SPB Family Newsletter
May 11, 2023
Mission Statement
The Eucharistic community of Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic School
focuses on Christ-centered values and develops the unique potential of each student
through a rigorous and engaging curriculum.
Calendar of Events
Monday, May 15
Deadline for DTA Round 2 Consideration
Grade 5 Honor & Harmony Program--9:40 am & 10:20 am
Magic Show Kona Ice Treat (invited students)--1:00 pm
Rugrats Track Party--2:30-3:45 pm
Tuesday, May 16
2022 Walkathon T-shirt Dress Down Day
Grade 5 Field Trip-Holden Arboretum
Garde 4 Field Trip-Cleveland Zoo
Grade 2 Field Trip-Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Grade 3 Poetry Presentations--1:00 pm
New Altar Server Training--2:30-3:30 pm in Church
Wednesday, May 17
Knights of the Roundtable Breakfast--8:15 am
All School Mass--9:00 am
Student Council Speeches and Elections
Power of the Pen State Competition Practice--2:30-3:30 pm
Thursday, May 18
Spring Fling Band Concert
Children's Choir Rehearsal--3:30 pm
Friday, May 19
Spring Fling Festival--No School
Power of the Pen State Competition
Monday, May 22
Washington, DC Parent Information Meeting--7:00 pm in Eymard Room
A Note from the Principal
Congratulations to our second graders who celebrated their First Holy Communion this past Sunday! Although it was a bit cloudy that day, there was such joy inside the Church. It was so wonderful to see the families share in it as they approached the table of the Lord together.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of our moms, grandmothers, aunts, Godmothers, sisters, and other women in our lives who care for us and love us unconditionally!
Peace and blessings,
Diane Raguz, Principal
Rising Second Graders--Mark Your Calendars!
Rising Eighth Graders--Mark Your Calendars
Mr. Benedictine Finalist-AJ Slemc
The title of Mr. Benedictine is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a graduating senior from Benedictine High School. The winner shows through his character, scholarship, athleticism, leadership, service, Christian ethics, and his school pride that he is the best that Benedictine has to offer. In order to be selected, a student must have shown academic and athletic accomplishments, must be in good standing with the faculty & staff, and must ultimately be chosen by his peers. Congratulations to AJ and to his parents, Tricia and Alex! We are #SPBproud of AJ and are cheering him on!
Spring Fling Festival Ride Presale Tickets!
SPRING FLING....WE NEED YOU! Earn a dress down pass!
SPB is Hiring!
SPB Talent Show
Attention all SPB Stars! We will hold a special TALENT SHOW on Wednesday, May 24th! Each homeroom will choose one act to be part of our school-wide TALENT SHOW. (Grades 4 and 8 can choose two acts!) Talent acts include singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument, comedy, juggling, and anything that makes you stand out! Each act should be no longer than 5 minutes and can be a solo or a group act. Auditions will be held during an assigned date decided by your homeroom teacher the week of May 1st - May 12th. There will be a MANDATORY DRESS REHEARSAL on MONDAY, MAY 22nd from 2:30-4:00 pm if you’re chosen to be part of the show. GOOD LUCK!
New Altar Server Training
Field Day Volunteers Needed
Please CLICK HERE to sign up! Thank you for you help!
Summer Tutoring
The following teachers have expressed an interest in tutoring students during the summer. Listed are their names, the grade level/s, subject/s, and their email addresses. Please contact the individual teachers for details.
Mrs. Moira Popelka, Grades 1-6
Reading, English, Study Skills
Mrs. Beth Uzzo, Kindergarten-Grade 5
All Subjects
Yearbook Ordering
Yearbook sales for the 2022-2023 school year are open!
The standard package starts at $23 and you can order online.
The deadline to order is June 17th.
To order your yearbook visit:
School ID 11585723
PTO Handel's Ice Cream Fundraiser
We will have 2 weeks to sell pint cards for $6.25 to our family/friends/neighbors. Please collect the money up front and send it into school by May 23rd, to Patricia Mance (6th) Mrs Herald’s class. The cards will be sent home before the end of the school year. If you have any questions, contact Jaime Mance at 216-538-1046 or jaimeklpd@att.net. CLICK HERE to print out. If you are unable to print them out, let me know and I can send them into school for you.
What a great way to start summer with pints of ice cream.
SKIP THE LINES-Order your school supplies now & save!
Kits will be delivered via FedEx two weeks before the start of school.
