We Are Westview Newsletter
February 9th, 2025
The school calendar has even more dates and details!
Want to easily see days you can skip cooking dinner? Subscribe to the Westview Dine Out calendar! Click to subscribe and add to your calendar!
- Ongoing: Alumni add your information here to receive athletic updates!
Ongoing: Join the Westview Alumni LinkedIn Group
- 08-13 Course Request Window Open - Current 10th grade
- 08 Dance Troupe Competition
- 08 Westview Tech Olympic and Improv Festival
- 08 Beach Volleyball Clean Up | 9:30am at beach courts (all are welcome!)
- 08 PTSA BUNCO Grad Nite Fundraiser
- 10 PTSA Dine Out Mendocino Farms
- 11 PTSA Open Gym at Lunch
11 Trade Tuesday: Welding Lunch, Wolverine Center
11 CTE Speaker Series: Business of Sports | 6-8pm WV Performing Arts Center
- 11 PTSA Board Meeting
- 11 Westview Foundation Meeting
- 11 [Optional]Parent Appointments with Counselors (Current 10th grade) 4-6PM
- 12 [Optional]Parent Appointments with Counselors (Current 10th grade) 8-10AM
- 12 PLC Pro-Grow
- 12 Palomar Community College Workshop, 8:30 am, A101
- 13 Freshman/Sophomore Activity at Lunch
- 13 PUSD Board of Education
- 15 Dance Troupe Competition
- 17- 21 District Recess
- 25 Adult social at Fresco Pizzeria sponsored by the PTSA
A Commitment to Continue Supporting All PUSD Families.
We understand that recent concerns about potential Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) activities may be causing fear and uncertainty for some of our families. We care about your well-being and want to reassure you that our schools are safe for all students and staff, regardless of immigration status, background, or personal circumstances. You are a valued part of our school community, and we are committed to providing a welcoming and supportive environment where all students can learn and thrive. Immigration resource link
Westview welcomes Jaqueline Reyes to our team to serve the Wolverine community Health office needs at the site. She can be reached at 858 780-2000 extension 3027.
Transfers for the 2025-2026 School Year
Intradistrict Transfers (students who live in the PUSD boundaries)
The transfer window for the 2025-2026 school year is now open. For families who live in the Poway Unified School District boundaries and would like to request their student attend a PUSD school other than their school of residence. Read more at PUSD Enrollment & Registration.
Parents of English Learners: Today through Friday, February 28th, Poway Unified will be conducting our Family Engagement and Accountability survey to gather input from all families of English Learner students. This survey helps shape the District’s goals and guide priorities for the 2025-2026 school year. Your feedback is extremely helpful as we continue to seek ways to better our English Learner program. Please click HERE to complete the survey.
Managing Screen Time
Managing screen time is an essential part of supporting children’s well-being and academic success in today’s digital world. Technology offers incredible opportunities for learning and creativity, but maintaining a healthy balance is key. Setting clear boundaries and encouraging mindful tech habits at home helps children develop the skills they need to navigate their digital lives responsibly. By working together to create a balanced approach to technology use, we can empower students to thrive both in and out of the classroom.
Secondary Resource: 4 Conversations to Have with Older Kids and Teens About Their Screen Time Habits
A Special Education Parent Ambassador Program Hosts: Family Resource Fair for Students with Special Needs. The Parent Ambassadors invite you to join the Family Resource Fair, an event to connect families with resources and opportunities in Poway and surrounding areas that promote inclusion, whole-person development and fun for students with special needs.
When: Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 6-8pm
Where: Community Room at PUSD District Office
15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128
Join us to explore:
Social opportunities tailored to meet diverse needs
After-school social and recreational activities
Inclusive sports programs
Camps for all abilities
Vocational training opportunities
Why should you attend?
Activities for ALL age groups including young adults
16 booths featuring varieties of options in Poway and surrounding areas
Opportunity to ask questions and sign up with the providers
Get a head start on summer planning
Join us anytime between 6 to 8 pm to meet providers, learn about programs in our community, and find activities that support your child's growth and happiness.
Kindly RSVP here so we can ensure adequate handouts to all families. See this flyer for more information.
The Wolverine Center is a place for students to access services and resources such as: Counselors, Guidance Technician, Registrar, and Student Services.
Wolverine Center Newsletters
February 2025 Counseling Newsletter available now!
Need volunteer hours? Look at the Volunteer in PUSD Opportunities!
Scholarship \\ List of scholarships 13 due in February! \\ Job | Internship | Volunteer
Counseling Senior Year Guide & Senior Year Workshops
Counseling Junior Year Guide: IS READY! Class of 2026, take a look!
