Falcon Ridge Elementary Newsletter
March 2023
Important Information:
Office/Main Line: 952-758-1600
24/7 Attendance Line: 952-758-1605
FR Nurse: 952-758-1606
Fax: 952-758-1699
Location: 1200 Columbus Avenue North, New Prague, MN, USA
- Drop-Off/Pickup/Visitor Info: D/O, P/U and Visitor Info
- Nutrition Services: 952-758-1774 and Lunch Menus/Times
- Transportation: 952-758-1480 and FR Drop Off/Pick Up
- Campus Portal: Campus Portal and Instructions
- Calendar/Dates to Note: Falcon Ridge Calendar
- School Supply Lists: Falcon Ridge School Supply Lists
- MN Dept. of Revenue K-12 Tax Benefits: K-12 Tax Benefits
- Facebook: Like Falcon Ridge Elementary on Facebook.
- Twitter: Follow FalconRidge721 on Twitter.
- Instagram: Follow FalconRidge721 on Instagram.
- Website: https://www.npaschools.org/falcon-ridge
Absences, Late Arrivals, Early Pickups and End-of-the-Day Pickups
If your child(ren) will be gone, late or leaving early, you MUST call the attendance line: 952-758-1605 (24/7) before or on the day you will be gone, OR email ALL of the following people in one email: 1. your child's teacher, 2. lbisek@isd721.org, 3. nschmitz@isd721.org, 4. amusil@isd721.org and 5. jsirekhrabe@isd721.org. If there will be a change in your child(ren)'s end-of-the-day pickup, please call the main Falcon Ridge line: 952-758-1600 or email all of the above five people. Thank you!
February Students of the Month
Congratulations to the February Students of the Month!
Family Fun Event
Community Education, NP Early Learning and the Fitness & Aquatic Center are teaming up to host a family fun event on the upcoming March 10 non-school day. It will have activities geared towards families with children ages Pre-K to Grade 3. Hope to see you there!
NP Community Ed
Join us for one of our youth classes in March!
3/4: Video Production for YouTube Podcasting - Online (3rd-7th grade)
3/4: Game Coding - Multiplayer - Online (3rd-7th grade)
3/8: Spectacular Spring Art Camp (K-5th grade)
3/14: Chess (K-5th grade)
3/16: Game Coding - Mario Kart (3rd-7th grade)
NPAEF Arts & Activities Spring Showcase
- Tuesday, March 23
- 5:30 p.m.
- Park Ballroom
Spring Conferences and Scholastic Book Fair
Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming in March.
- Please go to PTC Fast to sign up.
- Select the time for each conference, scroll down to the bottom of the time listings and click on Add Special Request.
- In the box that pops up, type one of three options for your conference: In-Person, Google Meet or Phone. Your child's classroom teacher will contact you with further details, if you indicate a Google Meet or phone call preference.
We will also be having a Scholastic Book Fair in our Creative Commons during conferences, or you can check out the book fair online.
Falcon Ridge Subway Fundraiser Night
4-8 pm
New Prague Subway
Message from Principal Giesen
Falcon Ridge Families,
We have been busy doing our best to open our doors for our newest and youngest members to Falcon Ridge. Beginning in January, we held two storytime/craft opportunities for our incoming kindergarten families to visit Falcon Ridge, meet our teachers and visit the kindergarten classrooms. We recently held our Kindergarten Registration Night (PowerPoint can be found here), and in March, we are looking forward to welcoming interested families into our building for a tour of their new school. It's not too late to sign up! Use this link to secure your spot. We are looking forward to the Class of 2036 joining us!
Falcon Ridge Subway Night
On Monday, March 20, from 4-8 pm, we plan to partner with the New Prague Subway to raise money for our Falcon Ridge Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). During that time, 10% of all purchases made at Subway will go towards our Falcon Ridge PAC, which helps support our students and staff.
MCA Schedule
Below is our schedule for the upcoming MCA assessments. These are taken by our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders in the areas of Reading, Math and Science (5th grade only). We ask for our parent's support in attempting to avoid student absences on these days, as much as possible.
Science (April 11-14)
- Grade 5 (11:05-12:05)
Math (April 18-21)
- Grade 3 (9:30-10:40)
- Grade 4 (10:30-11:55)
- Grade 5 (11:05-12:05)
Reading (April 25-28)
- Grade 3 (9:30-10:40, April 24-27)
- Grade 4 (10:30-11:55)
- Grade 5 (11:05-12:05)
Spring Conferences
If you haven't already done so, please sign up for our upcoming spring conferences, which will be taking place on Tuesday, March 7 (4:30-7:30 pm), Thursday, March 9 (4:30-7:30 pm) and Friday, March 10 (10-4 pm). Please use the PTC Fast link to secure a time with your child's teacher.
Mr. Dave Giesen
Falcon Ridge Elementary Principal
(952) 758-1601
Everyday Fundraising for Falcon Ridge
In working with our Falcon Ridge PAC, I want to make all of our families aware of some easy ways to support our students at Falcon Ridge by using a few simple steps with businesses that you may already be spending money with:
- Shutterfly - Simply click on this Shutterfly link and start shopping. A percentage will go directly to our Falcon Ridge PAC.
- Coborn's School Rewards - Coborn's, Inc. is committed to donating $150,000 to local entities. The points your school earns will help grow their share of the $150,000 total. It's like a pie; the size of your school's slice will depend on how many points they have received. Schools should encourage their supporters to register for their location at moreRewards.com: 1. Go to moreRewards.com, 2. create a login, 3. proceed to login, 4. go to "manage my membership," 5. choose school rewards, 6. select Falcon Ridge, and you are done! It is just that easy! You can also easily add it through the More Rewards phone app: 1. go to rewards, 2. slide the school rewards button to green, 3. below the button there should be an option for you to change to your school, 4. search for Falcon Ridge, and 5. select Falcon Ridge.
2022-2023 Falcon Ridge Monthly Character Traits
R-espect (September)
E-ffort (October)
A-ttitude (November)
P-ride (December)
C-ooperation (January)
A-ssertion (February)
R-esponsibility (March)
E-mpathy (April)
S-elf Control (May)