EMS - Quarter 2 November Update
November 17, 2024
Hello Falcon Families!
As the leaves change and the holiday season approaches, we can’t help but reflect on the wonderful moments we’ve shared this fall. From the creativity and energy at our Halloween Concert and Costume Contest, to the joy of connection during our Fall Social, and the heartfelt gratitude shown during our Veteran’s Day Celebration, this season has truly been one to remember.
With just one more week of school before Thanksgiving Break, we’re cherishing these moments of togetherness and looking ahead to a productive few weeks when we return, as we wrap up the first half of the school year.
Thank you for being such an integral part of our school community. Together, we’re creating an environment where students feel supported, celebrated, and encouraged to grow.
Here’s to finishing the year strong and savoring the time with family and friends ahead!
If you have any questions, email me at jkeith@byron.k12.ca.us.
Ms. Jamie Keith
EMS Principal
- Novermber 18th - Cheer interest meeting at lunch in room 203 (for students wanting to be on the cheer team in Quarter 3)
- November 20th - PTSA Dine Out @ Panda Express on Brentwood Blvd./Sand Creek Road
- November 22nd - Q1 Rally
- November 25th - 29th - Thanksgiving Break
- December 10th - BUSD Board Meeting; 5:30 pm in the District Office Board Room
- December 13th - Winter Dance (semi-formal) from 6:00-8:00 pm in the theater
- December 16th - Winter Music Concert at 7:00 pm in the theater
- December 20th - Last day of Quarter 2 & minimum day (11:45 am release)
- December 23rd - January 3rd - Winter Break
- January 6th - School resumes/Quarter 3 begins
Mid-Year Benchmark - NWEA MAP Growth Exam
The first week of December, our students will take the NWEA MAP Growth exam, an important mid-year benchmark assessment. This exam provides valuable insights into each student's academic progress, helping us tailor instruction to meet their individual needs.
MAP Growth measures growth in key areas like reading and math, giving a clear picture of how much progress has been made since the start of the school year. It also identifies areas for growth, helping students, families, and teachers work together to set meaningful goals for success.
We encourage you to talk with your child about the importance of taking this assessment seriously. Remind them that their effort matters and that their results help us support them better in their learning journey.
How you can help at home:
- Discuss the Test's Purpose: Emphasize that this test measures growth, not perfection.
- Encourage Best Effort: Reassure your student to do their best without stress.
- Ensure a Good Start: A good night's sleep and a nutritious breakfast can make a big difference on test days.
Your child's score report will be sent home with their Quarter 2 Report Card in January. We utilize both grades and benchmark scores to determine support placements for Quarter 3. Thank you for partnering with us to ensure every student reaches their potential!
Tackling Tardies: A Focus on Punctuality
We’ve noticed an increase in students arriving late to class during the school day. Many are choosing to socialize or take the scenic route during passing periods instead of heading directly to class. While we understand the importance of connecting with friends, arriving to class on time is crucial for academic success and maintaining a productive learning environment.
To address this, starting in Quarter 3, students with 14 or more tardies in a quarter will be placed on attendance contracts. If tardy behavior continues, they will be added to the Non-Activities List, restricting their participation in school events and extracurricular activities.
To support a positive change before this policy begins, we will meet with students who are chronically tardy during Quarter 2 in December. Parents of these students will also receive a copy of the attendance contract to ensure a collaborative approach to improving punctuality.
How Parents can help:
- Set Clear Expectations: Remind your student of the importance of being in class on time and the consequences of tardies which include lunch detentions, after school detentions, and now placement on attendance contracts and possibly the Non-Activities list.
- Review Their Schedule: Help your child plan how to use passing periods efficiently while still having time to socialize.
- Stay Informed: Monitor your student’s attendance on the Aeries Parent Portal and address patterns of tardiness early.
- Encourage Positive Habits: Discuss strategies like heading straight to class, setting a timer on their phone, or walking with a friend who is punctual.
Thank you for your partnership in encouraging our students to make it to class on time and ready to learn!
Quarter 3 Sports
Our Quarter 3 Sports are Cheer and Boys Basketball. If your child is interested in participating in either sport, please fill out THIS GOOGLE FORM.
Students interested in Cheer should attend the informational meeting tomorrow at Lunch in room 203. There will be a parent information meeting shortly after Thanksgiving Break (date to be determined).
More information on boys basketball tryouts will sent home after Thanksgiving break.
Please join us for our EMS Dine Out on Wednesday, November 20th, at the Panda Express on Brentwood Blvd/Sand Creek Rd.
Our next PTSA Meeting is on Wednesday, January 8th at 7:00 pm on Zoom!
Interested in joining our PTSA? Please click HERE! The money collected through our PTSA memebership dues goes towards school activities and improvements!
Fall School Events
Halloween Concert!
Halloween Concert!
Halloween Concert Costumes!
Platinum Breakfast!
Thank you to all the parents who put together our wonderful platinum celebration!
Platinum Breakfast!
Platinum Breakfast!
Veterans Day Assembly and Luncheon!
Peace Poster contest winners!
Trick or Treat for Canned Goods!
Community Announcements
Excelsior Middle School
Email: jkeith@byron.k12.ca.us
Website: https://www.excelsiormiddleschool.us/
Location: 14301 Byron Highway, Byron, CA, USA
Phone: 925-809-7530
Twitter: @EMSFalcons