Roundtown Weekly Updates

Roundtown PROUD Post
Friday, September 20, 2024
A Message from Roundtown Principal, Dr. Miller
Happy Friday, Roundtown Families & Friends!
It is hard to believe this was the last full week of summer. Each year I feel as if the seasons go quicker for me personally. As much as I love fall, I know we will be moving into winter in the blink of an eye. These are some of my favorite times at Roundtown. The initial start-up is over, the children have settled in, our teachers have found their groove, and each day, I see more growth in many different ways in our school. The next phase of school is set to begin in the coming days. Parent Volunteer meetings are set, field trips are planned, and fall parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled soon. Stay tuned for a stand-alone message from me soon on how to set-up your child's fall conference. The conference scheduler will not open to families until Monday, September 30. Stay tuned for details on scheduling your child's conference.
Have a great weekend! I will be picking up my fall mums and pumpkins for the front porch this weekend. I am looking forward to fall and all that comes with it, although I think I'm already done with pumpkin spice for the season!
Dr. Miller
Roundtown Principal
This past week....
Kindergarten had fun participating in their color day with "YELLOW" day on Wednesday! Thank you to everyone who participated.
The school experienced some unexpected hallway alarms on Wednesday as our maintenance team was replacing some electrical components that needed replaced after last Friday's power issue. We were able to quickly silence the alarm and move on with our day.
It was a half day for our students on Friday due to a teacher in-service and the kids were excited to start the weekend a little early!
Coming next week…
Parent Volunteer Meetings are set for Monday at 2PM and Wednesday at 9:30AM. Each meeting will last approximately 1-hour and volunteers need only attend 1 meeting.
From our Roundtown Librarian, Mrs. Dusich....
Students in Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Hower, Mrs. Michaels, Mrs. Dellinger and Mrs. Cooley's classes should have their library books in school for return on Monday, September 23.
Wednesday is "GREEN" day for our kindergarteners and anyone wishing to participate!
Say "Cheese!" Roundtown Picture Day is set for Friday, September 27! Picture packets went home this past week.
Friday is also our next big Family Night! It's the Glow-in-the-Dark Family Dance Party! This evening is always a special night of music, dancing, and FUN! Come out to the dance party from 6-8PM in our gym/cafe and wear something that will glow in the dark! Entry is $5 per family to help support our PTO!
Congratulations to our first two Roundtown Students of the Month!
Each month, Roundtown will honor and recognize two students at our monthly school board meeting. Students honored must consistently demonstrate aspects of our core values including: Character, Perseverance, Accountable, Community, and Excellence. Congratulations to our first two Students, Keegan and Jordan!
Spirit Wear!
Looking for high-quality spirit-wear? Look no further! Use the following link to order Central Spirit Wear all year long! Click here to access the store!
PTO Volunteer Happenings
Our Roundtown PTO is an active committee that works to provide activities and additional opportunities for our Roundtown Students and Staff. Please check out the PTO Newsletter below from PTO President, Khelsea Borror!
Our first Scholastic Book Fair will be launching October 7-11. This is a great opportunity to purchase high-quality books at fairly low costs. Our PTO does an amazing job at putting together an incredible book fair. This year, Klaudia Chilcoat is our book fair chairperson. She is looking to add to our growing number of volunteers for the book fair. If interested, please use the following link to sign-up to help by clicking here.
Students will have opportunities to browse the book fair early in the week and create a special wish list for buying day later in the week. Additionally, we will have a family night for you to come to our fair on the evening of October 9 from 6-8PM if you prefer to purchase the books yourself.
I have included additional details regarding signing up for an “eWallet” which is a great way to have your child shop without the fuss of sending in money. For this fall book fair, EVERY Roundtown student will receive a free book based upon the huge success of previous fairs!
•A reminder that in the mornings, the right-side of the school/parking lot is designated for parent drop-off. Families should NOT be driving/parking on the left-side of the school is this area is designated for school buses ONLY. Thank you for your help with this!
•Looking for some after-school activities for your child? Our district website regularly updates its site with community flyers and information on outside-of-school activities for our students. Click here to view.
Safety and Technology Resources for Families
Central York School District is excited to announce that we have partnered with Linewize by Family Zone, a leading education technology company, to provide District families and students with the highest quality of online safety and digital wellness education.
As members of the Central York Community, you have access to an Online Safety Hub, as well as free parent/guardian access to the Qustodio App, a parental control app that allows families insight and control of their child’s device usage.
Qustodio App
The Qustodio App allows parents access to monitor and supervise their child’s time online. By signing up, parents can monitor their child’s activity on their school-issued device, as well as up to two additional personal devices at no cost.
The app enables parents to:
- Receive reports and alerts on your child’s school-time activity
- Enable and disable internet access
- Receive guidance and tips on digital trends and threats
Access to features on your child’s school-issued device will be effective during non-school hours. Usage on two free personal devices is 24/7. Parents must use the email associated with their Skyward account.
Online Safety Hub
The Online Safety Hub includes helpful parent advice guides, app and game reviews, online safety quizzes, resources, and access to information about the Qustodio App.
Please note that you may receive an invite or email from the Qustodio App. This is an optional service offered to District families.
Roundtown Calendar Reminders
9/23 - Parent Volunteer Meeting 2-3PM (Need to attend 1 only)
9/25 - Parent Volunteer Meeting 9:30-10:30AM (Need to attend 1 only)
9/25 - Kindergarten's Green Day-Wear something green!
9/27 - Picture Day!
9/27 - Family Night Glow Dance Party 6-8PM