Brayton Business
October 25, 2024
From the desk of Principal Zeigler
I hope that you had a great week! Can you believe this is the last weekend of October? Where does the time go? Halloween is in the air. Please see the special Halloween Newsletter to get information on Brayton's Halloween plans. Permission slips were sent home on Monday, please remember to return them as soon as possible.
Parent/Teacher conferences will be on November 4th-6th. Please contact your child's teacher for a conference if you have not done so already.
The Brayton Cares X Bridges Outreach packing event was a big success. 260 kits were packed!
1st grade won the donation competition with a whopping 606 hand warmers donated!
The leftover items were taken by Bridges for future packing events.
1st Grade - Hand warmers - 606 pairs
5th Grade - Socks - 426 pairs
4th Grade - Mylar blankets - 368
3rd Grade - Chapstick - 273
2nd Grade - Foot warmers - 247
Great job, Brayton!
Have a wonderful weekend.
In Partnership,
Ms. Zeigler
Upcoming Dates
10/25- Halloween Permission Slips due back to the school
10/31- Halloween Parade
11/3- Daylight Savings Time ends
11-4-11/6- Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/4-Summit Cross Country (grades 3-5)
11/4 and 11/6- Single Session Days- 12:30 Dismissal
11/5- Election Day- Schools Closed
11/7-11/8- Schools Closed for NJEA Convention
11/11- Veterans Day
11/11-11/15- STEAM Spirit Week
11/27- Single Session Day
11/28-11/29- Thanksgiving Recess. District Closed.
Parent/ Teacher Conferences 11/4-11/6
As you sign up for parent-teacher conferences in November, please keep in mind that the designated dates and times are November 4, 5, and 6th. If you cannot make it during those dates and times, please reach out to your child's teacher as teachers' availabilities are limited and subject to their individual schedules.
Summit Cross Country 2024
Nurse's Corner
Please review the attached snack memo from Nurse Johnson.
If you have any medical questions or concerns, please reach out to Nurse Johnson. She can be reached at njohnson@summit.k12.nj.us
You can find parent links here.
Counselor's Corner
If you have any questions or concerns for the school counselor, please reach out to Ms. Alexis Esposito. She can be reached at aesposito@summit.k12.nj.us
You can also find more information about school counseling resources, here.
Brayton's Family Handbook
Brayton Family Handbook
Please familiarize yourself with the Brayton School Family Handbook. It contains important information relevant to Brayton Elementary.
Important to Know For the School Year
If there is going to be a change in dismissal or arrival, please email besASAP@summit.k12.nj.us and copy your child’s teacher explaining what the change is. Your email must include your child’s name and class in the subject line. If there is a change in dismissal, please make sure the email is sent NO LATER than 2:30pm.
You can also use this email address to report an absence. Please remember to include the date of the absence and the reason. Don’t forget to copy your child’s teacher.
If you choose to call the office to report an absence, please make sure you leave the information in a voicemail.
Phones and Smart Watches
Families, please be aware that all phones and Smart watches are not allowed to be on or worn during the school day. They are turned off when school begins and placed in your child's backpack. If you need to contact your child for any reason, please call the main office. We will make sure your child gets your message.
Pets on School Grounds
We love your pets, but they are not allowed on school property (even if they are held in your arms). This includes arrival and dismissal. Please review board policy 7490
Morning Arrival
Please assist with having your children come straight to their class line in the morning when they arrive to school. The aides are there to supervise them on the blacktop and to help ensure that they start the school day safely. Children are not allowed on playground equipment in the morning. Adult supervision begins at 8:05 am. Students will enter the building with their class at 8:15 am and they will be dismissed at 3:00pm.
After Dismissal
Please note that students will not be allowed back in the school after dismissal to retrieve forgotten items (homework, books, instruments).
Afterschool Activities When Absent
Friendly reminder: If your child is absent from school, they will not be able to participate in afterschool activities on the day they were absent (after school enrichment (ASE), play rehearsal, etc.).
Brayton Elementary
Website: https://www.summit.k12.nj.us/schools/brayton
Location: 89 Tulip Street, Summit, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-273-1276