Lions Exchange
November 7, 2024
No School Friday (11/8)
Lion Families
Thanksgiving break is just two weeks away! We hope you’re looking forward to this time with family and friends.
As part of our commitment to student safety, we’d like to remind everyone of our morning arrival procedures. We kindly request your cooperation in utilizing the designated Red zone car lines for morning drop-off and we ask that you remain in your car to keep traffic flowing smoothly. This procedure is designed to ensure the safety of all our students.
Please do not park in the Red Zone parking lot and have your child cross through the dismissal lines. This practice can be dangerous, as our staff may not be able to see your child crossing and ensure their safety.
By following the car line procedure, we can maintain a safe and efficient drop-off process. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Thank you,
Principal Stovall
Dress Code Guidelines for Jackets and Outerwear
As the weather begins to change, please remember to send your child to school with a warm jacket each day. Cooler temperatures mean our students will need extra layers to stay comfortable, especially during recess and outdoor activities.
As a reminder, students are only permitted to wear solid red or navy blue jackets/sweaters inside the building during school hours. Other color jackets can be worn into the building but will need to be removed once students enter and may be put back on for recess and dismissal. This helps us maintain our dress code while keeping students comfortable throughout the day.
Please make sure to label your child’s jackets and sweaters with their first and last name. This helps your student quickly retrieve items from our lost and found if they get left behind in classrooms or on the playground.
Additionally, this is a great time to remind children about handwashing and other healthy habits to help prevent seasonal illnesses.
Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season
As we enter cold and flu season, here are a few tips to help keep everyone healthy:
- Handwashing: Encourage frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before meals and after using the restroom.
- Cover Coughs and Sneezes: Remind your child to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or their elbow to prevent the spread of germs.
- Stay Home When Sick: If your child is feeling unwell, please keep them at home to recover and help prevent spreading illness.
- Healthy Habits: Ensure your child is getting plenty of rest, staying active, and eating a balanced diet to support their immune system.
Thank you for helping us keep our school community healthy and safe this season!
Grade Level Newsletters
Calendar of Events
Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month; a month-long celebration of the histories, cultures, contributions, and achievements of Native Americans to the United States. Students will receive Native American Heritage facts over the morning announcements during this month.
Nov 7 - Gifted Talented Fall Referral Window Closes
Nov 8 - No School
Nov 11 - Veterans Day (We do have school)
Nov 14 - Partners for Life Meeting (Zoom @ 5PM)
Nov 15 - Staff Development, No School for Students
Nov 18 - 3rd-6th RLA Benchmark
Nov 19 - 3rd-6th Math Benchmark
Nov 20 - 5th Science Benchmark
Nov 20 - National Education Support Professionals’ Day
Nov 21 - Birthday Thursday/$3 Free dress Day
Nov 21 - Thanksgiving Celebrations, see teacher for details
Nov 21 - Benchmark 1, Makeup Testing 3rd-6th Grades
Nov 21 - Substitute Educators Day, thank you to our wonderful subs!!
Nov 21 - Progress Reports available to families in Parent Portal
Nov 22 - No School
Nov 25-29 -Thanksgiving Break, No School
Counselor's Corner
Families in Need
Contact any of the APPROVED Non-Profit Organizations which will be listed on our site upon approval. They will provide guidelines and their registration deadline in addition to any other applicable information you may need. Please do not call our office regarding the process of any non-profit. We will not be able to provide any information regarding a non-profit’s registration process or guidelines. The link will be provided once the non-profit organizations are approved. We encourage you to check the list often as it will be updated beginning September 1, 2024 through November 15, 2024.
In Other News....
Support for High School Campus in Duncanville
Life School is gearing up for our newest high school in Duncanville, TX with plans to open its doors in time for the 2027-28 school year! If you believe Life School will make an even greater impact in our community by building this new high school in Duncanville, show your support by attending these City of Duncanville public meetings wearing your Life School gear!
Partners for Life
Don't forget to sign up for our Partners for Life parent organization by clicking here to receive the most up to date opportunities to engage on campus. After you sign up, be sure to become a fan of our campus.
When you respond for an event, you will receive hours for your participation. As parents receive hours, we will recognize parents throughout the year with shout outs, special prizes, and recognition.
For the Love of Reading!
Did you know... When you dedicate time to reading every day, you can reduce stress, boost your mental health, fall asleep faster, and enrich your vocabulary?
Did you know ... Children who read 20 minutes every day are exposed to a large number of books and stories throughout the year, which improves their understanding and analytical skills, increases their vocabulary, shapes their personality, and increases overall academic performance.
Click here to read 7 Benefits of Reading 20 Minutes a Day as well as some tips on how to get started. #LifeLeadersRead
Weekly I Will Statements
During morning announcements, we will focus on one LifeLeader Attribute each week and learn what we need to do to develop each attribute so that we can become effective leaders in our school and in our community. We encourage students and families to memorize these statements together and talk about how the attribute is exhibited at home, school and work. We will share the I Will statement in the weekly newsletter and on our campus Facebook page. We look forward to hearing how students are exhibiting the attributes at school and home. Click here to view all 15 LifeLeader attributes.
Life Habits
Every day we have Life Habits time that is focused on building social, emotional and behavioral skills. Each week we will post Life Habits conversation starters in our newsletter that are aligned with the Life Habits lessons from the week. We will also have signs in the pick up line for you to access the questions of the week. We hope you enjoy hearing about what your child is learning at school.
District & LSOCE Campus Important Links
Life School Oak Cliff Elementary
Email: quanesha.stovall@lifeschools.net
Website: https://lifeschool.net/schools-campuses/oak-cliff-elementary-school
Location: 4400 South R L Thornton Freeway, Dallas, TX, USA
Phone: 214-376-8200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lifeoakcliffelem
Twitter: @PrincipalStovall