SHS Spartan News
Week of March 3, 2025
Scituate Lions Club Sponsoring Magic Show
The Scituate Lions Club presents “A Night of Magic” starring world renowned Master
Illusionist, Lyn Dillies. All proceeds of this fundraiser will benefit the family of the late
Sgt. Jason Riquier, Scituate PD. The event will be held on Friday night, March 21, 2025
at 7:00 PM. Doors open at 6:30PM at the Scituate High School auditorium. Please visit
http://www.Everbrite.com or scituatelionsri.org for a donation of $20 per ticket.
Surveyworks Family Survey! Ends March 31st
Dear Scituate Spartan Community,
At Scituate High School we strive for excellence and your voice is important! We need to know all of the amazing areas that we are doing well in and where we need to improve. Each year, the RI Department of Education asks families and students to complete an anonymous survey. The data from this survey will be reported on our yearly school accountability rating for all to see. This year, we hope to get as close to 100% as possible! Let's show the state that the Scituate Spartans are the best! The SurveyWorks Stakeholder Survey Initiative is an effort to gather information that will help improve the quality of schools across Rhode Island. The surveys capture and assess information that helps educators understand and act upon what students, teachers, support professionals, administrators, and parents say about the climate, culture, and learning environments in their schools. The survey window will close on March 31, 2025. (Click link below) Thank you for your support, partnership, and commitment to Scituate High School!
Please note that when completing questions that are on a 1 through 5 scale, RIDE considers 1, 2, & 3 a "negative rating" while 4 &5 are "positive." In other words, 3 is not neutral.
All students will complete the surveyworks survey in ELA class during the week of 2/10/25
Academy of Education
The SHS Childhood Education Academy visited students at North Scituate last week to teach a lesson on kindness! High school students designed puzzles, a bingo game, and workbooks to help teach elementary students the importance of being kind to others.
Academy of Entrepreneurship
Last week, students were given the opportunity to explore what a career as an entrepreneur can look like. We had a panel of guest speakers who shared valuable insights about having a business and working with clients. The David Light Media Center was filled with students eager to learn and ask their thoughtful questions. Thank you to our panelists for generously volunteering their time to share their experiences and expertise!
From the Math Department
Mrs. LaSalle’s & Mrs. Dailey’s Geometry classes worked in teams to create classroom anchor charts illustrating the different methods for proving triangle congruence. These charts will be used as a resource throughout their study of congruent triangles.
From the Science Department
Chemistry Teacher, Mr. McGinn having fun with Science!
NEW! SHS Events Spreadsheet Spring 2025
Class of 2025 Events!
The document below contains details for the graduating class of 2025! Please review it carefully and reach out with any questions!
Spring Spirit Week and Spartan Olympics!
Attention students, we will be hosting our annual Spartan Olympics on April 4th! If you would like a t-shirt to wear on our Spartan Olympics to show your class spirit, fill out the attached google form! The form closes on March 6th! The google form was shared with students via email.
Scituate Calendar
Scituate High School Accepting Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year!
Did you know that Scituate High currently has 70 students from out of district who joined us for one of our four RIDE approved Career and Technical Education Academies? The 2025-2026 School Year application are now open! Students can apply and spend a day shadowing. Any student from any RI town or city can apply!
Scituate's NHS Chapter (Updated March 2nd)
Juniors and Seniors who have a cumulative GPA of 3.9 or higher received an invitation through email on Monday, February 24, about possible membership in the National Honor Society. Shortly after that email was sent, Mrs. Stormont sent a second email containing a corrected code.
Juniors and Seniors should check their email for the invitation. Seniors who are already inducted into the NHS do not need to re-apply.
If a student did not receive an invitation but feels they should have, please email Mrs. Stormont at maggie.stormont@scituateschools.ri.net.
Save the Date! SHS NHS Ceremony!
Scituate NHS Induction Ceremony
Wednesday, May 7, 2025, 06:30 PM
Scituate High School, Trimtown Road, Scituate, RI, USA
Spartan Morning Show
After School Help!
Students, did you know that you can get extra help in reading, writing or math after school if you need it?
