Husky Newsletter
Fall, 2023
Principal Henderson's Message
Empowering Students with Skills for Life!
All elementary schools are using a digital curriculum called Second Step® this school year in District 196. Glacier Hills has been invested in teaching this program for over the past 3+ years. The Second Step® Elementary digital program provides the structure to allow for consistent delivery among all grade levels. We aim to empower our students with skills for life using common language and consistency in instruction. This curriculum provides the tools to teach foundational social-emotional and behavioral (SEB) skills with our students. Lessons are designed to keep students engaged and are relevant to every day life. Our first unit is focused on teaching students the importance of a growth mind-set and goal-setting. Be sure to ask your child about what they are learning in Second Step® !
Important Dates
November is National Native American Heritage Month
Nov. 1 - GHESAS Parent/Teacher Conferences @ 4:45-8:00 PM
Nov. 2 - GHESAS Parent/Teacher Conferences @ 12:00-8:00 PM
Nov. 3 - No School for Students & Teachers
Nov. 7 - District 196 School Board Election Day @ 7 AM-8 PM
Nov. 9 - GHESAS Fall Family Math Game Night @ 6-7:30 PM
Nov. 10 - GHESAS Veteran's Day Recognition & Breakfast @ 8:15 AM-8:45 PM
Nov. 11 - National Veteran's Day
Nov. 13 - GHESAS Student Council/Leadership Team Meeting @ 8:15-9:15 AM
Nov. 14 - PTO Meeting @ 6:15 PM *Husky Hustle Feedback @ 5:30 PM
Nov. 14 & 16 - GHESAS Magnet Spotlight @ 10 AM & 6 PM in Media Center for Prospective Families
Nov. 22 & 23 - No School
Nov. 27 - GHESAS DaCapo Choir Concert @ 6:30 PM
Nov. 30 - GHESAS Grade 4 Music Program @ 6:30 PM
Calling all current and potential Glacier Hills Elementary School of Arts & Science families! Our magnet lottery application is open from October 9 to January 5, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. All families with children attending GHESAS through our magnet lottery application who have an incoming Kindergartener/sibling for the 2024-25 school year must complete an application. Please contact our main office at 651-683-8570 if you have any questions. Applications for the 2024-25 school year can be found at
Thank you, again, for the support of our Husky Hustle!
If you want to see a recap of our big day, click on the video link.
Many Thanks to Our PTO & Husky Hustle Committee
Our annual Husky Hustle 5K Fundraiser was a GREAT success and our race had a super turn out! Husky pride was on display! Thank you to all of our sponsors, participants, Anderson Race Management Company and our many volunteers. A big shout out to our committee members and committee support members: Nicole Henry, Heidi Anderson, Colleen Cahill, Rebecca Chevaillier, Lauren Olson, Lindsay Hamlar, Stephen Bartos, Lisa Aidoor, and Chad Bartlett. We couldn’t have done this without our great team effort. We exceeded our goal of fundraising $32,000! We are grateful for the community support and for the donations we received. Our teaching staff uses funds raised to support our magnet programming including residencies, field trips, and instructional supplies.
All families asked to complete an Educational Benefits Application, formerly the free and reduced-price meals application. Your children may qualify! Applications for the 2023-24 school year are available.
Your approved application provides critical funding to our school district. This compensatory aid helps increase funding for teachers, paraprofessionals and social workers to include math and reading support. An approval for educational benefits also allows families to receive discounted Activities/Community Education fees. Learn more about the Educational Benefits Program >
The 2023 School Board election will take place Tuesday, Nov. 7. Four of the seven at-large positions on the School Board of Independent School District 196 are up for election. The terms of Joel Albright, Sachin Isaacs, Cory Johnson, and Jackie Magnuson expire Jan. 1, 2024. The term of each open position is four years, from January 2024 to January 2028. For more information about the school board election, click here.
GHESAS scholars explored pumpkins!
Students used tools to cut, dig, and explore textures.
First Graders Create in Multimedia Art Class
First graders have been hard at work learning about famous places around the globe, and chose one to focus on for the current Multimedia Art project. Students are encouraged to choose a location they dream about visiting to add to the story quilt, inspired by author and illustrator Faith Ringgold. 
School District 196 Weather-Related Changes
School sometimes needs to be canceled or delayed due to bad weather and driving conditions. Please be aware of our procedures for if/when we need to make scheduling changes due to weather. For the first two inclement weather days each year, school is canceled.
For inclement weather days 3 through 7 in any one school year, students and staff will participate in an E-Learning Day from home. To review our procedures for inclement weather-related schedule changes, E-Learning and communication protocols, go to our school district website at Book Fair is Here!
The Literati Book Fair is coming! Do you have what it takes to Crack the Case? Come get clued in to the best new books on November 1st from 4-8 PM and November 2nd from 12-7:30 PM! Every purchase benefits our school. The online fair is already open and runs through the 2nd. Click the link:
iPad Protection Plan
District 196 offers an optional Protection Plan to families for $20 per iPad to cover the cost of potential theft/damage throughout the school year. The plan is free for families who qualify for the Educational Benefits Program so it is highly recommended to first apply online for that program in order to have the discount applied when purchasing the protection plan.
ALL families are expected to review and MyPaymentsPlus (click HERE for instructions) now. Families who have not purchased a protection plan for their child's iPad will be responsible for any costs associated with damage of the iPad as defined HERE. Please note, you can accept the Protection Plan at any time throughout the school year.