We Are Westview Newsletter
March 23rd,2025
February 28- March 31, 2025 We must receive a completed digital packet for all returning students. This will allow for proper placement of your student for the 2025-2026 school year.
Please email WHS Registrar, Kim Carroll at kcarroll@powayusd.com as soon as possible if you do not plan to return to PUSD for the 2025-2026 school year.
Continuing Registration Steps:
1. Start on our Continuing Registration webpage.
2. Login and complete the digital registration packet online at the ParentVue portal: https://sis.powayusd.com/Packet
If you do not know your username and/or password, you can visit Account Self Service at https://password.powayusd.com to retrieve your login credentials.
3. Review and complete the required forms located at the conclusion of the process. A packet is not considered finalized until this step is completed.
Please note:
Please contact Health Technician Jaqueline Reyes at jareyes@powayusd.com with any questions.
Steps Only to start packet
1: Go to Registration Page: https://sis.powayusd.com/PACKET/en-begin.htm
2:If you know the ID and password
Click here to begin the continuing student packet.
If you don’t know the User ID and Password
Please help me retrieve my login information.
If you need further assistance, please contact Ritsuko Huth at rhuth@powayusd.com
- 25 PTSA Adult social at Fresco
25 PTSA Open Gym at lunch
- 25 Trade Tuesday: Diesel Technology, Lunch, Wolverine Center
- 25 PTSA therapy dog visit by Love on a Leash
- 26 PTSA Game Day in Plaza
- 27 Finals/Minimum Day
- 28 Finals/Minimum Da
- 28 End of Quarter 3
- 30 PTSA Grad Nite fundraiser at Koi Zen
- 31 Last day to buy Grad Nite tickets
- 01 & 03 MVMS SPED Transition Meetings (BMMS TBD)
- 01 CSF Executive Team Info Meeting at lunch in Room G-116
- 01 PTSA Open Gym at Lunch
- 01 Arts field trip to Zoo
- 01 WAF hosted "The Road to College Athletics" info session 6pm Staff Lounge RSVP here!
- 01 BAND Festival Awards Concert 6:54 off campus PPAC
- 02 Family Tour
- 02 Financial Aid 101 for 11th graders, 8:30 am in Wolverine Center
- 03 PTSA Open Gym at Lunch
- 03 CAST 12th SCIENCE
- 04 CAST
- 04 Mending Matters Life Advisory video & survey
- 04 AVID University of La Verne/ Bennett
- 07 Chicano Park Cultural field trip
- 08 PTSA Open Gym at Lunch
- 08 CAASPP Testing (ELA) - 11th grade
- 09 Band Poway Festival Symphonic
- 09 Band Poway Festival Concert
- 09 Band Poway Festival Orchestra
- 09 PLC Pro-Gro
- 09 PTSA Game Day in Plaza
- 10 PTSA Open Gym at Lunch
- 10 PUSD Board of Education Meeting
- 10 Wind Ensemble Poway
- 11 Add/Drop Deadline Q4
"CSF: Sophomores and juniors who are interested in joining the CSF Executive Team for next year are invited to an informational meeting on Tuesday, April 1 at lunch in Room G-116!"
"CSF: Congratulations to the over 300 students who qualified for membership in CSF for the Spring 2025 term. If you applied but did NOT get a confirmation email, please contact us at csf.westview@gmail.com so we can check our records!"
State Testing
Every year, California students take several statewide tests. When combined with other measures such as grades, class work, and teacher observations, these tests give families and teachers a more complete picture of their child’s learning. You can use the results to identify where your child is doing well and where they might need more support.
Your 11th or 12th grade student may be taking one or more of the following California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) tests.
CAASPP: California Science Test (CAST)
Who: 12th Grade Students
What is the test format? The CAST is computer-based.
Which standards are tested? The California Next Generation Science Standards
When: Thursday & Friday, April 3rd & 4th
How: Seniors will be tested in their 12th grade English or Social Science class. Seniors who are not enrolled in either English or Social Science will be pulled out of period 1 or 2 on April 3rd or April 4th.
CAASPP: Smarter Balanced Assessments for ELA and Math (SBAC)
Who: 11th Grade Students
What is the test format? The Smarter Balanced assessments are computer-based.
Which standards are tested? The California Common Core State Standards.
When: Tuesday, April 8 (ELA) & Tuesday, April 22 (Math)
How: Juniors will test in locations assigned by their homeroom teacher (list to come)
Westview will be on a modified bell schedule on these testing days to accommodate testing. 11th grade students should arrive at school at 8:35 am in order to report to their designated testing room. Designated testing room assignments will be announced via email and in homerooms the week prior to testing.
Students NOT testing (9th, 10th and 12th graders) should report to school no earlier than 11:45 am.
Please note, the library will be closed on 11th grade CAASPP testing dates (4/8 & 4/22) and will not be accessible to students not testing prior to Period 1.
