Cambridge Newsletter
February 7, 2024

January 29, 2025
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Congratulations Cambridge!
Cambridge Reading Bowl
Cambridge HS Reading Bowl Team won first place in the Fulton County Schools Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl competition on Saturday, January 25, at Sandy Springs MS. They will advance to the Metro Regional competition at Clayton State University on Saturday, February 8. Team members are as pictured Coach Mrs. Morgan, Keshav Govindarajan, Aditya Kartik, Courtney Holiday, Zaeem Siddique, Serena Wang, Katelyn Rollins, and Emily Grizzard.
Cambridge Art Students
North Fulton High School Art Exhibit
Congratulations to the following students for winning awards in the Georgia Region of the scholastic art and writing awards. This is an INCREDIBLY competitive art exhibition, and it's very exciting for students to be accepted to this opportunity.
Gold Key (top awards, students with gold key will be exhibited at a Georgia region display and entered to earn national level awards and scholarships)
E. Tosco, the Preacher (Sculpture)
Silver Key
Neha Chimakurthy, Amma's Love (printmaking)
Nicole Chen, Imprisonment (drawing and illustration)
Erin Cook, Decay (painting)
Kendra McCoy, Look Away (Mixed media)
Honorable Mention
Kate Carrizal, Innocent Lens (painting)
Neha Chimakurthy, Asiatic Lily (fashion)
Nicole Chen, Serenic Play (drawing and illustration)
Kendra McCoy, Let Me Out (Painting)
In addition!
North Fulton High School Art Exhibition
Congratulations to the following ten students for being selected to exhibit at the North Fulton High School Art Exhibit at the Roswell Visual Arts Center. This exhibition features all Fulton County High Schools north of 285 and is an excellent example of the incredible work being made by our students!
- Join us for the awards reception this Saturday, January 25, from 12:00 until 3:00 pm.
- The exhibit can be viewed from January 25 through February 13, Tuesday through Friday, 10-4; on Tuesdays and Thursdays, viewing can go until 8 p.m.
- North Fulton High School Art Exhibition at Roswell Visual Art Center, 10495 Woodstock Road, Roswell, GA 30075.
Kate Carrizal, Junior
Annika Wehbe, Junior
Larissa Salvanha, Junior
Kendra McCoy, Senior
Santiago Gabas-Castjon, Sophomore
Abigayle Schmidt, Junior
Bella Salata, Senior
Cloris Yu, Junior
Nicole Chen, Senior
Ivy Frankiewicz, Senior
Important This Week
2025-2026 Student Registration Begins February 4
Course registration for returning students next year will begin on Tuesday, February 4. Students will receive their Course Verification Form during B2 on Tuesday. Completed forms are due back to Bridge West by 3:30 p.m. on February 7, 2025.
Step-by-step information, timelines, and instructions to guide your student through registration can be found at Course Selection and Resouces (2025-2026) and through the presentation attached below.
Students are advised to consult the Cambridge 2025-2026 Curriculum Guide to learn about their course selections for the upcoming academic year. Each student is responsible for thoroughly investigating and considering courses of interest. Additional resources, including required forms, will be available on our website beginning February 4.
Dual Enrollment Virtual Information Meeting
A Dual Enrollment Information Virtual Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 30, at 6:00, through Teams. Families interested in receiving information on the Dual Enrollment process are encouraged to attend. The session will be recorded and posted on our website at Academics>Dual Enrollment the next day for those who missed the event.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
6:00 pm
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 295 327 380 610
Passcode: Eh2eG7Pw
Dial in by phone
+1 470-705-1712,,792505088# United States, Atlanta
Phone conference ID: 792 505 088#
For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN
Note that the deadline for applying for dual enrollment is March 31 for summer and fall terms, with no exceptions. Students and parents are encouraged to review the local college links posted on our website and research the college where they want to pursue dual enrollment. In addition, students and families should contact the college directly regarding their admissions process.
Georgia Department of Education Perception Survey
We need your help completing the Georgia Department of Education Perception Survey for families and/or students. Thank you to the students and families who have already submitted their surveys! Our goal is to have a CCRPI School Climate rating between 90% and 95%.
Family Survey link: https://survey.gadoe.org/FM?sid=A79EF2EC
We still need to reach our required student participation numbers. Starting next month, we will need to pull students out of instruction to ensure they complete this mandated survey. Please ask your students to complete the Student Survey today.
Student Survey link: https://survey.gadoe.org/HS?sid=F940744D
Community Based Education Families
Transition Services is holding a Resource Fair to connect families with valuable resources to support the transition of our Community-Based Education students from school to adulthood.
February 18, 2025 - Riverwood International Charter School
February 19, 2025 - Benjamin Banneker High School
For more information and to register, download the flyers below.
Dual Enrollment Help Sessions for Students
To offer support to students applying for dual enrollment, help sessions will be offered on the following days during both lunch periods, outside the cafeteria:
Daily: Tuesday, February 4 through Friday, February 7
February 19
February 26
March 12
March 19
March 26
Students can also get help with course selection during this time for the first and second verification processes.
