News and events
November 7, 2024

November 7, 2024
Veteran's Day
Butterbraids - PTO Fundraiser!
Our Butter Braid fundraiser has officially kicked off! Your student(s) should have brought home a paper order form. All student(s) have been added to the online store. To find your student(s), please use the link below where you can search their name. Once you get to a page with their name, use that link to share with family and friends! These delicious pastries are always a hit!
Important dates to remember
- All orders and money are due by November 18th.
- All orders MUST be picked up at Jefferson on December 5th between 4 & 6 PM. We do not have space to store orders that are not picked up. Any orders left will be discarded and refunds will not be provided.
Link to our online store - https://store.myfundraisingplace.com/7f1cc780-b018-4504-b117-e59cd6c5745b
Thank you in advance for your continued support of the Jefferson PTO!
Family Math Night! NOVEMBER 21 5:30PM - 7PM
Family Math Night Flyer - Click Here!
This is the LINK to the RSVP form from the flyer.
Parent/Guardian Survey
The district is collecting feedback from parents/guardians through a survey on two topics. The first part of the survey relates to your perceptions on social emotional learning and the second part is in regards to parent-teacher communication. The anonymous survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete. You can access the survey using the link below through Friday, November 15th. Your insight is very valuable and will be used to inform decisions across the district. Thank you in advance for your time.
SEL/Parent-Teacher Communication: Parent/Guardian Survey link: https://survey.anoka.k12.mn.us/2024-25SELParentTeacherCommunicationParentSurvey.htm
Parent Drop Off - AM
Here are a few reminders!
We open breakfast at 8:30AM and have staff on duty by this time. Please start dropping off and moving forward starting by 8:30AM. Doors then open for all students to go to their classrooms at 8:35AM and this is when our bell rings.
School starts at 8:50AM and students coming into their classrooms after the 8:50AM bell are marked as late/tardy. *when students experience breakfast delays we do not mark a student late.
Please do not use the bus lane between 8:35AM and 8:50AM for drop off. Please use the drop off lane back at door #4.
Order Your Child's Yearbook NOW! After Spring Break it will be too late! Click Here to create your order:
Get Involved and Make a Difference!
Please visit the links below for exciting upcoming volunteer opportunities at Jefferson. Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities:
Butter Braid Fundraiser Volunteer Sign - Up
PTO Meeting - Tuesday, November 12th - 6:30p.m. - Jefferson Library
For more information on getting involved at Jefferson, please contact:
Dijana Sivac
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Upcoming Dates
11/11 - Veterans Day Program, 8:30-9:10am
11/21 - Family Math Night - Pizza Dinner
11/22 - End of Trimester 1
11/25-11/29 No School Thanksgiving Break
This e-newsletter is published by Jefferson Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.