Week at a Glance
May 13 - May 17
We are sending out a Week at a Glance (WAAG) as a means to inform students and parents of the upcoming important events and announcements for the week. For general information, please visit our website by clicking the button below.
Congratulations to the seniors of the softball team. Great season to the entire team!
Thank you to Coach Hermosillo for over 40 years of coaching at Montgomery High School. We hope that you enjoy your retirement.
Greetings Aztecs!
We hope our Mothers had an amazing day and were celebrated as they deserved this past weekend.
This week begins our Senior events. We want to make sure our 12th graders finish strong, enjoy each moment, and reflect on what their time at Montgomery has meant. Keep leading by example through respect, responsibility and resilience.
As the year starts to wind down, underclassmen what are you going to do this summer and next school year to become more connected with school and our community! We are Aztecs!
Student Handbook
Next Two Weeks
Monday, May 13 - AP Tests: Calculus, Pre Calculus
Tuesday, May 14 - AP Tests: English Language and Composition, Grad Nite at Disneyland, 3:30pm CIF Baseball Game at Grossmont
Wednesday, May 15 - AP Tests: World History, Computer Science, Grad Nite at Disneyland, Senior Community Service Hours due to social science teachers
Thursday, May 16 - AP Tests: Spanish Language and Culture, Biology
Friday, May 17 - Early Release, College & Career Celebration at lunch, AP Tests: Physics 1/2, Cap and Gown Distribution at lunch
Saturday, May 18 - 6pm After School Program Dance Show
Monday, May 20 - 4pm SDSU Commuter Meeting in the original gym
Tuesday, May 21 - 5pm STAY Arts Festival in the quad
Wednesday, May 22 - College Gear Day, AP Make Up Testing, 6pm Senior Night Awards in new gym
Thursday, May 23 - AP Make Up Testing, 6pm Senior Sunset in the stadium
Friday, May 24 - No School
Every Week - College Support in the Library
Monday - Southwestern College
Tuesdays and Thursdays - WAHUPA
Wednesdays and Thursdays- Talent Search
Wednesdays - CalSoap Representative
Reminder of Off Campus Passes
Off Campus passes seem to be an issue lately regarding the emergency contact picking up a student. We must ensure we receive parent permission first before an off campus pass is given. If a parent has not contacted us first, then we contact parent before releasing to an emergency contact. Here is an image of the district policy:
Summer School registration is now open. Sign up through Infinite Campus and visit your counselor for assistance with course selection.
From the ASB
Link Crew
Montgomery is starting Link Crew. This leadership club is designed to support incoming freshmen. If you want to get involved in welcoming the newest Aztecs to The Mesa, please complete the application. The due date is May 28th.
CSF Food Drive
CSF will be hosting a food drive for the San Diego Food Bank from April 22 - May 17. Items packaged in glass containers and fresh fruits and vegetables are NOT permitted, but all other non-perishable food items are accepted in room 402.
Fundraisers to support school athletic teams and clubs
Thursday - after school - Grit to sell nachos in front of library
Yearbooks are on sale for $75. There are only 115 yearbooks left. Buy early as they sold out last year.
Join a Club
Click here for a slide deck about all the ways you can get connected at our school. It will give you QR codes so you can learn more about what we offer.
- Picture Day Order Form - If you took a picture during orientation, you can still order pictures. Bring the order form and money to the ASB.
From the Assistant Principals
As part of our commitment to adhering to our Aztec Values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience, MOH has implemented a non-privilege list effective 8/23/2023.
At this time, the non-privilege list includes students with the following:
- Attendance: 8 full day absences/48 single period absences
- Discipline: Any students suspended from school the first 6 weeks of school. Any new suspensions will be added to the list.
Any students on this list are prohibited from attending extra-curricular activities or school dances.
The list is reviewed weekly and emailed to students and parents each week. Students may clear ONE full day absence by attending Saturday School. The Saturday School schedule and sign up form are available on the WAAG. The WAAG can be found on our website and is emailed to all Aztecs through Jupiter every Sunday. Any students on the list for student discipline will be re-evaluated at the next grading period.
Aztec Values are the foundation of how we treat one another on campus. Assistant Principals visited classrooms the first two week of school to explain the expectations of all students at MOH. Always remember to be respectful, responsible and resilient to our Aztec Family.
