November 2024
Hello Avon Lake!
As we enter November, I want to extend a warm welcome to all of you. This month, we reflect on the importance of gratitude, community, and academic perseverance as we approach the heart of the school year.
Our positive school culture continues to thrive, thanks to the collective efforts of students, faculty, staff and stakeholders. This strong foundation of support and collaboration remains an important factor of Avon Lake High School, ensuring a nurturing and challenging environment for all.
I encourage everyone to stay communicative and engaged with our outstanding staff, as they are here to support and guide students throughout their journey. Together, we will continue to make this school year great!
Please visit our high school website, pay special attention to social media and School Messenger for updates.
Thank you for your support.
Take care,
Michael J. May, Principal
1 - No School for Students
7 - Powder Puff Game (6:30pm tentative)
11 - PTSA Meeting & Parent Social (6:30 Old School Pizza)
13 - Family First Night: No Events
14-16 - Marching Band Trip to Indianapolis
21 - Sophomore Career Day at JVS
26 - Group/Club Picture Day
27 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break (No School)
5 - Fall Theater Production (7pm PAC)
6 - Fall Theater Production (7pm PAC)
7 - Fall Theater Production (7pm PAC)
8 - Fall Theater Production (2pm PAC)
10 - Holiday Band Concert (ALHS and Learwood 7pm PAC)
11 - Holiday Orchestra Concert (ALHS and Learwood 7pm PAC)
15 - IMMIX and Merples Holiday Concert (12pm PAC)
19 - Holiday Choral Concert (6:30pm PAC)
23 - Jan 5 - Winter Break
To subscribe or view the high school calendar click here
Class of 2025 Important Dates for Graduation
Parents and Students of the Class of 2025, click HERE for important information regarding Senior Year and Commencement.
Guidance Department Updates
Fall OST Information
The 2024 fall administration of the Ohio State Tests will take place December 2- December 13. You will be notified by the Counseling Department if you need to take one or more state tests during this test window.
For more information on the Guidance Department please click the links below.
Job Posting & Career Information
School Fees for 2024-25
School Fees and Fall Pay to Participate for the 2024-2025 school year will be added to PowerSchool the first week of October. An itemized invoice will be emailed to parents as soon as all fees are assessed in PowerSchool.
Payment Options
BY MAIL: Check made payable to ALHS can be mailed to : Avon Lake High School, 175 Avon Belden Rd, Avon Lake, OH 44012, Attn: Student Fees.
PAYMENT DEPOSITORY: Place payment in an envelope marked "Student Fees" into the Payment Depository located to the right of the Main Office door.
ONLINE: Payments may be made online at www.payschoolscentral.com. The student's ID number is necessary to set up an account. A 3.9% Convenience Fee for all credit card or a $1.75 Flat Fee for all ACH (electronic check) transactions will be charged.
The fee is $300 per student per year to participate in any sport at the high school. There is a District Family Cap of $400 for families with more than one High School and/or Learwood Middle School student participating in sports. More information on Pay to Participate can be found on the athletics homepage of the website. www.avonlakesports.com
If there are any questions or concerns regarding your school fee balance please contact Laura Hout (www.laura.hout@alcsoh..org) or 440-933-6290 x 1548.
Lunch Account
If there are any questions regarding your lunch account please contact Andrea Sokolow (www.andrea.sokolow@alcsoh.org) or 440-933-6210 x 1522.
Marching Shoremen News
Your Marching Shoremen will be traveling to Medina HS on November 2 to perform in the Ohio Music Education Association’s State Marching Band Finals! All details can be found with this link! https://www.omea-ohio.org/smbf_general_information.php
For anything related to the Avon Lake Band, please check us out at
Drama Club
Experience a New Chapter in the Wizarding World Where Generations Collide and the Power of Love and Friendship is Tested. The ALHS Drama Club presents Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - High School Edition:
Thursday, Dec. 5th at 7pm
Friday, Dec. 6th at 7pm
Saturday, Dec. 7 at 7pm
Sunday, Dec. 8th at 2pm
PTSA Update
November Parent Social & Meeting
Don't miss the next PTA meeting and Parent Social! All parents and guardians are welcome! Not a member yet, sign up today or at the event.
Monday, Nov 11th at Old School Pizza & Wings
6:30-8:30 pm - Meeting and Parent Social
- Pizza, appetizers & non-alcoholic beverages will be provided
- Cash bar available
1st hand updates on happenings in the high school, the Board of Education, PTA Council, the scholarship committee, and more.
Christmas By the Lake Craft Show
Saturday, Dec. 7th, 9-4 pm in the High School Auxiliary Gym
Please support the High School PTA's biggest fundraiser of the year!
Volunteers NEEDED both the day of and in advance, email ChristmasByTheLake@yahoo.com to help
Membership ~ Haven't joined yet? Here is your chance
Designated Bus Loading/Unloading Zones Near South Parking Lot Flag Poles and Caboose
Please note that the striped areas the parking lots are designated bus loading/unloading zones. For safety we request you do not park in the striped areas.
ALCSD School Supplies
Winter Baseball Clinics for Gr 6-8
ALCSD Food Pantry
Work Permit
Students who need a work permit please click the link here for instructions and forms.
Email: erica.petras@alcsoh.org
Avon Lake High School
Commons Doors Open At 7:00AM
Interior Doors Open At 7:30AM
Main Office Hours
7:15AM - 3:30PM
Website: https://www.avonlakecityschools.org/highschool
Location: 175 Avon Belden Road, Avon Lake, OH, USA
Phone: 440-933-6290