Roth Ram Report
September 2024
Principal Message
Dear Roth families!
Our theme for the year is Lilo and Stitch's saying "Ohana means family" and we are determined to create a tightknit classroom community for each of your children. Click on the shirt pictured here to order your spirit shirt and join in the Ohana fun! We look forward to seeing everyone soon for Fall Open House on September 26th.
We are thankful to serve the Roth community,
Christin Murphy, principal
Order your spirit shirt today! Orders close on August 30th!
Follow us!
GT Referral window is open!
The GT referral window for students to be considered for gifted services is from September 1-September 30, 2024. This is the ONLY open window for referrals for current Klein ISD K-12 students. Students are eligible for assessment once every year. If parents would like to refer their child for testing, please fill out an online form. The online form is only available during the four week referral window of the referral year.
Please visit kisd.us/gt for more information.
Important Dates
9/2 Labor Day Holiday
9/17 Spring Creek Barbeque Spirit Night 5-9 pm
9/18 Fall Pictures
9/26 Fall Open House 5:30-7 pm
9/23-27 Book Fair
Tardy Information
Arrival and Tardy Information
School begins at 8:10 and the tardy bell rings at 8:15. Instruction begins at 8:10 and teachers are not on duty after this time. Students arriving after 8:10 will need to come in through the front doors with a parent. We appreciate your help with making sure all students arrive on time and safely. We encourage you to get your child to school on time every day to avoid missing community circle time and the high quality instruction our teachers provide. Missed minutes add up quickly leading to gaps in learning!
Birthday Treat Procedures
Birthday Snacks KISD permits parents / guardians or grandparents to supply birthday snacks for their child’s birthday through the KISD Food Service Department. Please email our food service manager at mtrejo3@kleinisd.net for more info and a list of items available.
Birthday snacks will be distributed for the entire class at the end of the lunch period, after students have had a nutritious meal as defined by the School Lunch Program and Texas Department of Agriculture.
Written consent from a parent / guardian must be obtained before a student will be permitted to have a birthday treat. (Sent in the 1st day packet.)
Two weeks notice is required for ordering birthday snacks through Klein ISD food service. As always, parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child at the parent table and bring a special treat or lunch for their own personal child.
Complete the form here and send to mtrejo3@kleinisd.net
Procedure Information
School begins at 8:05 every day and the tardy bell rings at 8:10. We encourage you to get your child to school on time every day to avoid missing community circle time and the high quality instruction our teachers provide. Missed minutes add up quickly leading to gaps in learning!
Please see the map above for arrival and dismissal locations to allow for the flow of traffic and the safety of students as they arrive and leave school. When all follow these guidelines, arrival and dismissal run smoothly and safely.
- Buses and daycare drop off and pickup in the side lot by the cafeteria.
- Please use the front entrance for car drop off and pick up.
Students walking to and from school should use the crosswalks by the bike racks or further down Castlemont at Temple Bell away from vehicle entrances. Students and families should always use a crossing guard and crosswalk. Students should not be walking into the fire lane or across the parking lot, and will be expected to walk entirely off campus to be considered a walker.
- If you need an extended good-bye please park in the front lot and walk your student to the door using the crosswalk to make certain students are not crossing in unsafe areas.
- If you are waiting for your walker, please wait outside the fence, as we have many students moving to dismissal locations and cannot allow visitors on the property without signing in. We will walk students off campus to ensure their safety and compliance with crossing safely.
Thank you,
Roth Administration
Car Rider Reminders
Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we adjust to our new car rider system. Our goal is to get our Rams home safely and efficiently. Please read the information below:
- Please make sure to pull all the way up to the cones and stay closely aligned to the car next to you.
- Please DO NOT switch lanes. This will cause for students to be at the wrong cone number.
- All cars turning left into our parking lot will remain in the outer lane (closest to the parking lot) while all cars turning right will remain in the inner lane (closest to the school).
- Please make sure to have your car tag showing your number. If you do not have a tag, you must park, show ID and pick up your child from the front office.
- If your child is not standing on their cone, you will be asked to park while we locate them. We will bring them to you.
- We will begin loading cars at 3:25 and end at 3:45. If you arrive after 3:45, you will be prompted to park and pick up your child from the front office.
Great Expectations at Roth
The 8 Great Expectations
We will value one another as unique and special individuals.
We will not laugh at or make fun of a person’s mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns.
We will use good manners, saying, “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” and allow others to go first.
We will cheer each other to success.
We will help one another whenever possible.
We will recognize every effort and applaud it.
We will encourage each other to do our best
We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles.
Visit the Great Expectations website for more information: Great Expectations Website
Visitors on Campus
All visitors must show an id every time they enter campus. The id must be scanned and run through our raptor security system. We appreciate your cooperation with this safety measure.
Roth Elementary
School Hours
Students may enter the building at 7:40, Call to Excellence begins at 8:05 am
Tardy Bell rings at 8:15
Email: cmurphy1@kleinisd.net
Website: roth.kleinisd.net
Location: 21623 Castlemont Lane, Spring, TX, USA
Phone: 832-484-6600