CAASPP Bell Schedule - 11th Grade
April 8 & April 22
8:35 – 12:00 Testing (11th grade)
12:06 – 12:46 Period 1
12:46 – 1:17 Lunch
1:23 – 2:03 Period 2
2:09 – 2:49 Period 3
2:55 – 3:35 Period 4
The Importance of Testing
College Readiness Report/Westview’s Self-evaluation
The results of the ELA and Math sections of this assessment are translated to a college readiness report that is given to you and your student. This report essentially gives your student feedback regarding their readiness to step into a freshman level college English and Math course. The results from this assessment are used by our administration and staff to self-evaluate our curriculum and make comparisons to other similar schools in San Diego and throughout CA.
Early Assessment Program (EAP)
The EAP is a test built into the SBAC exam that was created and is used by the CA Community Colleges, Cal State Universities and other universities throughout California to measure your student’s readiness for college-level English and mathematics courses. It will also provide your student with a report to facilitate opportunities for them to improve their skills during their senior year.
State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB)
The State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB), provides recognition to high school students who are fluent in two or more languages. The attainment level of “Standard Met” or “Standard Exceeded” on the English portion of the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment is required for the State Seal of Biliteracy. The SSB insignia is placed on the diploma and noted on the transcript.
Pursuant to California Education Code Section 60615, parents have the right to opt out of any state assessment. Section 852 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations further provides that parents or guardians may annually submit a written request to the school to excuse their child from any or all parts of the CAASPP for the school year. Therefore, if you wish to exempt your student from testing, notification in writing to your student’s area administrator is required.
Hee-Jin Peterson, hpeterson@powayusd.com (A-Hog)
Craig Bowden, cbowden@powayusd.com (Hoh –Pat)
Shannon Parker, shparker@powayusd.com (Pau – Z)
Mr. Ernest Remillard
Westview High School
For instructions on how to access your child’s progress report, please click here for the parent directions in English or here for the Spanish version.
The Wolverine Center is a place for students to access services and resources such as: Counselors, Guidance Technician, Registrar, and Student Services.
Seniors - Class of 2025
Understanding your Financial Aid Award Letter Counseling Presentation for Seniors
Topic: "Understanding Your Financial Aid Award Letter"
Date: Tuesday, March 18th
Time: during Wolverine Time
Location: Wolverine Center.
Seniors, as you prepare for the exciting transition to college, it's crucial to understand the financial aid package offered to you. To help navigate this process, we're hosting an informative presentation designed to provide you with valuable insights into decoding the financial aid awards you've received from various colleges and universities. We will guide you through the different components of your award letter, explaining the terminology, types of aid offered, and how to compare packages effectively. By attending this presentation, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence to make well-informed decisions about your college financing options, ensuring a smooth start to your higher education journey.
The state priority deadline for financial aid has been extended to April 2nd!
Seniors, the state priority deadline in California was just extended to April 2, 2025, so you have plenty of time to complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application (CADAA). If you have not applied for financial aid for the 2025-26 academic year, it’s time to apply now. Visit csac.ca.gov/apply to get started.
The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) is offering free webinars to help you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application (CADAA). These presentations are live translated into Spanish. Webinars are staffed by financial aid experts who can answer questions. You’ll learn about both applications and other important information about financial aid. You should sign up for these no-cost webinars at csac.ca.gov/C4C.
Wolverine Center Newsletters
Need volunteer hours? Look at the Volunteer in PUSD Opportunities!
Counseling Newsletter \\ March Counseling Newsletter
Scholarship \\ List of scholarships 23 due in March! \\ Job | Internship | Volunteer
Wolverine Tutoring
When: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:45 - 5:00pm
Where: Library
How: Students can use our One-on-One Tutoring Request 24-25 to request this service
Become a tutor! Wolverine Tutor Survey 24-25.
Westview Percussion
Tournament March 29th
Westview Colorguard
Our Westview students competed at the San Diego Regional Tournament on Saturday, March 15 at USD and secured 3rd place in school rankings out of the 27 schools in the San Diego region that participated. About 67 teams from 27 schools competed in the competition. Top 7 schools proceed to the State Tournament at Caltech on April 12th.
About 50 students from Westview competed in the tournament and the following students received medals for placing in the top 10 positions in the events they competed in.
Prom Expo
Volunteer at swim & dive meets!
The Westview athletics calendar has tryout and competition dates.
CIF Calendars & Playoffs
Spring 2025 CIF Calendar: Follow CIF-San Diego or visit 2024-2025 CIF San Diego for all playoff details.
2025-2026 Sports Calendar: See the 2025-2026 CIF San Diego calendar as you plan your summer travel! Please remember this is subject to change. Fall sports typically kick off about 1-2 weeks before school starts and sports continue through school breaks.
Cheer 2025-2026
March 31: Athlete & parent info session at 7pm Staff Lounge
April 2-4: Cheer Clinics
April 5: Try Outs
Athletic Clearance 2025-2026
It's time to start preparing for athletics for the next school year! Below are the deadlines for submitting athletic clearance by season. Athletic clearance in Home Campus will open mid-May 2025.
