October Newsletter
Reeds Ferry PFA
📅Coming Up This Month:
September 30......PICTURE DAY
October 4-20........MCM Pie Fundraiser
October 4.............Town Meeting
October 10...........Fall Festival
October 15...........PFA Meeting
October 23...........Restaurant Night
November 1.........Picture Retakes
Popcorn Dates: October 3, 17, 31 (Pay $0.50 the day of if you did not prepay)
Freeze Pops Dates: October 10, 24 (Pay $0.50 the day of if you did not prepay)
📸Picture Day:
Reminder that Picture Day is Monday, September 30!
Retakes will be held on November 1.
Click the image visit the Lifetouch website.
Picture Day ID: EVTGV642X
🥧MCM Pie Fundraiser:
Order your pies in time for Thanksgiving!
Online ordering is open from October 4-20.
All pies must be picked up after school on November 20th.
More information on pick up time in forthcoming.
Click the image to visit the website.
Questions? Email ReedsPFABoardMemberatLarge@gmail.com
🌈Town Meeting:
Friday, October 4th is our FIRST Town Meeting of the school year. Encourage your child to wear their class color.
📆PFA Meeting:
Join us for our October PFA Meeting.
September 15 at 5:00 in the RFS Library
🌯Restaurant Night:
Join us for our first Restaurant Night of the Year!
Where? Qdoba
17C Premium Outlets Blvd. Merrimack
When? October 23
Why? A percentage of your order will be donated back to RFS.
A flyer will be sent out. Please bring it with you and mention you are with the Reeds Ferry PFA!
Merrimack School District's policy is that all volunteers must be fingerprinted through the District Office. This is applicable to PFA or classroom volunteers and field trip chaperones.
Fingerprinting is FREE and quick! Just call 603-424-6200 or email kathleen.knauer@sau26.org to schedule an appointment with Kat.
You'll also need to complete the following online trainings annually:
Sexual Harassment: Policy & Prevention Training
Bullying: Recognition & Response
Child Abuse: Mandatory Reporting
Once completed, email your completion certificate to Lindsey.Finken@sau26.org.
Once completed, as long as you volunteer once this year, you will not need to be fingerprinted again next year!
If you were fingerprinted last year and volunteered once, you do not need to be fingerprinted again this year!
🤝Meet The Board:
President: Lindsay Townsend
Vice President: Nicole Scione
Secretary: Crystal Brittsan
Treasurer: Kelly Grassini
Volunteer Coordinators: Sarah Barbosa & Taylor Leduc
Board Member at Large: John Doubleday