Counselors Corner!
"One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world."
Contact your Counselor!
6th Grade: Ms. Easton
7th Grade: Ms. McKyer
8th Grade: Ms. Titus
Course Selection Parent Verification Window is Open March 3-7, 2025!
Course requests for the 2025-2026 school year have been posted in the "Portfolio" tab in Skyward Student Access for verification purposes. The window to complete verification will be open from March 3rd - 7th. To access, click on the Portfolio tab and then click on the Course Request Report 25-26. Courses listed are only requests and not an actual schedule.
After reviewing your requests, if everything is correct, no follow-up is needed.
To correct an error or change a selection, please complete the Microsoft form below:
*5th Grade parents – If your child was unable to select AVID, Contest Math, Mariachi (electives) or Pre-Athletics (PE) please make sure you make changes during this verification window.
*8th Grade Parents - Student should only submit changes for their 9th grade year.
You may contact your child's school counselor if you have any questions.
Summer O-Lab Registration opens March 17th!
Fort Bend ISD's summer online learning opportunities are available to incoming 9th-12th grade students through their high school campus. Each high school campus will manage student participation based on the program parameters that have been provided by the FBISD Teaching and Learning Department. Check your high school website or contact your counselor for more information.
Credit by Exam: Session 3 Registration is now open!
Credit by Exam Session 3 registration window is through Wednesday March 5, 2025.
If your student is interested, please complete the forms below and submit to your grade level counselor.
Therapist Resources
If you or someone you know is searching for a therapist, our district leaders have provided the link below to aide you in that search.
Middle School Summer Programs
In summer 2025, in response to the needs of our students and families, Fort Bend ISD will be offering a variety of instructional remedial and original credit opportunities for our middle school students (6-8th grades). Original credit coursework (fee based) will be available only for 8th grade students in good standing going into 9th grade. Summer O-LAB (online original credit) and Original Credit will be available at assigned secondary campuses (please consult the High School Summer Programs page for further details).
FBISD Special Education will offer several summer programs including Extended School Year (ESY) Services, Structured Therapeutic Educational Program (STEP), SPED Early Intervention Academy (EIA), and Social Understanding Programs. Please check the Special Education website for program details and qualifications. (ESY) services will be provided to students receiving special education services who are recommended through an ARD committee decision.
8th Grade Math Credit by Exam @ GMS
* In order to move from 7th Grade Math (on-level) to Algebra 1 AAC, students will need to make an 80% or higher on the 8th Grade CBE. According to the Algebra 1 TEKS (Texas Education Code §111.39) the required prerequisite for any student to take Algebra 1 is Grade 8 math or its equivalent.
Our Campus Assessment Coordinator will be administering the test here at GMS the week of May 13-16. The registration form is below, please complete and return to Mrs. McKyer by Wednesday March 5,2025! Print copies are also available in the counselors suite.
6th Graders: AVID Application Deadline is 02/03/2025
📧: Monica.PenaMartinez@fortbendisd.gov
đź“Ť: Room 604
RESCHEDULED: 5th Grade Family Night!
Coffee with the Counselors!
RESCHEDULED: AHS Rising 9th Grade Parent Night
THS Course Selection Night
8th Graders: Credit By Exam Window is Now Open!
Session 2 for Credit by Exam registration window is open from January 10-16, 2025.
If your Gator is interested in taking any of the Credit by Exams this spring, please complete the form(s) below and submit to the grade level counselor NO LATER THAN JANUARY 16, 2025 @ 2 PM.
Physical copies are available for pick-up in the counselors suite.
T-Mobile Internet Service for Students
T-Mobile's Project 10Million is now offering 200 GB of free internet per year to help students stay connected.
This program provides:
- Free Hotspot with free shipping.
- NO annual fees or recertifications
- 200 gb of data per year for 5 years
Learn more and apply today to give your child access to the digital tools they need.
January 08 - SchooLinks Webinar : Course Selection
AHS AVID Family Night
Coffee with the Counselors: Course Selection
Incoming 6th Grade Family Night
December Character Trait of the Month is Gratitude!
STEM Fest and CTE Expo
Attention all rising AHS Bulldogs:
Is you student interested in taking advanced classes next year?
AHS will be hosting Advanced Academic Night on Wednesday December 04, 2024 from 6-7 M in the AHS cafeteria.They will discuss the various levels of advanced courses offered at Austin for the 2025-26 school year.
Coffee with the Counselors!
Thank you to all the Gator families who joined us for Coffee with the Counselors! It was great to discuss endorsements and course selection with you all!
In case you were unable to make it or simply want to reference it; we have attached all the documents below!
Information is also available for all students in the counseling suite!
2024 Kidpreneur Camp Applications are being accepted!
Day 1 - What is Your Why?
