Imagine-Chancellor Chargers
March 2025 Newsletter
Every Charger. Every Day. Whatever it Takes.
Dear Imagine-Chancellor Families,
As we look back, February was a month filled with love, enthusiasm, and encouragement! It was wonderful to see students cheering each other on and celebrating successes together. We also had an incredible turnout for our Science Night and Boosterthon Fun Run—thank you to all the families who participated and supported these events. Because of your generosity, we reached our fundraising goal, which will directly benefit student programs and experiences.
As we move into March, our focus shifts to humility and creativity—two character strengths that help us grow and collaborate. Humility allows us to learn from others, recognize our strengths and areas for growth, and celebrate the success of our peers. Creativity encourages us to think outside the box, solve problems in new ways, and take action toward our goals.
This month, we are emphasizing action steps to achieve our goals—both academically and personally. Whether it’s applying feedback to improve in the classroom, trying a new approach to a challenge, or working as a team, we encourage our students to take purposeful steps forward.
Thank you for your continued partnership in fostering a positive, supportive school community. Let’s make March a month of growth and innovation!
With love and appreciation,
Ms. Standley
Please join us in person or via Zoom for Coffee Talk with Admin. We invite your input and feedback on ways to improve our school programs.
Summer Camp 2025
Registration and more info will be coming soon!
School Counseling Update
Imagine-Chancellor School Counselors Ms. Barratt & Ms. Mora assist students with academic, social/emotional, and career needs by working with them in class lessons, small groups, and individual counseling. K-5 class lessons throughout the month of March will focus on decision-making.
Positivity Project Character Strengths for March
Positivity Project will continue on our campus with a focus on Positivity in Action and the Other People Mindset. Below are the character strengths we will be focusing on each week during the month of March.
Humility- Week of March 3rd
Creativity- Week of March 10th
Character Spirit Week- Week of March 17th
Positivity Project offers FREE resources for P2 Families!
This is an easy way for families to discuss the importance of character strengths and positive relationships. It is differentiated for various grade levels and includes 1 quote, 1 video and 3 questions to drive conversations around character at home.
Positivity Penny Winners
K-5 students were celebrated for demonstrating outstanding character strengths for the month of January. These students were chosen as representatives of their grade levels to eat lunch with Ms. Standley. Congrats to all our Positivity Penny winners and all students who continue to show outstanding character throughout the day and live out our core values of Always a Caring Honest Accountable Respectful Grateful Empathetic Responsible.
3rd grade Superstars
Congrats to Mrs. Contreras' homeroom class along with other top leaders in 3rd grade classes for completing 1,257 lessons in Imagine Math! 🎉📚 Their hard work, perseverance, and grit paid off with a special surprise! Keep sharpening those math skills, little mathematicians—we’re so proud of you!
5th Grade Wax Museum: Celebrating Black History Month
We are thrilled to celebrate our 5th-grade students who participated in an incredible Wax Museum event in honor of Black History Month! Each student chose a prolific figure who has made a significant impact on society and brought their chosen individual to life through a captivating portrayal. The students did a fantastic job showcasing their knowledge, creativity, and passion for these historical figures.
A heartfelt thank you to all the families who attended and supported this event. Your presence made the experience even more special for our students. We are so proud of their hard work and dedication in making this event a success!
Family Science Night Success
A huge thank you to all the families who joined us for Title I Family Science night! Your curiosity, energy, and enthusiasm made the night a fantastic success! It was amazing to see our students and families exploring, discovering, and learning together as they engaged in fun, interactive activities. We appreciate your support in fostering a love for science and creating memorable learning experiences. Can’t wait for the next one!
Positivity in Action
Title I Updates
Imagine-Chancellor is a Title I school for the 24-25 school year. Title I programs are designed to improve academic outcomes for all students by strengthening instruction, promoting a culture of high expectations, engaging and empowering families, ensuring safe and healthy learning conditions, and providing a broad range of student support.
Parents can access Title I resources and information on our website and available via our ISCC Parent Hub as well as Imagine-Chancellor's SWP summary which is now posted on our school website: and available via our ISCC Parent Hub.
Absence Procedures
Your child’s academic and social progress is influenced to a great extent by regular participation in school. Regular attendance without tardiness is the key.
When your child will be absent from school, please send an email to In the email provide your child's first and last name, grade level, and teacher along with the reason why they are absent. Please attach any doctor's note or other pertinent information related to the absence. You can also send in a note with your child upon their return to school. If you do not report the absence within 48 hours your child will receive an “unexcused absence.” You must do this process for each day your child is absent.
We encourage you to schedule your child’s appointments after school hours. If this is not possible, parent/guardians must come to the main office first to have their child released. Office personnel will notify the classroom teacher to inform the teacher that your child needs to report to the office. For your child’s safety, the teacher will not release a child to anyone who has not signed them out at the office. Office personnel will not release a child to anyone not listed on the Emergency Contact Card, unless the school is notified by the parent in writing in advance.
Research has shown that there is a strong correlation between attendance and achievement in school. Therefore, our attendance policy will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Palm Beach County Attendance Policy.
No students shall be released after 2:30 pm unless the principal/designee determines it is an emergency.
