What's Happening ?? !!
~ Hawley School Newsletter: November 18, 2018 ~
From the Desk of Mr. Moretti
Dear Hawley Parents/Guardians,
I hope that you weathered the storm, are all safe, and enjoyed your unexpected long weekend.
Here's What's Happening at Hawley.......
Veteran's Day !!
Reminders / FYI
Some of you have shared with me that the crossing guard has been leaving when all buses are gone (8:50/:55) but is still needed through drop-off (9:00/:05). I have arranged for him to remain through 9:05 am to keep travel smooth and safe. Thank you for letting me know.
Pick-Up time is very busy with many cars moving and many people walking. There have been some near misses with students darting and drivers distracted. PLEASE keep students with you and PLEASE focus on driving while in our parking lot and proceed slowly. Thank You!
- We are still collecting non-perishable food items through Friday, 11/30, to assist a high school student with a community project. The donation box is in the main lobby and your support and generosity is appreciated,
- THANK YOU for all the gently used clothing donated to our nurse's office. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
PTA Meeting / Principal's Coffee
The next PTA Meeting:
- will be at night
- child care for school-aged children will be provided,
- AND we are combining it with a Principal's Coffee for your 1-stop shopping ;0)
Thursday, 11/29 will be a PTA Meeting followed by a presentation by the principal on School Safety and Security.
We hope that this evening is designed to allow for more people to be able to attend and participate.
Celebration of Learning!
- conduct book reviews
- honor artwork
- guess teacher baby pictures
- kindergarten sings
- kindness takes center stage
- and a skit (This one was bus safety)
It was a joy to see!!!
Principal's Message
November is such a busy month at Hawley. As we dash around madly, it is vital that we pause and realize all that we have to be grateful for. Gratitude is a skill we are focusing on this year with students.
Professionally, I am Thankful for:
*the privilege of being Principal of this wonderful school
*a staff of hard-working professionals that always put children first
*parents that understand the challenges of education and support the
work that we do every day
*a PTA that continuously enriches, supplements and compliments our
work in such varied and wonderful ways
*students who always do their best while being respectful and kind
Personally, I am Thankful for:
*my wife of 25 years
*my 3 boys
*my mom who I still get to see and my kids get to enjoy
(dad will always be with us in spirit)
*my brother, sister and their families
*my in-laws
*good health for all the above
Days go by so quickly. In the hectic rush of everyday life, it is oh too easy to be five steps ahead of yourself. Take the time to realize what you have, be thankful for it, and most importantly, ENJOY it.
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”
~William Arthur Ward
Dates to Remember
Wed, Nov 21: Early Dismissal: 1:37 pm
Wed, Nov 21: Marking Period 1 closes
Thurs-Fri, Nov 22-23: NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Recess
Mon-Fri, Dec 3-7: PTA Holiday Bazaar (Click HERE for information about the Holiday Bazaar and student gift list form)
Wed, Nov 5: Progress Reports available via the ParentPortal
Out of the mouths of babes.....
CT 30 Meteorologist, Ryan Hanrahan, was visiting a grade 2 class answering questions.
"Don't actually know this one," said Ryan H "How hot is the sun?"
"Very hot" said student 1
"Yes, it is. Let's look it up." said Ryan H as he took out his phone
Student 2 shouted out, "He's using Google. Sir, that's cheating!"
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The Hawley School Website
Christopher Moretti
Email: morettic@hawley.k12.ct.us
Website: http://newtown.hawley.schooldesk.net/
Location: 29 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT, United States
Phone: 203.426.7666