October 20, 2024 Madison Memo

Sunday, October 20, 2024
Principals' Message
Madison Parents & Guardians,
Welcome back from Fall break. School resumes tomorrow, Monday, 10/21. We want to thank all of our Madison families who attended Fall conferences a little over a week ago. That time is so valuable as we work together to help all our students succeed in school. As always, we appreciate the support of our Madison community!
Your principals,
Mr. A & Mrs. Conlon
Box Tops for Education
Download the app now and don’t miss a single Box Top!
The app is available for Apple and Android. Create an account and search Blaine, MN to find Madison Elementary. Scan your receipts and you’re done! You can also earn cash for your school every time you buy Box Tops products at Walmart — no scanning required! Just follow the simple steps below in your Box Tops app to connect your Walmart account.
STEP 1: Download the Box Tops app or update to the latest version. In the app, go to your
profile, then tap on “Connected Accounts” and select “Walmart.”
STEP 2: When prompted, sign in to your Walmart account, (If you don't have a Walmart account, you'll be prompted to create one). Make sure to save a payment method to your Walmart account.
STEP 3: Your Walmart account is now connected to Box Tops, so your qualifying purchases
made in-store and online with a saved payment method will earn for your school! Box Tops will be credited after you receive your Walmart items.
Parents & Guardians,
Please consider the following as we work together to ensure that our Madison Mustangs are in school each and every day, unless they are ill. We ask families to coordinate family trips with scheduled breaks to avoid missed instruction. Thank you in advance for prioritizing school attendance!
Mr. A
October 24, Grade 5 to Orchestra Hall
October 25, Kindergarten to Pinehaven
October 31, Grades 3-5 to Bowling at The Mermaid
November 1, CogAT Testing in Grade 2
November 4, CogAT Testing in Grades 2-3
November 5, Election Day (NO SCHOOL)
November 6, CogAT Testing in Grades 2-3
November 7, CogAT Testing in Grade 3
Picture Retake Day
Lifetouch will be at Madison on Tuesday, November 12 for retakes. If your child was not photographed on the previous Picture Day or you would like the pictures redone, this is the opportunity. Parents are able to order online at mylifetouch.com with Picture Day ID: EVTQ3PZWV.
October Trait of the Month
Sometimes we only think of RESPONSIBILITY as things like doing chores or completing our homework. Responsibility is more than that! We should also take responsibility for our words and actions. This means we see how our words and actions impact other people. Check out the video below that answers the question, "What is Responsibility?"
Conference Donations
Thank you Madison Parents!
Madison Staff Appreciate You! With your generous donations, teachers were provided with lasagna, salad, and breadsticks from Olive Garden and a cookie on one of the conference nights. Thank you so much!
Madison PTO
The most recent PTO meeting was held on Monday, October 14 from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM. Discussions were held around learning more about the Mustang-a-Thon, additional events we have planned throughout the year, and coordinator updates. Our Title 1 team presented information about the goals they have been working on for our school this year. If you would like to learn more, please visit our Madison-pto.org website and locate the most recent meeting agenda and minutes.
Please join us in the Madison Media Center for the next PTO meeting on Monday, November 11, from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM. The Turkey Bingo team will share an update on the event planned for November 21.
Email Reminder: We have moved to a gmail platform! This change will help us with organization by streamlining the storage of documents from our past and future. Going forward, the best way to contact the PTO board is by contacting board@madison-pto.org. Please update any contact information you have saved to this new board email.
A Tradition Like No Other
Madison Class of 25
We shout out our Madison PTO and the 5th grade team for the annual tradition of purchasing these t-shirts for our 5th graders to have and to wear throughout the year. The t-shirts (with student signatures in the number) will hopefully arrive this week. What a cool tradition for our Mustangs!
New Volunteer Opportunities
Device Cleaning
Beginning the week of October 21 - we will be looking for volunteers to help clean all of the Chromebooks and IPads in the classrooms. This is a flexible volunteer opportunity and could be done during or after school. Help us keep those germs out of the classrooms!
Once you sign up, I will reach out to schedule based on your availability.
Click here to sign up for Device Cleaning
Picture Retakes
We are looking for 1 volunteer to help out with Picture Retakes on Tuesday, November 12, from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM.
Click here to sign up for Picture Retakes
Staple Club
We are looking for volunteers to help sort and staple all the flyers that need to go home with students on a weekly basis. Typically in the past, this group of volunteers has met on Tuesdays at 2pm. However, if we can find some volunteers that would want to do this, but at a more convenient time for them, we could accommodate this. Please reach out to me if this is something that interests you.
If you are interested in volunteering and have not filled out your volunteers forms, you can find them here: Madison Elem Volunteer Application
Thank you,
Lori Ngo
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Important Numbers and Links
Any time your child will be absent from or late to school, please report the absence by 9:15 AM.
Reporting options:
- Call the Attendance Line at 763-506-3306
- Use a web browser (view the instructions)
- Use the ParentVUE app, which is free and can be downloaded to your mobile device.
Please provide the reason for the absence. If due to illness, please give the specific symptoms, such as fever, congestion, etc. If no contact is made, the student absence will be considered unexcused. Please note, if your child is experiencing a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting, the district policy states that the student may not return to school until 24 hours after the last episode.
- Join the Madison PTO group on Facebook for the latest updates and reminders!
- Everyone is welcome to attend our monthly meetings! In person in the Madison Library or via Zoom.
Volunteer at Madison
- To start the process, please complete the Volunteer Application Form and the Criminal Record History Release Form.
- You will be contacted once the paperwork is processed. Please note some volunteer activities require additional processing, which can take up to two weeks.
- We appreciate that you share your time and talents with us. Thank you.
- Please contact Lori Ngo, Volunteer Services Coordinator (VSC), if you need assistance or have questions.
Contact Information
Main Office: 763-506-3300
Absence Line: 763-506-3306
Fax: 763-506-3303
Website: www.ahschools.us/madison
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AHMadison Elementary
Additional Resources
This e-newsletter is published by Madison Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.