Hawks Happenings
Vol. 1, Issue 1 - Weekly Update
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!
Dear Hofius Family,
I am thrilled and honored to be the Hofius Intermediate Principal. I am a homegrown Klein ISD leader and alumni. I have proudly served as an intermediate teacher, specialist, assistant principal, and, most recently, as the Dean of Instruction at Klein Intermediate. I’m so proud to be serving this amazing school community.
As a compassionate and caring leader, I believe in keeping students at the center of our work. I have high expectations for student achievement and believe in providing excellent support, holding our staff and students accountable, and celebrating the growth of every student’s success. I am deeply committed to building strong relationships, and I believe in working together for the greater good of all of our school community. I’m excited to continue collaborating with you and our wonderful staff and build success upon our school’s strong foundation. Together, we’ll help our students reach their highest potential and be the absolute best school in our area.
I am grateful for your support as we work together to develop the promise in every student as they find their purpose.
Go Hawks!
Ally Zamora
Hofius Intermediate Principal
Hawks Happenings will be our campus newsletter. This newsletter has information about our upcoming events, campus news, recognizes our amazing students and staff and so much more! The newsletter will be emailed out to families and posted on our campus webpage.
Hofius Administration Team
Dr. Schoener
Mr. Collins
Mrs. Holt
Hofius Core Values
Hofius Cell Phone Policy
Contact Information: Grade Level Assistant Principal
Dress Code
- Student ID badges must be worn and visible at all times.
- Underclothing/ undergarments must not be visible at any time. (This includes spandex shorts).
- Ripped or frayed pants may not have holes that reveal skin above mid thigh.
- Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be mid thigh in length.
- No type of head covering is to be worn in the building except for religious or medical purposes. Examples of head coverings not allowed are head scarves, bandanas, hats, caps, hoodies.
- Students may not wear suggestive or inappropriately located decorative patches, insignia, or clothing with improper advertising, pictures, slogans, statements or drug references.
- Appropriate footwear is required and must be worn at all times while on school property.
- Any top that reveals undergarments or would be considered an undergarment itself cannot be worn alone.
- Any attire or accessory that is distracting will not be permitted on school property. The includes outfits that are too short, too revealing, low-cut, see-through, or backless. This also includes any item or accessory that is deemed inappropriate or distracting.
- Administration may make alterations to these guidelines based on incoming trends and communicate any changes to these guidelines to parents and guardians.
School ID Badge Expectations
Hofius 23-24 Bell Schedule
Attendance/ Tardies/ Early Dismissal
- Speak to your child about the importance of attendance and arriving to school on time everyday.
- Post the school calendar, and plan your vacations and appointments outside of school time.
- Regularly monitor your child's attendance through Klein ISD's Family Access (Skyward).
- Report absences to the school in a timely manner.
- Communicate with the campus regarding any attendance concern.
- Review with your child the Hofius Tardy Policy.
Our expectations is for our Hofius students to be in class on time and prepared and ready to learn! Students are tardy to class if they arrive to class after the tardy bell. Students are subject to disciplinary action for tardiness. If student arrives to class after 15 minutes, then the student is marked ABSENT and is subject to additional disciplinary action.
Disciplinary Consequences for Tardies (tardies reset every 3 weeks)
1st Tardy - Warning
2nd Tardy - Warning
3rd Tardy- Warning and parent phone call home.
4th Tardy - Before School Detention or 2 days lunch detention
5th Tardy- In School Suspension
Tardies will begin to count the week of August 21st.
Check-In/ Check-Out
Anytime a student arrives late to school, they must sign in at the attendance office and receive a pass before going to class. If a student needs early dismissal, we ask that the parent notifies the attendance secretary no later than 3:30. Student and parent must sign out at the attendance office prior to leaving school.
Please submit any transportation changes to the Grade Level AP Secretary by 3:30 pm.
Attendance Secretary Information
Ms. Rachel Twardowski
Child Nutrition
Intermediate Lunch: $2.75
Add money to your student's lunch account HERE
Student Arrival and Dismissal
Bus Riders
Do you know what bus your student will ride? Check HERE for bus information.
Car Riders
Lunch Deliveries
Lunch Drop-Off
Parents may drop off lunch for their child ONLY. Sharing of outside food is not allowed. Parents please make sure that you are aware of when your students lunch period is in order for your student to be able to pick up their lunch from the front office, and have enough time to eat during the lunch period. UberEats DoorDash, or any other food delivery service is not allowed.
A Lunch 11:29 - 11:56
B Lunch 12:00 - 12:27
C Lunch 12:31 - 12:59
Required Annual Enrollment
Nurses Corner
Incoming 7th grader??
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Hofius clinic.
Nurse: Mrs. Epps
Hofius Fall Open House
Thursday, Aug 17, 2023, 06:00 PM
Hofius Intermediate School, West Rayford Road, Klein, TX, USA
Fall Pictures
Wednesday, Aug 30, 2023, 09:00 AM
Hofius Intermediate School, West Rayford Road, Klein, TX, USA
First Day of School Wednesday, August 9th
School Hours are 9:00 am - 4:15 pm
The first couple of weeks of school tend to run a little behind on arrival and dismissal, please be patient with the bus drivers and staff as we ensure that all students safely enter and exit.
Hofius Intermediate School
Email: azamora1@kleinisd.net
Website: https://hofius.kleinisd.net/
Location: Hofius Intermediate School, West Rayford Road, Klein, TX, USA
Phone: 832-375-8800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HofiusKISD