It's time to apply for the Spring 2025 term of membership!
WHY?? To earn the gold honor cord for graduation and the CSF gold seal on your diploma
HOW?? Go to our website: https://csfwestview.wixsite.com/westview-csf and APPLY!
WHEN?? Jan 31 to Feb 9
Need Help? See The CSF Officers at lunch in Room G-116 (Ms Loo's room) on Fridays!"
It’s almost time for students to start selecting courses for the 2025-2026 school year. The Course Request Window will be open by grade level according to the dates below. Please make sure your student logs into their Synergy/StudentVue account to select courses during the designated course request window.
Parent Workshop: Developing a 4-year Plan
Are you interested in helping your student develop a 4-year plan? Please check out our 4-year Planning presentation (recorded earlier this year). The information covers the 4x4 schedule and graduation and college entrance requirements. Additional information is available on our 4-year Planning website.
As students in each grade level are selecting courses, we may find that some Electives are reaching a maximum capacity based on class size limitations. These courses will close for registration for the next grade level. Students can indicate their interest in taking the class on the Course Interest List if spots become available.
Counselors will be offering virtual family appointments for questions about course selection. Please visit the Course Registration newsletter to sign up for an appointment. We are also available by phone and email.
Financial Aid Application Raffle Drawing
Seniors, have you completed your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application (CADAA)? You must apply by March 3, 2025. Once you complete your FAFSA or CADAA, please complete our Financial Aid Application Completion Raffle Drawing Form for an opportunity to win great prizes. You have to complete your financial aid application by February 28th to be eligible for the raffle. For full details, including raffle prizes, review our Financial Aid Raffle Flyer.
Wolverine Tutoring
When: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:45 - 5:00pm
Where: Library
How: Students can use our One-on-One Tutoring Request 24-25 to request this service
Become a tutor! Wolverine Tutor Survey 24-25.
SENIORS - State Seal of Civic Engagement Applications Now Open!
Are you a senior who has a demonstrated passion and knowledge about democracy?
Do you or have you participated in one or more civic engagement projects that address real problems?
If yes, you could qualify for the State Seal of Civic Engagement (SSCE). There are two parts to the application: The Student Application Form (Student Application Form) and the Student Reference Form (Student Reference Form).
Timeline: Applications due by March 21st,2025 Recipients notified in April 2025.
What is it?
All California students, particularly those from historically marginalized communities, will have early and frequent access throughout their PK-12 education to high-quality civic learning opportunities that enable students to learn about civic and political issues, discuss and deliberate issues while considering multiple viewpoints, and to take informed action to work with others to address real world problems. The State Seal of Civic Engagement recognizes young people who are already participating in and knowledgeable about our democracy.
PUSD is excited to share a wonderful internship opportunity for PUSD students with the Asian Pacific Coalition of San Diego (APAC SD). This internship will allow students to work alongside elected officials and community-based organizations this summer.
Participants will receive a $2,000 stipend upon completion of the internship. Please note that the application deadline is February 10, 2025. For more information, feel free to contact Natasha Wong, an APAC Board Member.
Luke Mun took 1st place on a marimba solo and Rashmi Cheliserry 2nd on a flute solo accompanied by Joanne Stohs.
Our principal cellist, Daniel (Kijoo) Song won the Rotary Club music competition!
Westview DECA SoCal Career Development Conference 2025 students with their pins/trophies from competition!
The Westview athletics calendar has tryout and competition dates.
Follow CIF-San Diego or visit 2024 CIF San Diego for all playoff details.
Spring Sport Tryouts & Meetings
Current Westview students are invited to participate in any sport preseason activities. See preseason opportunities here and get registered today! Athletes must be registered for preseason activities to participate. This is different than the school athletic clearance.
Boys Golf Preseason Meeting
2/6/25 at 6:00 in the Wolverine Center
We will discuss the upcoming season, tryout information and dates, and costs associated with the golf program. New players and parents, as well as returning players and parents, are encouraged to attend.
Please contact Coach Mash with any questions: dmashco@cox.net
Girls Lacrosse Tryouts
- Try out dates: February 10, February 11, & February 12, 2025
- Times: 5:45pm-7:45pm
- Bring: LAX stick, goggles, mouth guards, cleats, & water
- Location: Westview Stadium
Register for girls lacrosse preseason now!
Boys Lacrosse Tryouts
Register here!
Try out date: February 8th
Time: 8-12pm, arrive by 7:45am, with a lunch to follow
Location: Wolverine Stadium
Practice and game schedules will be posted to TeamSnap soon!