Link to AP Presentations:
Semester 2 Aztec Values and Expectations Presentations
Semester 1 Aztec Values and Expectations Presentation
Contact Information for Assistant Principals
Eddie Ortega
Mabelle Glithero
Teresa Walkup
Valerie Ruiz: ASB & Athletics
Spring Season Sports
Boys Golf
Boys and Girls Swim & Dive
Boys and Girls Track & Field
Boys Tennis
Boys Volleyball
Girls Beach Volleyball
Girls Lacrosse
Athletic Clearance
- Register at Register My Athlete
- Complete physical form - physicals can be done with your primary doctor or at South Bay Urgent Care at 1628 Palm Avenue
- Print the THREE PAGE Athlete Profile and sign the last page with a pen. Both a parent/guardian and a student must have a wet signature.
- Submit to Coach Martin or the ASB
Senior Section
You must be off the non-privilege list to participate in any senior event.
Surveys to Complete
1. Please take a moment to complete the Districts Senior Survey
2. Seniors, please vote for Class of 2024 Teacher of the Year and Aztec of the Year. Due May 17. Click the link to complete the Google Form.
Announcements and Reminders
- Do not forget to read Jupiter Grades for Senior Updates.
- Community Service Hours are due May 15 to meet graduation requirements.
- Graduation will be June 4th at 3:30pm at our school. The district is enforcing the six person guest rule at all graduations and promotions in SUHSD. Please use this information to start planning for the special date.
- Yearbooks are for sale for $75. Buy early as they sold out last year. There are only 115 left.
- We are selling Grad Nite Tickets. As of May 10, there are 50 tickets left. You need to be off the non-privilege list. This includes attendance, suspensions, and debt. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Ruiz. Link to permission slip.
- Prom Tickets are $88. Link to permission slip.
- Remember to stay off the non-privilege list by adhering to the Senior Contract.
- Come see Ms. Ruiz in the ASB or go to the library to see if you are on the Debt List or need to make up tardies and/or absences.
Senior Update Email #2 - sent May 12
Senior Update Email #1 - sent May 1
Semester 2 Senior Presentation
Senior Expectation Presentation (Senior Specific Information starts on Slide 30)
AP Information
Advanced Placement Information
Class of 2025 Section
This section is dedicated to the Class of 2025. This will help you get a head start for your senior year.
- You can start making appointments for your Senior Portraits. You can make an appointment at mgportraits.com. The deadline to take your Senior Portraits is September 20th.
- Review Mrs. Ruiz's presentation.
- Take the survey so your class officers can start preparing for your senior year.
Counselor Corner
Financial Aid Applications
To support our Seniors in financing their educational goals after high school graduation, we will be encouraging ALL seniors to complete their financial aid application this Winter!!!! The FAFSA and CADAA applications open this month and we will be presenting in Senior classes and hosting financial aid workshops when we return from Winter Break in January. Please see the Scholarships/Financial Aid page on our counseling website for more information!!
While most of the available scholarships are geared towards Seniors, there are scholarships available for our Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior students as well! Scholarships are available for students planning to pursue a degree at all types of institutions (technical/trade school, community college, university, etc.) and there are scholarships every year that go unfulfilled – don’t miss out on free money for your education. Please see our MOH Scholarship Bulletin or visit our Scholarships/Financial Aid website for more information and start applying!!!
Supports for Wellbeing
We have many resources available through our Counseling Center to support students’ wellbeing, including individual counseling sessions, online resources, a community resource center for referrals, and a wellbeing room. Please contact your counselor if you are ever in need of support and we will guide you to the appropriate resources. If you or someone you are concerned about is at immediate risk, please contact a counselor or administrator directly during school hours, or, outside of school hours, please contact the suicide and crisis line at 988.
After School Program
If you need community service hours, #AztecsGiveBack will meet tomorrow, May 18th, from 8-12 PM. All the information is on our calendar (see the attachment).
The S.T.A.Y. Program has another community service opportunity for you!!!! If you want to help the Art Club prepare for the S.T.A.Y. Arts Festival May 21st, click the following link below and sign up today! Here is your chance to get creative and earn 10-plus hours! SPACE IS LIMITED!!!! forms.gle/5v6usmyAHciaAvWw7
Are you Interested in tennis, wrestling, basketball, or getting in shape? If so, consider joining one of our clubs and making new friends. Why go home right after school, when we have awesome clubs running after school for FREE?
Don't forget to check out this month's calendar!