A sports physical scheduled the first weeks of June 2025 can help an athlete stay cleared for all three seasons + CIF playoffs. The Wolverine Athletic Foundation is hosting a sports physical night on June 3, 2025. Registration details to come!
Fall Sports - Due June 16, 2025
Winter Sports - Due October 23, 2025
Spring Sports - January 22, 2026
Visit the Westview Athletic Clearance webpage
Check your students’ status in their Home Campus registration
Coaches check your status in Home Campus registration
Head coaches are available by email with any questions you have
988 Resource Information
988 is available for someone going through a crisis OR anyone worried about someone else going through a crisis (family member, friend, etc).
The Mission Trails Regional Park (MTRP) Foundation invites teens to apply for the Summer 2025 Eco Ambassadors cohort. The free program was created for high school students interested in nature, the outdoors, and environmental studies. The Summer 2025 session will take place for one week from June 16-20. Apply by April 13!
Eco Ambassadors Program Application Form
Want to hear from past participants? Check out this article: Inside Eco Ambassadors: Mission Trails’ Teen Program
Alissa Lustgarten (she/her)
Youth Program Manager
Mission Trails Regional Park Foundation
alustgarten@mtrp.org | 619-786-5127
The Big Give: $20k in 20 Days
We need your help to meet our spring fundraising goal of raising $20,000 in 20 days!
Your donation will help fund:
Upgrading and maintaining athletic facilities
CIF sport team funding gaps
Health and wellness programs for athletes
SAVE THE DATE: Sports Physical Night June 3, 2025!
Time: 6:00 - 8:30pm at Westview
Registration: Coming Soon! Spots are limited due to medical professionals available
Cost: $40 (TBD)
We need 5 more licensed medical professionals to conduct sports physicals for our student-athletes. If you or someone interested in supporting our athletes, please have them complete this brief interest form so we can follow up.
Per PUSD guidelines, eligible providers include MDs, DOs, DCs (Chiropractors), NPs, and PA-Cs. Unfortunately, PTs, MAs, and CNAs do not meet the district's requirements for physical exams, but are invited to volunteer in other ways!
Calling Westview Alumni! Your Legacy, Their Future
Our alumni are an important connection to our past, present, and future. Take three quick actions today:
Add your alumni information to start receiving quarterly team & athletic updates
Join the Westview Alumni LinkedIn Group
Follow us at @wolverine_athletic_foundation
Didn't get the alumni email? Email us at alumni@wolverineathleticfoundation.org.
More info can be found in the PTSA Newsletter.
Follow the PTSA on Instagram @westviewptsa.
Become a PTSA member today!
Graduation is just around the corner, and the PTSA is ramping up our fundraising efforts to ensure an unforgettable Grad Nite celebration for the Class of 2025! To make this event truly special for our seniors, we need your help to reach our fundraising goal of $35,000 supporting the seniors planning to attend the event this year.
All funds raised will go directly toward Grad Nite expenses, covering need-based ticket scholarships and bus transportation costs for all students and chaperones. If we reach our full goal, we will also be able to provide some extras for those attending Grad Nite. Your support helps ensure every interested senior enjoys Grad Nite.
We hope you consider supporting Grad Nite in one or more of the following ways:
- make a direct donation via Venmo or Paypal @WestviewPTSA or through our donation page; please add "Grad Nite" in the notes if paying via Venmo or Paypal;
- purchasing a yard sign to celebrate your Class of 2025 graduate (sales to reopen soon);
- purchasing a VIP tent or VIP parking space for the graduation ceremony; or
- becoming a corporate sponsor.
Click the relevant flyers below to learn more. 🫶Thank you for supporting the class of 2025!
Announcing candidates for WHS PTSA 2025-2026 Board
The PTSA is pleased to announce the nominees below for next year's Board. An election will be held in April. Please contact wvptsapresident@gmail.com if you are interested in any of the positions below, or if you may be interested in serving on a committee next year.
President: Kelly Farrell
Executive Vice President: Hannah Santero
1st VP Programs: Erika Higginbotham
2nd VP Membership: MaryAnne Obedoza
3rd VP Volunteers: None
4th VP Ways & Means: None
5th VP Grad Nite: None
Recording Secretary: Melanie Cuaresma
Treasurer: Helen Fang
Financial Secretary: None
Historian: Lois Ma
Financial Reviewer: Jessica Crawford
Congratulations to all the nominees!
Your most used links!
ASB instagram
Wolverine Center Instagram
Student parking permits & work permits
Newscast (student broadcast)
Nexus (student newspaper)
Senior Class of 2025 Follow on Instagram
Junior Class of 2026 Follow on Instagram
Sophomore Class of 2027 Follow on Instagram
Freshman Class of 2028 Follow on Instagram