Peer Facilitation Program - Office Aides
Rising Seniors! If you are looking for a one or two semester course for next year, consider being part of the Peer Facilitation program and become an Office Aide! Office Aides assist the main office, counseling office, and media center during each period and complete a variety of tasks such as running passes, answering the phone/door, and giving new student tours. If you are interested in this course, complete the application and turn it into Mrs. Morgan in room 2447 by Friday, February 7. Space is limited, and students will be selected based on their application and the order in which these are received. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Morgan before school or during B2. Applications open February 4 and can be found under Course Selection and Resources.
Rising Juniors and seniors
Are you thinking of applying for the Work Based Learning Program for the fall? If you have 1-2 free spots in your schedule, have a job or plan to get one, this might be the program for you! For more information, visit Work-Based Learning. Applications open February 4 and can be found under Course Selection and Resources.
Class of 2025 Graduation
This is what we know right now:
- The Cambridge High School Class of 2025 will graduate at Ameris Bank Amphitheater on Monday, May 19, at 2:00 pm.
- The last day for Seniors is Friday, May 16.
- Cap and Gown distribution is set for March 27 during both lunches.
Additional venue information, the rehearsal date, ticket information, senior walks, and events will be sent out as soon as they are finalized through student announcements (Cambridge Headlines), the parent weekly newsletter, and posted to Students & Families > Seniors and Graduation. or through the feature on the front of our website: www.cambridgehs.org.
Honor Graduates for the Class of 2025
Notifications were sent today to Seniors/Senior parents who qualify as an Honor Graduate for the Class of 2025. Seniors with an overall numeric average of 88 (GPA, weighted, calculated through the first semester of the senior year) or higher are deemed Honor Graduates and qualify to purchase an honor cord to wear at Graduation. Please verify your Senior's GPA on their transcript in Infinite Campus.
Honor cords are designated as follows:
- Summa Cum Laude for a numeric average of 96 or higher,
- Magna Cum Laude for a numeric average of 92 or higher, or
- Cum Laude for a numeric average of 88 or higher.
Instructions on ordering qualified Honor Cords can be found in the notification sent to students and parents from Cambridge High School today (January 29, 2025) and at the link below. Honor Cords purchased by March 21, 2025, will be distributed with caps and gowns on March 27 during both lunches.
Please note that all orders will be verified, and non-qualified seniors cannot be refunded.
Student Activities and Information
Tickets are now on sale for $100 on GoFan. For more information Student Activities.
Required Documentation for DDS
Certain documents are required for students who plan to get a Learner's Permit or Driver's License, including your ADAP Certificate from Health and Proof of School Enrollment. These documents are now easier to obtain. For more information, visit Students & Families > Certificate of Enrollment and ADAP on our website.
Summer High School Internship
The Atlanta Botanical Garden is excited to share a brand-new volunteer opportunity for high school students in the Metro Atlanta area starting this summer! SPEAK (Students Promoting Environmental Awareness and Knowledge) volunteers will be trained to educate Garden visitors on combating climate change through sustainable gardening practices.
Additional information about the program, as well as links to the volunteer application, are available through the attached flyer, below. In addition, a virtual information session about the SPEAK program and the Garden’s Summer High School Internship program will be held on Monday, February 10 at 5:30 pm. To sign up for this information session please click here.
College and Scholarships
HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarships
GSAFF Application
Georgia Student Finance Commission, which handles HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarships, advises all seniors to complete the GSAFAPP application on gaFutures.org. Even if students complete the FAFSA, they are asked to complete the GSFAPP. To review HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship eligibility information, visit gaFutures/HOPE & State Aid Programs.
Selective Services Registration to Qualify
All males must register with Selective Services to qualify for the HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarship or a federal aid program. This requirement is Georgia law. For more information and to register, visit the Selective Service System.
SAT or ACT Scores
The Zell Miller Scholarship requires that a senior's SAT or ACT score appears on their gaFutures account. If it does not, instructions for uploading scores can be found at gaFutures/Student Document Upload.
Ask the Experts: AP Courses and College Admissions
Applerouth is sponsoring a webinar that will feature a panel of experts to provide insights on:
- College Admissions
- Academic Balance
- Exam Success
Tuesday, February 11
8:00 pm
Register at:
Event code: EVT83E98
For more information, see the flyer attached below.
Looking for Scholarships?
StudentScholarships.org has an extensive collection of scholarships and resources.
SAT and ACT Prep
Parent Resources
Thank you to all families that have joined PTSA to support our school. If you have not joined, please do so at PTSA Membership. If you have a Senior, please also pay the “PTSA Senior Celebration” dues of $60 per senior. These special “Senior Only” events/ Senior SWAG/ Senior T-shirts, etc. are 100% funded by senior families.