Ms. Antonelli (ELA) is available for Reading and Writing support after school on Wednesday from 2:20-3:20. Also, if you have a quiz or test you need to make up, you can drop in to Ms. Antonelli’s class after school to get your work done. Room 210
Mr. Soucar (Math) is after school on Thursdays from 2:20-3:20 for Math Academic Support. Room 109
Ms. Manchester (Special Ed) is also available for academic support to assist students with Math, ELA, Science, or Social Studies on Thursday from 2:20-3:20. Room 208
Please see Ms. Antonelli, Mr. Soucar, Ms. Manchester, or Ms. Goffe if you have any questions about staying after school.
From the Music Department
The following band members have been chosen to represent SHS in the Rhode Island Music Educators Senior All State Band
Jordan Mailhot, trombone and JT Twiggs, alto saxophone.
They have multiple additional practices that are mandatory in February and March. In the end they get to perform on stage at the VETS. It is a wonderful experience and they put on an amazing performance. Consider coming out and supporting these students who will be representing SHS.
The All-State Bands, Orchestras and Choruses, featuring students from grade 7-12, will perform at The VETS on Sunday, March 9, 2025. The Junior and Senior Bands/Orchestras begin the day at 10:30 a.m., followed the Junior and Senior Choruses at 3:30 p.m
The following students tried out and were chosen to sing with other students from around the state. They have multiple additional practices that are mandatory in February and March. In the end they get to perform on stage at the VETS. It is a wonderful experience and they put on an amazing performance. Consider coming out and supporting these students who will be representing SHS.
Calvin Hillis-Piecyk
Caitlyn Jeranka
Brynn Linde
Antonio DiRamio
Scituate Music Association Shout Outs!
Hi everyone
We are really excited about our upcoming pops concert on 3/19//25 at Scituate High School.
I know all of us at the Scituate Music Association are looking forward to seeing everyone
perform. The SMA knows how hard all the members of the chorus and the band work to put on
a great performance, and we wanted to find a way to let them know how great they are, so we
created a fun way to let them know how proud we all are of their hard work and commitment.
We call them Shout Outs
A shout out is an announcement of 50 words or less that will be printed in our pops concert
program. You can just click on the link below and address the message to your student
musician, you can even address one to your favorite music teacher. Each shout out is a quick
and easy way to let your friend or family know you care and give them a lasting memory. Each
shout out is just 10$ and payable by credit card. Just click on the link below.
Feel free to contact us at scituate.sma@gmail.com with any questions or concerns
And make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
SHS Music Events for the Year!
Come hear the High School Band and Chorus at these events!
3/14 & 3/18 POPS Dress rehearsals periods 3 & 4
3/19 POPS Concert 7pm
5/26 Memorial Day Parade meet at the school 9am
5/30 Great East Music Festival
6/6 Graduation
Pops Concert "Hollywood"
Wednesday, Mar 19, 2025, 07:00 PM
Scituate High School, Trimtown Road, Scituate, RI, USA
2025 State Testing at Scituate High
PSAT 9 March 25th
Hello Scituate High School Families,
Below are details pertaining to our testing day on March 25, 2025 for Scituate High School. All 9th grade students take the PSAT9. This is not only an opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with the College Board Suite, in preparation for the PSAT10 next year and SAT in their junior year, which are required state assessments, but also give us important data in ELA and math so we can determine which skills students have mastered and areas of need. This, in turn, allows us to support our students as they progress through their high school years.
From Our School Counselors
SHS College Corner
Updated Feb 2nd
Congratulations to the following students on their recent college acceptances!
Jacob McNamara - University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island College
Ava Gregory - Bard College, University of Charlotte, Fordham University, University of Rhode Island
Sarah Gregory - Salve Regina University, Stonehill College, University of Maine, University of Rhode Island
Bella Defusco - University of New Haven, Marymount University
Joseph D’Amico - Florida International University, Florida Gulf Coast University
Ella Werbecki - Wheaton College
Isabella Schiavone - Florida Atlantic University
Mason Trazi - University of Rhode Island, University of New Hampshire, Keene State College, Plymouth State University
Paul Zolkos - Bryant University, Sacred Heart University, University of Rhode Island
Scituate Scholarship applications are available! See Mrs. Erickson in School Counseling. Deadline for completed applications is March 28th
Mid-year grades will automatically be sent to colleges. No need to request!
