Mountain Message
Welcome Back Edition 2

Mountain Elementary - Welcome Back to School 24-25
The Week Ahead
- 8/6 Meet the Teacher Class lists post, Classroom visits 2-3 p.m.
- 8/7 First Day of School FULL DAY 8:10 a.m.-2:40 p.m.
- PreK 3Y 8:00-11 AM PM 11:50 AM- 2:50 PM
- 8/8 FULL DAY 8:10 a.m.-2:40 p.m. PreK 3Y 8:00-11 AM PM 11:50- 2:50
- 8/9 FULL DAY 8:10 a.m.-2:40 p.m. PreK 3Y NO SCHOOL
We are so pleased to welcome our awesome office staff Adrianna Ortiz and Ahalam Oirdhaa. Thank you for your patience as they learn all the demands and rigors of these two very critical positions. So far they are doing a tremendous job! We are so grateful for them.
NEW FAMILIES: School Tours for NEW STUDENTS to MOUNTAIN Monday August 5, 2024
The tour will last one half hour.
- 8:30 a.m. Front of School
9:30. a.m. Front of school
10:30 a.m. Front of School
11:30 a.m. Front of school
NEW Bell Schedule for this year
7:30 a.m. Morning Clubs Begin
7:50 a.m. Morning Yard Supervision Begins, Breakfast served at front of school-red table ALL students
7:55 a. m. Buses Arrive
8:00 a.m. PREK 3Y AM class begins
8:05 a.m. First Bell Rings: classes line up in areas.
8:10 a.m. Instruction begins PreK4 -6th grade
8:15 a.m. Tardy Bell Rings/Perimeter Gates are Locked
11:00 a.m. Dismissal PreK3Y AM
11:50 a.m. Arrival PreK3Y PM
10:55-11:50 a.m. Lunch hour for all grades
2:40 a.m. Dismissal for grades PreK4- Grade 6
2:45 a.m. Playground Supervision Ends Buses Leave K-6
2:50 p.m. PreK 3 Dismissal and Buses
MEET THE TEACHER, 8/6 PREK-6 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Class lists will be posted at 2 p.m. at front of school and lower playground and upper playground front gates. Students may drop off school supplies at this time.
Mountain has a tricky drop off and pick up for families. For safety, it is important to follow the guidelines below. We highly recommend taking advantage of the Early Bird Program in order to prevent bottle necks and a staggered smooth morning entry.
Enter/Exit only through designated areas.
The driveway is a bus lane only from 7:50 a.m. - 3:00 pm each day. If you wish to drop off a student, please pull to the yellow curb along the roadway. If you wish to walk a student to the building, please proceed to one of the parking lots and park your vehicle. Dropping off or parking in the designated Fire Lane or Handicap/Bus Lane is illegal at all times. Use the designated drop off area or park your vehicle. Parking along North Rd. is allowed. Please follow posted instructions.
Do not drop off students behind parked vehicles in the parking lot.
There are four Handicap Parking spaces available to persons with a placard. Please do not use the space unless you intend to leave your vehicle and a placard is issued to the person occupying the vehicle. LAPD will ticket vehicles illegally parked.
Use crosswalks when crossing the street.
Students must walk bikes and scooters on school property.
Please help us keep everyone safe by following this policy; children learn by example. Thank you!
Early Bird Program
Students who participate in the Early Bird Program may come the first day of school. Here is the link to the permission slip. Please drop the following form off in the office.
Mountain24-25 Early Bird Club Permission
We are working on a comprehensive list of clubs before and after school. More information to come.
Join the PTA
Our awesome PTA works so hard for our school. We are looking for a treasurer. Please consider getting involved. Our school can't function without a PTA and we need you. It is super group of folks. We are really needing people to step up. Surely out of 450 students there is a willing parent. Please, please consider. Feel free to reach out to me or officers@mountainpta.org Thank you.
For more info https://www.mountainpta.org/
Free Breakfast and Lunch Info and Menu
LAPS Breakfast and Lunch Program
Los Alamos Public Schools (LAPS) is pleased to offer a free breakfast and lunch to all of our students. This year LAPS will be utilizing the Offer Versus Serve (OVS) model pertaining to USDA and NSLP requirements. This model will provide students with more of a choice for both breakfast and lunch service.
If a student has a dietary need (this includes vegan requests), this must be communicated to the school site nurse. The school site will inform our food service partner so they can prepare the requested meal for the student. You can view menus online at https://laschools.nutrislice.com/menu.
Even though all students can participate in the breakfast and lunch program we encourage all families to complete the free and reduced meal program application. These applications are used for other important funding opportunities which support the district and our students. Also, students become eligible for reduced fees at school sites based on these applications. Please use the online option at www.schoolcafe.com.
If you are unable to complete the online option please download a copy of the Free and Reduced Meal Program Application (en espaƱol). Instructions for this application can be found at USDA Application Instructions. Email the completed form to the Assistant Superintendent for Operations and Safety at m.johnson@laschools.net.
If you have any questions or comments regarding the school lunch program please send an email to m.johnson@laschools.net.Mountain Family Handbook
This resource is a comprehensive guide to an overview of our school and procedures. Please review this with your child so he or she can be successful at Mountain.
Mountain Parent Family Handbook 2024-2025
Smiths Inspiring Donations- Donate to Mountain while grocery shopping
Go to: https://www.smithsfoodanddrug.com/signin?redirectUrl=/account/communityrewards/
Organization Name:
Los Alamos Public Schools Mountain Elementary
Organization Number:
5:30-7 5:00 Booths etc. 5:30 classroom visits parents welcome
9/6 Family breakfast/Fund run kick off more info to come.
9/27 FUND RUN in AM Homecoming Day for Mountain :) more info to come.