Our PTO is offering the 1stDaySchoolSupplies program for 2023-2024. Enjoy hassle-free, pre-packaged, name brand school supply kits filled with the exact supplies requested by your child’s teacher. These kits are a cost effective and convenient way of purchasing your back-to-school supplies. Need a bookbag? Be sure to check out the add on items available!
Order Now --> https://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=83582
Questions? Contact Colleen Ockenden at CMOckenden@gmail.com.
We listened: no more hauling big boxes around at Meet Your Teacher...orders will be shipped directly to you so that you may bring your students labeled supplies at Meet Your Teacher on August 21. Orders are due by June 30.
Hot Lunch Accounts
Playground Volunteers Needed-Kindergarten & All Grades
We are asking that each family (mom, dad, grandma, etc.) choose at least two days to volunteer each time slot being 11:10 am-12:55 pm. There are many, many time slots open! We are so grateful for the help!
Kindergarten and anyone who would like to help is welcome to sign up for May/June.
This is a great way for you to interact with your child and his/her classmates during the school day! Recess Volunteers should arrive to school at 11:10 and check in at the office. Duties will include supervising students at recess, escorting the students to and from the school doors. Volunteers will be with one school staff member each day to help direct.
Remember that after your two volunteer time slots, you are done for the year, as each month is assigned to a different grade.
Thank you again for your time and service to the students and teachers of SPB! Simply click on the following link to sign up: Kindergarten
SPBAA Basketball Camp
The St. Paschal Baylon Athletic Association (SPBAA) will be hosting their first ever basketball camp this summer - July 24-28th, 2023.
We would like to invite all students entering 3rd through 7th grades to attend. Admission for 8th graders is free, as we are looking for volunteers to help with the younger grades and earn service hours.
This camp is a great opportunity for your son or daughter to begin to learn and/or reinforce some of the fundamentals of basketball. Please see the attached flier outlining all the particulars and a link to signup.
If you or your child is interested, please do not hesitate to register! Here is a flyer with complete information
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Brian Herberth at 440-821-1956 or email Kate Herberth at kateherberth@gmail.com.
Go Green Knights!
Extended Day Announcement
Please mark your calendars with the following dates when Extended Day WILL NOT be in session.
June 2, 2023 (last day of school)
Camp Invention 2023
Register for exciting STEM fun at Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic School this summer from June 12-16.
Use SUM15 to save $15! invent.org/mylocalcamp
Bus Transportation for 2023-2024 School Year
Mayfield Transportation (Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic School will provide a list of enrolled students to MAY; however parents MUST request transportation using the link.)
Richmond Heights Transportation (Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic School will provide a list of enrolled students to RH; however, parents MUST request transportation using the link.)
South Euclid-Lyndhurst (Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic School will provide a list of enrolled students to SEL.)
Willoughby-Eastlake Transportation (Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic School will provide a list of enrolled students to W-E; however, parents MUST request transportation using the link.)
Tuition Assistance Applications
Community News
Beaumont Summer Enrichment & Athletics Camps
Benedictine Summer Football Camps
Gilmour May 16 Information Session
Lake Catholic Cougar Cubs Club
Lake Catholic Junior Cougar Marching Band Program
St. Edward Opportunities for 7th Grade Boys
St. Ignatius ACE Provider Status
St. Ignatius Summer Enrichment Program
VASJ Football Camp for 8th Graders-April 29
Mayfield Rookie Sports Baseball
Mayfield Baseball Flyer & Registration
Classroom Antics Summer Program
Mayfield Lady Wildcats Sports Camp
Mayfield Fundamental Basketball Camp
Mayfield Stroke Clinic for Swimmers
Mayfield Summer Volleyball Camp
Mayfield Wildcat Football Camp
Xavier Summer Reading Enrichment Program
Cleveland NFL Alumni Summer Football Camps
Eastside Volleyball Club--Boys Volleyball
Eastside Kickers is excited to announce that tryouts for the 2023-24 season will be on Friday, May 19th at Denison Field.
- Players born between 2016 and 2013 begin at 6 PM
- Players born between 2012 and 2010 begin at 7 PM
Current players do not need to register for tryouts but are encouraged to attend during their age group slot.
The registration link is below and a flyer with complete information can be found HERE; encourage interested friends and family to register for tryouts and come see what ESK is about!
Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic School
Email: office@saintpaschal.com
Website: www.saintpaschal.com
Location: 5360 Wilson Mills Road, Highland Heights, OH, USA
Phone: (440) 442-6766
Facebook: facebook.com/stpaschalbaylonschoolohio
Twitter: @SPBGreenKnights