THEY’RE IN! Now, how much will it cost?
Financial aid award letters from EA/ED schools will be sent to students or posted in their portals in March. RD acceptance letters will include need based aid information, if any is being awarded.
Scituate Scholarship Foundation NOW OPEN!
The Scituate Scholarship Program. The following details were communicated to all who attended:
ANY student who is a resident of Scituate graduating from an accredited high school is eligible to apply for consideration of all scholarships awarded.
ANY out of district student enrolled in a SHS CTE pathway is eligible to apply for consideration of the Lion’s CTE scholarship.
It is strongly recommended applicants include the SAR page of the FAFSA (page that shows student’s SAI#) with their scholarship application. Financial need is weighed heavily in the review process so applications without an SAI# will be at a significant disadvantage. Student’s should not include their entire FAFSA with their application, only the page with the SAI#.
Applications are due by March 28th, 2025
Students who are selected to receive a scholarship will be notified in May and will be recognized at Senior Awards night.
Recipients will receive an envelope with an acknowledgement form that must be completed and returned to Mrs. Erickson prior to the week of graduation.
Checks will be made payable to the institution but mailed to the student in August, prior to students leaving for school. Students are responsible for delivering the check to the financial aid office when they arrive on campus so the school can credit their account.
*The Scituate Scholarship Fund is owned and operated by the Town of Scituate and Scituate Lion’s. The criteria for eligibility of awards and the selection of recipients is determined by the Town. Scituate High School is proud to facilitate the application process for the town but is not responsible for eligibility criteria or decisions made by any town organization or committee.*
College Planning Day (Students with a 504 or IEP)
RI Foundation Scholarships
Scholarships Available
Find your scholarship opportunity
The Rhode Island Foundation, the largest and most comprehensive funder
of nonprofit organizations in Rhode Island, manages more than 150
scholarship and fellowship funds. We offer assistance for middle school to
post-graduate levels, certificate programs, and a variety of fields of study
and interest areas.
Dozens of generous individual, family, and organizational donors have
established scholarship funds with us to help students like you defray
educational expenses.
For students attending technical or trade schools, the Foundation offers
the David L. Taton Family Vocational/Technical Scholarship Fund. This
scholarship opportunity is open year round and is reviewed on a rolling
In addition to general scholarship assistance, the Foundation offers a
number of awards for study abroad, jewelry design, nursing, and students
who are looking to achieve personal growth through travel and public
Visit www.rifoundation.org/scholarships
to find your scholarship opportunity today!
For more information about the scholarship and fellowship opportunities
available at the Rhode Island Foundation, please contact Monica Benson,
Scholarship and Special Funds Administrator, at (401) 427-4017 or
Please Consider Donating
Please consider donating to the Dan Casey Memorial Scholarship Fund. (The scholarship awards graduating Scituate High School seniors on it’s wrestling team, where he taught, coached and was a director of guidance)
Kindly use the below link, (it’s easy) typing in ‘Dan Casey Memorial Scholaship Fund’ in the ‘in memory of’ box. Thank you so much for your support and for your generosity for these students and for helping his legacy live on.
2024-2025 Lunch Schedules
Take the Food Service Survey!
Free/Reduced Application
My School Bucks
Student Parking Pass Request Form
Powerschool Issues?
Email: ParentPortal@ScituateSchoolsRI.net
From the Hope Library
See all of the amazing happenings at the Hope Library!
From our School Nurse
From the Health Office
School Nurse Handbook Updates 24/25
SHS Cheer Division 1st Place!
A huge congratulations to the Scituate Spartan Cheerleaders for taking 1st place at competition today in North Smithfield!
Their hard work, dedication, and team spirit shined on the mat, and they delivered an amazing performance to claim the top spot!
Way to represent Spartan Pride—keep bringing the energy and success!
Football Sign Ups Monday March 3rd
Attention Future Spartans Football Players!
Are you planning to play football next season? Then don’t miss the Football Meeting for the 2025-2026 season!