All schools will establish procedures for early release that ensure that all students are treated consistently.
Excessive early sign-outs will be addressed on a case-by-case basis to determine if there is a pattern of non-attendance. Non-attendance for instructional activities is established by tardiness, early-sign outs, or absences for all or any part of the day.
Unless excused under the provisions of this policy, accumulated early sign-outs will be recorded as unexcused absences. (F.S. 1003.02)
Daily Arrival Procedures
- Students who are enrolled in before care will be able to enter the campus daily from 7:15-7:45 am off of High Ridge Road.
- All other students will not be permitted to enter campus prior to 7:50 am.
- Parents who are not enrolled in before care will enter the campus off of Miner Rd following traffic down Imagine Way. Gates will be open to all students at 7:50 am each morning. When you enter Imagine Way, please stay in right hand lane, as it is a 2-lane driveway until you pass the apartment gate. Then proceed to right lane for south side or left lane for north side.
- Access to the school off High Ridge Road will not be accessible from 7:45 am-8:35 am.
- Students can be dropped off on the north or south side of the school for AM arrival.
- Student drop-off on High Ridge Road is NOT PERMITTED.
- Parents/Adults are NOT PERMITTED to get out of the car.
- Please ensure your child has all of their belongings and ready to exit the car.
- Ensure your child can unbuckle their seat belt and get out of their booster seat
independently. - To ensure safety of students and staff, USE of cell phone in the car line is PROHIBITED.
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal Procedures
· Staggered dismissal times will remain the same:
K-2- 3:00 pm
3rd-5th- 3:15 pm
6th-8th- 3:30 pm
Dismissal Sides
K-2: South side of the school
K-8 students with siblings: South side of the school
3rd-8th students without siblings: North side of the school
- All students will remain in their classroom during dismissal
- PikMyKid will be utilized as our dismissal program
- Parents must check-in using the PikMyKid app or provide the designated staff member the assigned dismissal number for their child(ren). Please place your PikmyKid dismissal tag on your rear view mirror or dashboard for staff to easily see.
- Gates will be open to all students at dismissal times. Dismissal traffic will flow down Imagine Way (back road off of Miner Rd) and onto north or the south side of the campus based off your child(ren)'s designated side.
- If you have multiple children in different grade levels, please come at the oldest child’s release time to pick up all of your children on the SOUTH SIDE of the school.
- Please do not come earlier than your child’s assigned dismissal time. Parents that have children in grades 3-8 that come early will be asked to go around and come back at their assigned time.
- Parents will be charged a fee of $20 per student picked up after 4:00 p.m.
Imagine Chancellor Parent Info Hub
To provide Imagine-Chancellor families with easy access to various information in one location, we have created the Imagine-Chancellor Parent Info Hub. This can also be found on our school website.
Student Tardiness
Student achievement is of utmost importance at Imagine-Chancellor. Teachers must maximize instructional minutes to promote student learning success. Tardies are a major disruption to the learning environment and student learning. Students miss extremely important intervention/enrichment time. Additionally, learning stops while the tardy student settles into his/her seat.
We strongly encourage families to ensure their child(ren) are setup for success each morning by arriving to school on time. The instructional day starts at 8:30 am. Therefore, it is expected for all students to be in their seat ready to learn at this time. We appreciate your support in this matter.
Helpful Hint: Morning arrival car lines have extremely little to no traffic between 8:00-8:15 am.
PTSA Appreciation
Thank you to our fabulous PTSA for decorating our front lobby for the season of love. Their creativity brings cheer to everyone who enters our school each day! We greatly appreciate your hard work!
Visitor Policy
NEW CHANGE FOR THIS SCHOOL YEAR...To access our school property during the school day, all visitors must go to the south gate and use the video call box to gain entry to the property. All visitors must provide government issued ID to enter the school building. Visitors will be issued a visitor badge that must be worn at all times. When exiting the building, all visitors must check out and turn in their visitor badge.
Adopt a Classroom
In an effort to involve individual families and businesses in our children’s classrooms, we have instituted the Adopt-A-Class program. This program provides the school with funding that can be used for individualized classroom enrichment projects.
The monies will be allocated to the classrooms designated on the form and will supply materials to the students in an effort to enhance their education in a variety of creative ways. In return for the donation, the names of the individual or business will be prominently displayed outside classrooms and will be acknowledged in school-wide publications.
If you or your business would be interested in participating in this wonderful program, please
complete the information below and return it with a check payable to:
Imagine Schools Chancellor Campus.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and support of our classrooms.
OSP- School Payment System
Imagine-Chancellor has transitioned to a new online payment system using OSP. Parents will need to setup an account and follow the instructions to add their child(ren) to their account. This new online payment system will allow parents to pick and choose items they wish to purchase in our school store. Instructions and the link to our Online School Store are provided below:
School Uniforms
InUnison will remain our school uniform vendor for this school year. All of the shirt colors will remain the same as well as the shorts/pants colors. If you wish to order online for this year, the link to the uniform website is below.
FortifyFL- Report Suspicious Activity
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.
Imagine Chancellor
Location: 3333 High Ridge Road, Boynton Beach, FL, USA
Phone: 561-585-1189
Twitter: @chancellor_bb