8th Grade Weekly Newsletter
January 16th, 2024
Good morning 8th grade families! As the great vocalist of our time once sang, "Woah, we're halfway there"! But, yeah, we are halfway through the final year of Middle School! Thanks as always for reading along with the news in 8th grade and please contact if there are any questions.
Grade Level Announcements
Quarterly STAG Celebration
Our quarterly celebration is coming up on tomorrow, Friday, January 17th.
New this quarter: If students do not earn their way via STAG Tags, there will be an alternate way students can earn part of the celebration time back on Friday.
Quarterly Celebration - Sledding
The Quarterly Celebration will be outdoors at the Civic Center tomorrow, January 17th. Students who earn the right to attend are encouraged to bring a sled to school as well as dress appropriately for the weather.
Be advised the students can bring a sled before January 17th. If you do so, we have a place to stash them in Ms Smith's room. Bus drivers will probably not allow sleds on the busses to school, so alternate arrangements may need to be made.
End of Marking Period
There is only a half day left between us and the end of the 1st semester. Each teacher may have a different deadline to turn in assignments and redo assessments, but it is safe to assume tomorrow is a hard deadline for most classes.
The good news is, a new semester starts Monday! Try to make sure students start on a positive path and take advantage of the clean slate.
NWEA Testing
The winter NWEA testing window opens next week. The 8th grade students will be completing both Math and Language Arts NWEA tests in the coming weeks.
Important Upcoming Dates
January 17th - STAG Celebration - Half Day for Students - End of 2nd Quarter and 1st Semester
Week of February 10-13 - Parent Teacher Conferences - Exact Dates, Times, and Format TBA
February 14th and 17th - No School - Mid Winter Break
Classroom Reminders
ELA - Mr. Gaddy
Science - Ms. Smith
Quiz Cards: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1niI6ZxutgAXQ5SpcjUnjSdtPIhb84tbQOaSIbt8QM_o/edit?usp=sharing
Blooket: https://play.blooket.com/play?hwId=6785378b1f27bc3337daec5c
US History - Mr. Buniewicz
We are continuing our learning about the Early Republic Era of US History (Washington's Presidency). We have a quiz coming up on Wednesday, the 21st. Study guide and note taking guide are available on Google Classroom and have been passed out in class.
Math - Mrs. Wilkins
Algebra: Multiplying and Factoring Polynomials , Pre-Algebra: Continuing with Slope-Intercept Form/Linear Equations
Sustainable Science - Ms. Smith
Art - Ms Eichler
Thank you for reading the newsletter! Make it a great day or not, the choice is yours!