Monday, March 3, 2025
2:30 PM
HS Cafeteria
This is your chance to get important info, meet the team, and start preparing for the upcoming season. Let’s build something great together—bring your energy, your questions, and your commitment!
Tag your teammates and spread the word!
Girls and Boys Lacrosse Parent/Guardian Meeting
New Lacrosse Store Now Open!
Scituate Recreation
Great Season Boys Hockey!
CW/Scituate vs. Lincoln - qualifier match/play-in game 2/24/25
Excerpted from ProJo:
The (Lincoln) Lions struck just five minutes into the game…but Cranston responded quickly. Cranston’s Devin DeAngelis knotted the match just 30 seconds later with a wrister from the right side off the rush.
(A Lincoln) goal with 4:02 left in the frame broke the tie and then (a Lincoln) sequence followed shortly after.
Cranston didn’t go away quietly though as Jack Fontaine made it 5-2 before the second period horn. An all-out blitz by Cranston to open the third period earned the co-op a penalty shot with 8:21 left.
DeAngelis buried the penalty chance to give Cranston life. And after a penalty kill by Cranston, Jacob Case’s goal on the rush made it 5-4 with 1:54 left. But that’s as close as Cranston could get as Lincoln finished off the night with (a Lincoln) open-net goal.
(West’s) goalie Bryce Crance had 24 stops for Cranston.
Our Spartan boys battled to the finish, we congratulate them, and can’t wait to see what they accomplish next (Senior!) year! Proud of you!
Varsity Wrestling States Boys
The Scituate Spartan Boys Wrestling Team had a phenomenal performance at the 2025 RIIL Varsity State Championship, securing an 8th place finish out of 34 teams!
With four state medalists and multiple wrestlers battling deep into the tournament, the Spartans showcased their determination and talent on the biggest stage!
State Placers:
106 - Scott Cole (State Finalist, 2nd Place)
215 - Jackson Bowden (3rd Place)
120 - Robert Newton (6th Place)
165 - Rocco Simone (6th Place)
Every Spartan wrestler left it all on the mat, and their hard work paid off with an impressive top-10 team finish!
Congratulations, Spartans! The future is bright!
Varsity Wresting States Girls
The Scituate Spartans have once again proven their dominance, winning the Girls Team State Championship for the second year in a row!
With seven wrestlers earning podium finishes, including three individual state champions, the Spartans secured 105 team points to claim the top spot in Rhode Island!
2025 State Champions:
138 - Abigail Otte (2X Champion)
126 - Chloe Ross
114 - Jolene Cole
Podium Finishers:
185 - Faith Dumont (2nd Place)
120 - Kate Egan (2nd Place)
120 - Clover Couillard (3rd Place)
100 - Ella Bowden (4th Place)
This team has worked relentlessly all season, and their determination, grit, and heart have paid off once again. Two years, two titles—Spartan wrestling is here to stay!
Congratulations, Spartans! The dynasty continues!
Varsity Shot Put New England
Two girls from Scituate made their mark at New Englands today! Congratulations Ava and Valentina for the hard work and solid results against some of the best athletes in New England (and nationally)! Proud of all of our Spartan athletes today! What a day for Scituate!
Visit our Athletic Website
The Scituate School Department has released an updated non-discrimination policy. Please note that our Scituate High School 2018-2019 student and parent handbook was printed before the new statement was released. Therefore, the non-discrimination policy in this year's handbook is out of date. The current policy with updates is as follows:
The Scituate School Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, religion, national origin, color, creed, political affiliation or disability in any of its educational programs and activities, and in employment and application for employment, as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1965, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and other federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Equal Employment Officer, P.O. Box 188, North Scituate, Rhode Island 02857, Telephone: (401) 647-4100; Email: EEO@ScituateSchoolsRI.net. You may also direct inquiries directly to: Office for Civil Rights (Boston Office), U.S. Department of Education, 8th Floor, 5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109-3921, Telephone: (617) 289-0111; Facsimile: (617) 289-0150; Email: OCR.Boston@ed.gov. If you require an accommodation to attend a meeting or program at a school, call the Equal Employment Officer at least two business days in advance of the meeting or program.