Parent Center Information
Parent/Guardian Survey
Your input is invaluable! Help us tailor our services to meet your needs by filling out our survey. Your feedback shapes our future initiatives and ensures we're providing the best support possible for you and your children. Take a moment to share your thoughts and make a difference today. Thank you for being partners in our journey of continuous improvement.
Montgomery High is a Title I School. Title I is a federal program that provides extra funding to eligible schools to improve the academic achievement of students. All programs funded with Title I dollars must be used to enhance the school programs of the school. In order for schools to qualify for Title I, 35% or more of the students must be considered socioeconomically disadvantaged. The goals of a Title I Program include the following: increase student academic achievement, provide direct instructional support to students, develop professional development for teachers and to promote parent engagement and education. All Title I programs must be included in the school’s Site Plan for Student Achievement. This plan is developed and monitored by the School Site Council and English Language Advisory Committee. Please contact the Parent Center staff if you have any questions related to Title I.
Parent Center Staff
Carolina Betanco- Parent Center Resource Teacher
Email: Carolina.Betanco@sweetwtaerschools.org
Minerva Weinberger- Community Relations Facilitator
Email: Minerva.Weinberger@sweetwaterschools.org
Melissa Sanchez- Student Program Facilitator
COVID Update
February 9, 2024
Dear MOH Parent/Guardian,
Covid-19 Guidelines changed recently, and they were officially adopted by the district last week. Below are the main points, but please also review the complete SDCOE Covid-19 Decision Table for more comprehensive information.
With Symptoms: stay home when symptoms appear. May return to school when they are fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication AND other non-fever symptoms are mild and improving.
No symptoms: Remain at school unless symptoms develop. Then follow the symptomatic guidance above.
All students who test positive for COVID-19: Should wear a mask indoors through day 10 after their symptom onset or positive test date if asymptomatic. Students may remove their mask sooner than 10 days if they have two sequential negative tests at least one day apart. Should avoid contact for 10 days with individuals who are at higher risk for severe COVID-19.
Since the guidelines have changed and there is no longer a mandatory isolation period, MOH will no longer automatically clear student attendance for the days they are out ill. We will rely on the parent/guardian to call in to clear student absences daily, as we do with all other illnesses.
Though the guidelines have changed and are becoming more lenient, we still strongly urge you to keep your ill students home if they are experiencing symptoms such as a fever > 100.5 F, body aches and chills. If your student has other minor symptoms of Covid-19 such as a headache, sore throat, or runny nose we encourage you to get them tested immediately after symptoms start, and then again 2- 3 days later. MOH has Covid-19 tests to provide to student families in need.
Thank you,
Lani Kennedy MSN, RN
Credentialed School Nurse
Montgomery High School/Options Secondary School
Nondiscrimination Statement: The Sweetwater Union High School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived age, ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact Equity Compliance Officer, Dr. Vernon Moore at 1130 Fifth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, (619) 691-5564, vernon.moore@sweetwaterschools.org; Title IX Coordinator, Susan Park at 670 L Street, Suite G, Chula Vista, CA 91911, (619) 600-4900, compliance@sweetwaterschools.org; and Section 504 Coordinator Sonia Picos at 1130 Fifth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, (619) 691-5564, sonia.picos@sweetwaterschools.org
Declaración de no discriminación: El distrito Sweetwater Union High School District prohíbe la discriminación, la intimidación, el acoso (que incluye el acoso sexual), o la intimidación escolar (bullying) en función percibida o real de edad, ascendencia, color, discapacidad, género, identidad de género, expresión de género, estado migratorio, nacionalidad, raza, u origen étnico, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, de la persona; o por asociación con una persona o un grupo con una o más de dichas características percibidas o reales. En caso de preguntas o quejas, favor de comunicarse con el Dr. Vernon Moore, Director de Cumplimiento de Equidad en el 1130 Fifth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, teléfono (619) 691-5564, vernon.moore@sweetwaterschools.org; o con Susan Park, Coordinadora del Título IX en el 670 L Street, Suite G, Chula Vista, CA 91911, teléfono (619) 600-4900, compliance@sweetwaterschools.org; y con Sonia Picos, Coordinadora del Artículo 504 en el 1130 Fifth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, teléfono (619) 691-5564, sonia.picos@sweetwaterschools.org
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B2Wp7YpD5zkP06_Es8UYyHUvaMUxLKR3ebBFj2dirzc/edit?usp=sharing
Contact Us
Email: valerie.ruiz@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: https://moh.sweetwaterschools.org/
Location: 3250 Palm Avenue, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 628 - 3800