Questions: westviewboyslacrosse@gmail.com
Girls Beach Volleyball
Open Sand Sessions: Feb 10 - Feb 12 from 3:45 - 5:45pm/sundown
4th period off roll athletes are welcome to join as early as 3:30pm to play
Register here for open sand sessions. Athletes should be fully cleared with athletics to participate. You're invited to donate for open sand sessions here. Suggested donation is $20/session or $50/for all 3
Girls Beach Volleyball Tryouts
Date: February 24 - February 26
Time: after school - sunset
Location: Sand courts
The full schedule of play for our spring season is still pending. Currently Varsity and JV will compete mostly on Tuesday/Thursdays once league play starts in March. Athletes should expect to train 2-4 times per week including matches depending on team level and match schedule.
Boys Beach Volleyball Tryouts
Register here!
Location: Westview Gym
Thu 2/13/2025: 8:00 - 10:00 PM
Fri 2/14/2025: 7:00 - 9:30 PM
Sat 2/15/2025: TBD
Sat 2/22/2025: TBD
Mon 2/24/2025: TBD (if necessary)
Preseason: Register here!
Tryouts: Feb 15 from 8am-1pm at Varsity/JV softball fields
Baseball Tryouts
Feb 15 at 10am at the Varsity baseball fields
Track Preseason
Preseason: register here!
First practice: Saturday, February 8 at 9:00am at the stadium
Athletic PE Exemption Form
For 10th-12th grade students only. Complete this form once named to a team's roster, and turn it into Athletics dropbox by the deadline
- The spring deadline is March 11, 2025 - Badminton, Baseball, Golf (B), Gymnastics, Lacrosse (Boys, Girls), Sand Volleyball (G), Softball, Swim & Dive, Tennis (B), Track & Field, and Volleyball (B)
Visit the Westview Athletic Clearance webpage
Check your students’ status in their Home Campus registration
Coaches check your status in Home Campus registration
Head coaches are available by email with any questions you have
988 Resource Information
988 is available for someone going through a crisis OR anyone worried about someone else going through a crisis (family member, friend, etc).
More info can be found in the PTSA Newsletter. Follow the PTSA on Instagram @westviewptsa.
Become a PTSA member today!
Use promo code GIVEBACK when ordering at Mendocino Farms at 12873 El Camino Real on Monday, February 10 from 2 PM until closing, and 20% of your total will be donated to the PTSA!
Grad Nite Form
In order to complete your purchase, you must download the 2025 Grad Nite form found on our website and must return it by April 1, 2025, signed by both the student at a parent/legal guardian. Completed forms can be scanned and emailed to westviewgradnite@gmail.com or dropped off in the Westview front office. Failure to return the form in time may result in cancellation of purchase without a refund.
@stu.powayusd.com - Important information for students
Grad Nite tickets were automatically sent upon purchase to the student email address that was entered in the purchase form. Students must bring their ticket as well as a picture ID matching the full name on their ticket in order to board the bus for Grad Nite.
There are no email accounts associated with user IDs ending in @stu.powayusd.com which means the student cannot access their ticket or any additional important Grad Nite emails. If you entered your school user ID as your email, or if you otherwise have not received a Grad Nite ticket that you purchased, please email westviewgradnite@gmail.com from a valid student email address.
Get your Wolverine Discount Card and save money at local merchants while supporting PTSA programs like lunchtime open gym every Tuesday and Thursday, and has planned therapy dog visits, field days and monthly lunchtime activity game days for Westview students; as well as staff grants; Reflections art appreciation; hospitality support for Principal's Coffee; and much more!
Sports Physical Night May 2025!
Increasing access to sports is our priority. WAF is considering hosting a sports physical night in May 2025 at Westview to support 25/26 athletic clearance for athletes.
To make this happen, we are looking for 15+ generous doctors who can donate their time completing a sports physical for athletes. Doctors do not have to be associated with Westview. If interested, email president@wolverineathleticfoundation.org. Thank you for considering!
Calling Westview Alumni! Your Legacy, Their Future
Our alumni are an important connection to our past, present, and future. Take three quick actions today:
Add your alumni information to start receiving quarterly team & athletic updates
Join the Westview Alumni LinkedIn Group
Follow us at @wolverine_athletic_foundation
Didn't get the alumni email? Email us at alumni@wolverineathleticfoundation.org.
Your most used links!
ASB instagram
Wolverine Center Instagram
Student parking permits & work permits
Newscast (student broadcast)
Nexus (student newspaper)
Senior Class of 2025 Follow on Instagram
Junior Class of 2026 Follow on Instagram
Sophomore Class of 2027 Follow on Instagram
Freshman Class of 2028 Follow on Instagram