Participants will:
- Explore and discuss their strengths, values, passions, and talents - Be introduced to the entrepreneur process of product/service creation
- Participate in a hands-on innovation challenge
- Interact with local entrepreneurs as they share their experiences and journeys to entrepreneurship
Day 2 – Innovation and Pitch Preparation
Participants will:
- Understand the role of innovation in problem solving and creating new ventures - Identify a problem in their families and/or community and come up with a solution in teams
- Create a team pitch presentation
Day 3 – Team Pitch Day
Participants will:
- Finalize their team pitches
- Present their pitches to a panel of volunteers
8th Graders: Programs of Choice
If you have any questions, students are welcomed to drop by the counselor's office.
Fall SchooLinks Activities for Students and their Families!
Whole Child Health
The counseling team wanted to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our GMS PTO!! Thanks to their never ending support and generous donations of construction paper, glue sticks, and sticky notes our team has been able to plan activities for October's Bullying Prevention Month!
October Character Trait of the Month is Respect
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
National Bullying Prevention Month was founded in 2006 by PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center. The campaign is held throughout October and aims to unite communities around the world in educating and raising awareness of bullying prevention.Take action and join the thousands of individuals participating in multiple activities throughout October including including Unity Day on Wednesday October 16, 2024.
Red Ribbon Week is October 23-31st!
Red Ribbon Week is an alcohol, tobacco, smoking, and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October in the United States. It began as a tribute to fallen DEA special agent Enrique Camerena in 1985. According to the United States DEA, Red Ribbon Week is the nation's largest and longest-running drug awareness and prevention program.
Be on the lookout for Red Ribbon Week activities and announcements!
October: Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Month
Texas House Bill 3144 designated October as Texas Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Month in an effort to increase the awareness of the dangers of fentanyl and potential overdoses. There is a growing threat to the health and safety of our youth that we want to bring to your attention. Fentanyl is a man-made , Schedule II narcotic that has reached a growing number of communities of all size across Texas and has impacted so many lives. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), within the last two years, teen overdoses deaths related to fentanyl have tripled. Over half of all overdose deaths are related to fentanyl use. Death from fentanyl overdose happens when the respiratory system slows, or not enough oxygen gets to the brain.
If you or someone you now needs help or has questions, please reach out for help.
GT Referral Window is Still Open!
In alignment with the Texas State Plan for Services for Gifted and Talented Students, the mission of the gifted services in FBISD is to provide learning opportunities that challenge and develop students identified for gifted services through creative, self-directed learning. This can be seen through the development of innovative projects and performances that reflect students’ individuality, as well as through honed research skills and advanced critical thinking.
Gifted and Talented services are educational interventions for students who perform at or show the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment.
For more information: https://www.fortbendisd.com/Domain/66#calendar330355/20240815/month
Start with Hello!
This week GMS is going to participate in the Sandy Hook Promise program: Start with Hello! It is a nationwide call-to-action week dedicated to making new social connections and creating a sense of belonging amongst all students. Every day this week, we will have daily social challenges for students to complete.
In September we are bringing attention to the importance of school attendance!
September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. World Suicide Prevention Day is the 10th .
Suicide is a national health problem and currently ranks as the second leading cause of death for ages 10-44.
Schoology Courses for Gators and their Families!
6th Grade: GXBB-H44T-MJKRR
7th Grade: HM32-97D6-GSW29
8th grade: RMPR-T772-VMJM6
Fall Gifted & Talented Referral Window is Open!
FALL GT window: August 8 - September 30
In alignment with the Texas State Plan for Services for Gifted and Talented Students, the mission of the gifted services in FBISD is to provide learning opportunities that challenge and develop students identified for gifted services through creative, self-directed learning. This can be seen through the development of innovative projects and performances that reflect students’ individuality, as well as through honed research skills and advanced critical thinking.
Gifted and Talented services are educational interventions for students who perform at or show the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment.
For more information: https://www.fortbendisd.com/Domain/66#calendar330355/20240815/month
Internet Assistance for Low & Fixed Income Households
To assist families with options for low cost/free internet and WiFi - please see the information listed below regarding offer from AT&T, Charter (Spectrum), and Xfinity. These offers as well as offers from other providers can be found at https://broadbandnow.com/guides/low-income-internet.
The AT&T Access program offers basic internet service for low-income families. With speeds up to 100 MPBS for $30 per month, it's a viable way to stay connected for basic web browsing.
Access is available for families approved for the ACP. If your household doesn't qualify, AT&T internet deals are generally the lowest consumer-grade option for home internet. Keep in mind that DSL speeds from AT&T are usually slower than cable for streaming video.
SchooLinks Onboarding is Complete!
A special thank you to our 6th grade Social Studies teachers, 7th grade Science teachers, and 8th grade Science teachers for allowing us to complete our SchooLinks Onboarding & SMART goal lessons.
We couldn't have been able to meet all of our students without your generosity!
In case it is needed - below is the information for STUDENT sign-ins.
Students may also drop by the Counselor's Suite if they have questions or need a copy of the directions
Welcome to the swamp!
Our counseling team is ready to work alongside each student and their families in any area where we are needed: academic, social, emotional, and planning! Each of our grade level counselors work closely with all faculty members to ensure all students are reaching their fullest potential!