. Student Accountability: While students are encouraged to complete homework to support their learning, no punitive measures will be taken if homework is incomplete. Teachers will support students by encouraging positive learning habits and fostering a love for learning, but we recognize that homework is just one of many tools for learning.
6. Parental Involvement: Parents are encouraged to support their child's learning by providing a quiet and comfortable space for homework. However, we recognize the importance of family time, and we do not expect parents to take on the role of teaching new concepts at home.
By emphasizing review, practice, and individualization, our homework policy ensures that homework at Estock Elementary remains a meaningful part of our students' education without adding unnecessary stress or pressure.
The library media center is an important part of your child’s reading program and we request your assistance in maintaining our fantastic library at Estock Elementary School.
As part of our reading, research, and library program, students will have the opportunity to check out library books on a weekly basis. Any student who checks out a book is responsible for keeping it in good condition and returning it to the library when it is due. We do not charge fines for overdue books, but we ask for the replacement cost of any book that has been lost or damaged. The Library Media Technician (LMT) will notify the parent(s) of the lost book title and the replacement cost.
Students are provided textbooks and workbooks at no cost. Students will be required to have these textbooks in class and available for use with lessons each day. Any lost or damaged textbook will need to be replaced at a charge to the scholar/parent. Specific prices for each book are determined by the actual replacement cost.
Each student is issued a TUSD iPad. Students are expected to use district technology safely, responsibly, and for educational purposes only. The student in whose name the district technology is issued is responsible for its proper use at all times. Students shall not share their assigned device, online services account information, passwords, or other information used for identification and authorization purposes, and shall use the system only under the account to which they have been assigned.
At Estock Elementary, iPads for students in grades TK-1 remain at school. For students in grades 2-3, iPads are sent home as needed and do not go home on a regular basis. For students in grades 4-5, devices will be sent home each day with students.
All students have the opportunity to eat a nutritious breakfast and lunch every day at Estock Elementary. Breakfast is served each morning from 7:40 AM - 7:55 AM.
As part of our Wellness Policy, sweets, “junk food”, fast food, and sugary beverages are highly discouraged, as they interfere with a child’s ability to learn and grow.
At Estock Elementary, a strong focus is maintained on academic instruction. We limit the use of the school day for parties of any kind or activities that are not curriculum-driven. Cupcakes, cakes, and other treats that violate the TUSD and Estock nutrition policies are prohibited, including during classroom parties and on birthdays.
Our school office is open daily from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Parents are welcome to make an appointment or phone the office (714-730-7390) should they need assistance. Our principal, Amanda Heineman, is available to speak with parents and help with any questions, concerns, and situations that one feels need to be addressed. We request that you contact the front office staff to schedule an appointment with Dr. Heineman.
If you have an appointment with any staff member we ask that you arrive on time or you call to let the staff member know that you will be running late or cannot keep the appointment. Staff members often have several meetings scheduled one after another and if you are not on time for your appointment the staff member will not have the appropriate amount of time to devote to you and your child.
Any individual who disrupts or threatens to disrupt school/office operations; threatens the health and/or safety of students and/or staff; willfully causes property damage; uses loud, unprofessional, and/or offensive language; uses language which could provoke a violent reaction; or who has otherwise established a continued pattern of unauthorized entry on TUSD property, will be directed to leave the property immediately by the site administrator or designee.
Change of address/moving: If you are planning on moving from our school attendance area, please let us know which day will be your child’s last day of attendance. This will enable us to complete the necessary forms you will need to enroll your child at another school.
PARKING & TRAFFIC | Arrival & Dismissal
As always, we ask that parents and families adhere to all traffic regulations, signs, and the direction of staff, as well as practice PATIENCE and SAFETY when dropping off and picking up students. We know you would agree that student safety is our #1 priority and we thank you for your help!
SLOW DOWN. BE PRESENT and ALERT, and PREPARE in advance to arrive at school on time.
School begins at 8:00 am each day. Arriving at school at 8:00 am is considered late.
FRONT LOT is for staff parking and the loading and unloading of buses ONLY. Families are not be permitted to drive into the front lot to drop off or pick up students. Parents may park on B Street and walk students to the front of the school for arrival or walk to Gate 2 for pick-up.
NO DROP-OFF from cars at the front of the school -- parents must park and walk or use the side back gate for drop-off.
Side Gate 1: CARPOOL pick-up ONLY -- no parents permitted to walk and pick up students from this gate. Please pull as far forward as possible and remain in your vehicle for curb pick-up.
Side Gate 2: WALK pick-up -- families use the crosswalk to meet students at Gate 2
Everyone is responsible, and we need your help for safety in our parking lot at arrival and dismissal and on B Street. Thank you for modeling SAFE driving etiquette before and after school.
Important Safety Reminders:
Dismissal Gate 1 is for car pick-up and Gate 2 is for walk pick-up ONLY. Students will not be released to cars from Gate 2 as this disrupts the flow of traffic.
Arrival -- Dropping a student from the street is dangerous and not permitted. Please use the side lot if you prefer to drop your child off without an adult getting out of the car.
U-turns in the middle of the street or in the school entrance are illegal and disrupt the flow of traffic.
The front parking lot is for BUSES ONLY. Parents are not permitted to park in the front lot before or after school.
