Mrs. Mulvanerty's Update
August 18, 2024
December 8, 2024
Greetings, SKS!!!
Special thanks to our 6th graders for planning a beautiful Mass this week, which was celebrated by Fr. Joe Mostardi of Our Mother of Good Council. Father Joe’s homily was a clever reminder to prioritize quiet and prayer. Using just six Scrabble letters - L, I, S, T, E, and N - he spelled out three words: listen, silent, and tinsel, reminding us to remember to carve out moments to listen to God amidst the festive cheer and business of the season.
We have a few special events coming up!
✨ Grotto Lighting Ceremony – A magical evening awaits as we light up the grotto in honor of our Blessed Mother. Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 8 and join us for carols and hot cocoa. Special thanks to Steve Shreiner's team and the Home and School Association for their part in making this possible!
🎄 Christmas Concert & Tableau – Save the dates for some of the most beloved traditions at St. Katharine’s!
- On December 11, our K-4 students will share their talents in a heartwarming Christmas concert,
- On December 18, our middle school students perform a moving concert and tableau that brings the Nativity story to life.
🎅North Pole Alert! Please remind Santa that Apple Watches are not allowed in school. They can be a significant distraction for students, just like cell phones. Please tell Santa to plan accordingly! We appreciate your cooperation!
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!
Jeanne Mulvanerty
*God Bless You!
Keep Christ in Christmas Art Contest
Mrs. Grant announced that it's time for the annual "Keep Christ in Christmas" Art poster contest sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. The students (K-8) have been working on their entries during Art class since the week of November 4th. The deadline for entries is Tuesday, December 10. Thank you to all the children for their enthusiasm and hard work!
Secret Santa Shop
December 17-18
Santa's Secret Shop will be open, and all students will visit the Santa shop during school hours. Please note that this year is CASH ONLY to simplify the check out process. Thank you for understanding! We'll be sending home more information with students as the date nears, and if you have any questions, contact Adrienne Faralli or Tina Rogers The Santa Shop needs volunteers to help set up the store, assist shoppers during the event, and pack it up at the end. Keep your eyes out for the sign up, which Home and School will send out as soon as we know when each class will be shopping.
Christmas Craft Club
Extended Hours Extravaganza this Friday, 12/13!
The children will have a jolly good time at the annual extended hours Craft Club Christmas Extravaganza: outside playtime, Christmas Bingo, a wreath craft, snack, dinner & an ice cream treat (all allergy friendly)...and the much loved Christmas Karaoke! All are welcome.
Parish Coffee With Santa
Sunday, December 22 after the 9:30am Mass
Join us for a Family Mass with the Children's Choir and Children's Liturgy of the word. Afterwards, come over to the parish center for coffee with Mr. and Mrs. Clause! Faithful Families will provide a service project craft.
Highlights from this week!
Kindergarten enjoys lunch with Santa!
8th grade is hard at work on their presidents research paper.
8th grade is researching a 30-year-old unsolved art heist! Using primary and secondary sources, they will present and defend their arguments next week.
7th grade closes out the week with some quiet reading time.
Sixth Grade hosts the December monthly Mass.
Tanner earns a seat at Mrs. Fisher's desk!
For more announcements about SKS activities and clubs, CYO, and parish activities, click here!
A Glance Ahead!
Sunday, December 8 9:30 Family Mass; Grotto Lighting
Tuesday, December 10, 4:30 PM 7th grade visits St. Edmond's
Wednesday, December 11 K-4 Christmas Concert
Thursday, December 12 Admissions Open House
Friday, December 13 Elective Day, Report Cards, Craft Club extravaganza
Monday December 16-18 Santa Shop
Tuesday, December 18 Tableau for 5th to 8th grades
Friday, December 20 Last day before Christmas Break - NO CARES
Monday, December 23 Christmas Break begins
Monday, January 6 Classes Resume