As a reminder, California State Law requires that all children under 8 years of age or under 4’9” in height use a recommended booster seat in the rear of the vehicle. Additionally, students are not permitted to walk home from school without family supervision.
At Estock Elementary, a strong focus is maintained on academic instruction. We limit the use of the school day for parties or activities that are not curriculum driven. Two parties are permitted for each classroom during the school year. One party before the Winter Break in December and a Valentine's Party in February. The PTA and the room parents will help to coordinate the parties.
Birthday Celebrations: Parents occasionally bring treats to celebrate their child’s birthday at school. Please bring enough store-bought, nutritional snacks for the entire class. Cupcakes, cakes, and other treats that violate the TUSD and Estock nutrition policies are prohibited. These celebrations may only occur at recess time and must be pre-arranged with the teacher. No balloons or gifts should be delivered to school at any time. Please save these special presents and treats for home.
Celebrating Birthdays on the School Marquee
Celebrate your child's birthday with their name on our school marquee for their birthday week!
$10 donation to Estock PTA
send an envelope with $10 cash to school write child's name and birthday on envelope
Each student is issued a TUSD iPad. Students are expected to use district technology safely, responsibly, and for educational purposes only. The student in whose name the district technology is issued is responsible for its proper use at all times. Students shall not share their assigned device, online services account information, passwords, or other information used for identification and authorization purposes, and shall use the system only under the account to which they have been assigned.
During Data Confirmation in the Aeries Parent Portal, parents are required to read and acknowledge understanding of the TUSD Acceptable Use Policy. Parents accept full responsibility for loss, damage, or harm that may result from their student(s) misuse of District technology. Parents accept full financial responsibility for the replacement of the District issued device due to loss, damage, or theft. Insurance forms are available in the Estock office or on Tustin Unified Website for parents wishing to purchase iPad insurance.
It is the policy of the Tustin Unified School District (TUSD) to maintain an environment that promotes ethical and responsible conduct in all online network activities by staff and students. It shall be a violation of Board Policy 4040 & 6163.4 for any employee, student, or other individual to engage in any activity that does not conform to the established purpose and general rules and policies of the network. Consequences will be necessary for students who violate technology use policies.
Estock students are not permitted to use iPads or personal electronic devices on-campus before or after school. This includes the use of personal cell phones.
Cell phones/smart devices: To ensure student safety and exposure to unmonitored internet contact directly, or through friends, cell/smartphone use is not allowed on school campus by students (including field trips). Cell phones and smartphones that have access to the internet without logging on to our secure network must be stored in the owner’s backpack and powered “off” during the entire school day. Students are not permitted to keep their cell/smartphone in their pockets or desks, or otherwise “on their person” while at school. Smart devices such as watches are not to be used during school in any capacity that mimics a cell or smartphone. Use as a watch or activity tracker is permissible.
Phone Calls: We understand that emergencies sometimes occur during the day which makes it necessary for you to contact your child. However, due to the volume of calls in the office, it is difficult for us to deliver messages to students in the classroom. Whenever possible, please make arrangements for your child prior to the school day. Children will be allowed to use the telephone ONLY in emergencies and very special circumstances.
Phone calls, which interrupt the classroom instructional program, will not be put through. The only exceptions to interrupt the classroom would be to provide a student with eyeglasses or needed medication.
Estock is a closed campus during school hours. Students may not leave campus during school hours without a parent/guardian signing them out in the office. All visitors and volunteers on campus must check in at the office and receive a badge. For the safety and privacy of all students, parent volunteers are not permitted to ‘visit’ with their students during recess and lunch or on the playground.
Only the student’s parent(s) or guardians and persons listed on the student’s emergency card may sign the student out of school and/or pick the student up from school. Please keep your child’s Aeries Parent Portal up to date. Photo ID may be requested at any time by school office personnel, as your child’s safety is our top priority.
Parent observations of classrooms are limited to two 30-minute visits/month and must be scheduled in advance through the office to ensure limited interruptions to lessons and/or learning. All visitors are required to sign in at the front office, wear a visitor’s badge, and will be escorted by the school administration. Parents wishing to speak privately to a teacher must do so outside of instructional time.
As parents and family members, your help and support are the keys to your child’s overall success. We encourage you to become involved with our school activities and PTA and communicate with your child’s teacher. Our PTA is seeking active, caring parents to help build a strong family-school relationship. We need parents who are interested in working with staff to plan programs and events to support our students and families. Any contribution of your time and talents helps our school. You can join the PTA, help in the classrooms, help at home, and/or at events throughout the year. Together, we can all support the learning of our Estock students.
We welcome and encourage parents and community members to volunteer in our classrooms and throughout the school. All volunteers must schedule volunteer time in advance with teachers and /or staff members. Please make sure to sign in at the office and wear a visitor’s name tag. To help ensure our volunteer’s focus and for safety reasons, volunteers may not bring young children with them during their volunteer time. We thank you in advance for your understanding and support in this matter.
Additionally, each classroom will need a room parent to help organize special activities including classroom parties. Parents are also encouraged to join:
Family Picnics
Family Engagement Events
Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)
School Site Council (SSC)
English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)
OC GRIP Parent Greeters
Thursday Physical Education